NSW 9029-1N – Campbelltown Online Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.
At this scale, 4cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 12.5km by 12.5km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Menangle Park Kentlyn Arunta Reserve Ardrossan Reserve Ambarvale Aaec Reservoir Mount Annan Angle Reserve Ambarvale High School Ambarvale Public School Akuna Reserve Airds Airds High School Adina Gully Adina Knoll Adina Pool Abaroo Creek Abaroo Gully Baden-Powell Reserve Badgally Public School Badgelly Badgelly Hill Baggary Gully Barden Bardens Creek Barren Battery Causeway Battery Knob Beethoven Reserve Beverley Park Orthopaedic Hospital School Beverley Park Public School Blairmount Blairmount Public School Blair Athol Bondel Gully Bondel Pool Bondel Ridge Bondel Rocks Boobera Pool Bow Bowing Bow Bowing Creek Bradbury Bradbury Park Bradbury Public School Brady Park Briar Road Public School Brindley Park Broula Gully Broula Pool Campbellfield Public School Campbellfields Campbelltown Campbelltown College of Technical and Further Education Campbelltown East Public School Campbelltown High School Campbelltown North Public School Campbelltown Post Office Campbelltown Railway Station Campbelltown Public School Campbelltown Showground Canally Reserve Carrington Circuit Reserve Claymore Claymore Public School Claymore Park Colong Reserve Complete Creek Complete Coronation Park Cransley Park Cronulla Reserve Currans Hill Davis Park Deadmans Creek Eagle Vale Eckersley Eckersley Ford Eckersley Point Eckersley Ridge Eddles Pool Elbow Pool Enmore Eschol Park Eschol Park Public School Fire Creek Fishers Ghost Creek Fishers Ghost Park Fitzpatrick Freres Crossing Friar Bird Pool Gilead Mount Gilead Giles Junction Girronba Creek Girronba Ridge Girronba Swamp Glen Alpine Glenlee Glenroy Park Greengate Reserve Gunners Cave Gunners Gully Gunners Pool Gunyah Creek Gurra Causeway Gurra Gully Harris Creek Harris Forest Heathcote Heathcote Creek Heathcote National Park Heathfield Public School Hurley Hurley Park Ingleburn High School Ingleburn Public School Ingleburn Reserve James Ruse Park John Warby Public School Kalibucca Creek Karong Gully Keanes Gully Kearns Kemira Kenny Kenny Hill Kentlyn Public School Campbelltown A Campbelltown B Campbelltown C Campbelltown D Town of Campbelltown Cransley Creek East Minto Lake Eckersley Friar Bird Forest Pool Girronba Vale Glenlee Railway Station Heathcote State Park Ingleburn Primary School Ingleburn River Reserve Kenny Hill Platform Kennys Hill Kingfisher Pool Kolora Lake K Wheatley Memorial Park Lake Woronora Leumeah Leumeah High School Leumeah Park Leumeah Public School Leumeah Railway Station Little Forest Long Point Lucas Heights Lynwood Park Lyretail Gully Macarthur Institute of Higher Education Macarthur Railway Station Mackel Landing Ground Macleay Reserve Mamre Park Manangle Manangle Creek Mount Mannell Manooka Reserve Marks Lookout Mary Brooksbank School Maryfields Platform Mawson Park Melinga Molong Creek Melinga Molong Gully Melinga Molong Ridge Menangle Creek Menangle Menangle Sugarloaf Merino Park Miara Gully Mill Creek Minda Gully Mount Minda Minda Pool Minda Ridge Minka Gully Minto Minto Heights Minto Public School Minto Railway Station Minto Showground Mirang Gully Mirang Pool Moorabinda Gully Moorabinda Creek Mooray Gully Mount Mooray Mooray Ridge Morella Karong Myrtle Creek Myuna Creek Mount Myuna Myuna Pool Nore Reserve Normandy Reserve Novice O Hares Creek Orana Park Origma Gully Passfield Park Public School Passfield Park Peppin Park Peter Meadows Creek Pheasants Creek Porcupine St Helens Park Punchbowl Creek Python Gully Quirk Reserve Raby Raymond Reserve Reactor Redfern Park Reiby School Riley Park Riverside Park Rixons Hill Rosemeadow Rosemeadow High School Ruse Ruse Public School Sackville Street Public School St Andrews St Andrews Public School St Peter Sarah Redfern High School Sarah Redfern Playing Field Sarah Redfern Public School Sarahs Gully Sarahs Knob Sarahs Nob Scout Creek Scouters Mountain Scout Gully Scrivin Reserve Sebastopol Smeaton Grange Smiths Creek Soiland Reserve Spion Kop Spring Creek Sugarloaf Surgeon Park Tarmaroo Pool Tarmaroo Ridge Tarmaroo Rill The Grange Public School The Woolwash Thomas Acres Public School Townson Park Trailers Lake Tucker Creek Valley Reserve Varroville Wallaby Gully Wallaby Ridge Waminda Oval Waminda Reserve Wappa Creek Waratah Rivulet Warbys Creek Warbys Gully Watchorn Hill Wheatley Memorial Park Wheatley Park Wholohan Creek Wild Cat Ridge Williams Creek Woodbine Woodland Road Public School Woronora Woronora Dam Woronora Gap Woronora Range Woronora Ridge Woronora River Woronora Tower Woronora Weir Worrell Park Yabba Pool Yarrawarrah Heights Yarrawarrah Ridge Dimeny Park Dingo Cave Dingo Creek Bunburry Curran Community Park Bunbury Curran Creek Bunbury Curran Park Duguid Oval Bungonie Rill Burns Reserve Bow Bowing Reserve Campbelltown Jaycee Park Georges River Nature Reserve Jackson Park Jaycee Park Kevin Wheatley Memorial Park Rosemeadow Public School Highfield Park Kayess Park Koshigaya Park Hallinan Park Haydon Park Heathfield Park Jack Donohoe Park Jasper Hansen Park Jemima Jenkins Reserve Jonathan Brooker Reserve John Rider Reserve Kanbyugal Reserve Kenny Reserve Lack Reserve Manaleuka Park Mandurama Reserve Mary Doherty Park Mary Wade Park Mitcherson Reserve Ambarvale Sports Complex Bendall Reserve Biehler Reserve Blain Park Burrendah Reserve Byrne Reserve C C Murray Park Centenary Park Clark Reserve Deane Park Dorchester Park Eagle Creek Reserve Eagle Farm Reserve Eschol Park Sports Complex Etchell Reserve Fieldhouse Park Figtree Park Flying Pieman Park Flynn Reserve Fred Sheather Park Hagan Reserve Mumu Reserve Noorumba Reserve Patrick Newman Park Payten Reserve Peace Park Piggott Park Pioneer Park Prentice Park Raby Sports Complex Reid Murray Reserve Rixon Hill Reserve Rizal Park Rosemeadow Sports Complex Ruse-Satsukina Park Saggart Field St Andrews Park St Elmo Park St Johns Park Scattergood Park Sherack Park Shiel Park Smiths Creek Reserve Soldiers Settlement Park Stan Thomson Park Steele Reserve Thomas Acres Reserve Thomas Burke Reserve Thomas Clarkson Reserve Vale Brook Reserve Victoria Park William Fowler Reserve Wills Reserve Mount Annan Botanic Garden Thomas Reddall High School Campbelltown Sportsground Marsden Park Kearns Public School E.R. Jones Reserve Ernest Walsh Reserve Apex Park Digger Black Reserve Bon Wrightson Reserve St Helens Park Public School Dorchester School John Kidd Reserve Harvey Brown Reserve Kia Reserve Lorraine Cibilic Reserve Firth Green Leumeah Creek Howe Rivulet Kenny Creek Thornleigh Gully Byram Reserve Thompson Creek Birunji Creek Macquarie Creek Biriwiri Creek Mcbarron Creek Mansfield Creek Redfern Creek Annan Creek Englorie Park Gandangara Nature Reserve Lake Currans Mary Brookes Park Bicentenary Reserve Jim Merry Reserve Eggleton Reserve Barber Reserve Robinson Park Keith Longhurst Reserve Lake Yandel ora Yandel ora Reserve Ben Bowing Creek Bunburry Ingleburn Oran Park Bowl Creek Yandelora Reserve Lake Yandelora Maryfields Rudds Gate Campbelltown Municipality Eastern Punchbowl Creek Glenlee Station Campbelltown South OHares Creek Menangle Park Station North Menangle Pheasant Creek
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