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NSW 8727-3N – Canberra For Cheap


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This Topographic Map is produced by the New South Wales Government.
This map is supplied in digital in PDF format, which means it can be printed at home or sent to a professional printer for a 100% scale reproduction.

At this scale, 4cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately about 12.5km by 12.5km, with a contour interval of 10m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Locations within this Map

Canberra Queanbeyan Beaver Park Crestwood Karabar High School Ernie Beaver Park Mauger Sportsground Moore Park Queanbeyan West Public School Queanbeyan South Public School Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Post Office Queanbeyan Public School Queanbeyan Railway Station Ray Morton Park Ross Park Donoghoe Sportsground Queanbeyan Nature Reserve Dodsworth Garryowen Hincksman Morrissett Taylor Park Seiffert Oval Bald Hill Reserve Freebody Park Queanbeyan Park Severne N.T. Bossley Glory Queanbeyan West Queanbeyan East Acacia Inlet Acton Acton Peninsula Ainslie Mount Anzac Park Arabanoo Park Aranda Aranda Bushland Arawang Aspen Island Ataturk Memorial Garden Attunga Point Avonley Barton Beard Betsy Gallagher Park Bibaringa Bill Kennedy Memorial Park Bill Pye Park Black Creek Black Mountain Black Mountain Peninsula Black Mountain Reserve Blue Gum Point Boat Harbour Bonshaw Bowen Park Braddon Bulgar Creek Bulgar Hill Burley Griffin Lake Cabarita Callum Brae Calvert Park Campbell Campbell Reservior Canberra Airport Canberra Central Canberra City Area Boundary Capital Hill Captain Cook Park Caravan Park Causeway Central Basin Chapman Cherryburn Chifley City City Hill Clarrie Hermes Park Collins Park Commonwealth Park Cook Cooleman Cooleman Farm Cooleman Hill Cooleman Ridge Coppins Creek Coppins Crossing Cork Oak Plantation Cork Plantation Corroboree Park Curtin Davidson Hill Deakin Deakin Anticline Deep Creek Dickson Doughboy Creek Dove Cottage Duffy Dundee Duntroon Woolshed Eddison Park Errol Kavanagh Memorial Oval Fairbairn Pine Forest Fairbairn Pine Plantation Ferry Terminal Fibaquaria Field Firing RangeLic Fisher Forrest Forrest Hill Fyshwick Gallipoli Reach Garran Gazetted Park George Cross Park Gillespie Park Gladefield Glebe Park Glenloch Gloucester Golf Course Goldenholm Goldenholm Dairy Gooromon Ponds Creek Green Hills Pine Forest Green Hills Pine Plantation Grevillea Park Griffith Haig Park High Court Jetty Hill View Hillview Holdens Creek Holder Hughes Isaacs Isaacs Ridge Jandura Park Janzs Park Jerrabomberra Jerrabomberra Creek Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve Kallenia Kallenia River Kallenia Rivers Keith Tournier Enclosed Oval Kerrabee Kings Park Kingston Kurrajong Point Lake Burley Griffin Lakeside Hill Lands End Latin American Plaza Latrobe Park Legacy Park Lennox Gardens Long Gully Pine Forest Long Gully Pine Plantation Lotus Bay Lyons Macquarie Mahon Hill Majura Majura Field Firing Range Malcolm Vale Manuka Park Mawson Milapuru Molonglo Molonglo Gorge Recreation Reserve Molonglo Reach Molonglo River Molonglo River Corridor Mount Mugga Mugga Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mount Stromlo Mount Taylor Mounts Ainslie Majura Mount Ainslie Mount Arawang Mugga Mugga Nara Canberra Park Narrabundah Narrabundah Hall Park Narrabundah Hill National Botanic Gardens National Library Jetty Nature Park Navigators Park Nerang Pool New Station Creek Norgrove Park North Canberra Northbourne Oval Nursery Bay O Connor O Malley Oakey Hill Oakey Hill Reservoir Oaks Estate Oakvale Orana Bay Parkes Peace Park Stromlo Forest Stromlo Pine Forest Stromlo Pine Plantation Sullivans Creek Sunnyside Sunnyside Cottage Sylvia Curley Bridge Symonston Tarcoola Reach Taylor Telopea Park The Oaks The Pinnacle Torrens Turner Tyagarah Park Veterans Park Victoria Cross Park Voyager Park Waramanga Warrina Inlet Weetangera Weona West Basin West Lake Weston Weston Creek Weston Park Willem Janszoon Commemorative Park Woden Town Park Woden Valley Woolshed Creek Yarralumla Yarralumla Bay Yarralumla Creek Yarralumla Hill Yarralumla Woolshed Yarramundi Reach York Park Pearce Phillip Philmanda Park Pialligo Piney Creek Pinnacle The Quartz Hill Queanbeyan River Queen Anne Park Red Hill Reedy Creek Reef Hill Regatta Point Regatta Point Jetty Reid Reid Park Remembrance Nature Park Rivett Rocky Knob Park Rosalie Gascoigne Park Royal Canberra Golf Course RSL Park Rugby League Park Rugby Park Russell Scrivener Dam Scrivener Hill South Canberra Spinnaker Island Spinnnaker Island Spring Valley Spring Valley Farm Springbank Island Springfield Stirling Stirling Park Stirling Ridge Weetangerra Lyneham Duntroon Mount Yarrowlumla Western Creek Honeysuckle Harman Letchworth


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