GA 2528 – Manypeaks Special Fashion
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
10 Mile Swamp 7 Mile Swamp Alaska Amaroo Angove Lake Angove River Arpenteur Reserve Bald Head Bald Island Bald Island Nature Reserve Beckon Belches Foul Ground Ben Dearg Beach Bettys Beach Bird Rock Black Cat Creek Black Rock Bluff Creek Bluff River Book Book Boolarong Boulder Hill Bradstock Hills Breaksea Island Breaksea Island Lighthouse Breaksea Island Nature Reserve Bridstowe Bundarlee Bundilla Canberra West Canowie Downs Cape Vancouver Chelgiup Creek Channel Point Chillinup Nature Reserve Cheyne Beach Cheyne Downs Cheyne Road Nature Reserve Cheynes Coffin Island Collingwood Coolangatta Coomunga West Coopers Crossing Deneryl Dry Brook East Shoal Emu Bend False Island Galil Gardner Lake Goodga River Googlegong Granite Hill Green Range Green Range Country Club Greenacres Gull Rock Beach Gull Rock Lake Hassell Hassell Beach Hassell National Park Herald Point Herald Rocks Hunton Inner Island Islet Point Jakkawilla Jarra Leah Jarrahvale Jedavyn Kalgan Kalgan Downs Kallumup Kareelah Karralea Keelocking South Keringal King Creek Kinnabulla Kojaneerup Bin Kojaneerup South Korup Swamp Kulyallin Kuranda Kuringai Kyewong Lake Corimup Lake Pleasant View Lake Pleasant View Nature Reserve Ledge Point Liscombe Lookout Point Manypeaks Mccrea Creek Mermaid Point Merrivale Michaelmas Island Michaelmas Island Nature Reserve Michaelmas Reef Middle Channel Middle Rock Milparinga Mindijup Moates Lake Moorialup Creek Mount Gardner Mount Manypeaks Mount Manypeaks Nature Reserve Mount Manypeaks Primary School Mount Mason North Mount Mason South Mount Pleasant Rock Mount Richard Mount Taylor Mullarup Creek Mullocullop Creek Mullocullop Nature Reserve Nanarup Nanarup Beach Nanarup Boat Harbour Newlands No. 1 Swamp Noorubup Creek Noorubup Pool Normans Beach North Channel North Point North Sister North Sister Nature Reserve Palmdale Pannoo Panorama Pleasant View Point Gardner Ranch Montana Reservoir Hill Rock Dunder Rocky Point Severn Hills Skye South Channel South Point South Sister South Sister Nature Reserve South Stirling South Stirling Nature Reserve South Stirling Primary School Springwell Stirling View Stony Creek Sunday Swamp Sunnyside Swallow Dale Swan Lake Swanlake Takalarup Takalarup Creek Takenup Takenup Creek Tamar Tamaru Tara Tarnup Taworri Taylor Inlet Tharwa The Homestead Tinkelelup Nature Reserve Triple View Tullibardine Twin Islands Two Peoples Bay Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve Walford Wandana Wandgee Warburton Lake Warburton Spring Warrangee Warrawing Warriup Waychinicup River West Mount Mason Nature Reserve West Shoal White Lake Wilangi Windrush Windrush Farm Wongerup Creek Woodlands Yaraandoo Tinkelup Creek Tinkelelup Creek Mollocullop Creek Mollocullup Creek Lake Corinup Ten Mile Swamp Napier Creek Napier Mount Many Peaks Mount Manypeak Tantara Lake Twin Islets Two People Bay Moates Lagoon Mount Mason Caffin Island Gaffin Island North Passage Middle Passage South Passage Limestone Head Flinders Peninsula