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GA 2431 – Dumbleyung Supply


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Dumbleyung Adam Rock Alton Park Ballaging Rock Ballaying Ballyon Soak Banderding Rockhole Bare Rock Behn Ord Bibiking Bibiking Rock Blechynden Soak Boanning Nature Reserve Boanning Well Bockaring Waterhole Bon View Boolanalling Gully Brookville Buchanan Nature Reserve Bullock Hills Bunkun Cancanning Candle Light Soak Candlelight Carrimurren Cartmeticup Caufield Clayhole Soak Clifton Hill Coblinine Flat Coblinine Nature Reserve Collanilling Collanilling Rocks Collanilling Water Concaring Nature Reserve Concaring Spring Conical Rock Cooarring Pool Coomelberrup Lake Coomelberrup Nature Reserve Coomelberrup Rock Cooran Hill Cronin Nature Reserve Datatine Datatine Gully Dickson Rocks Dingo Dell Dixons Hill Dongolocking Dongolocking Creek Dongolocking Nature Reserve Dongolocking Spring Doradine Dam Doradine Gully Doradine Spring Dumbleyung District High School Dumbleyung Lake Dumbleyung Lake Nature Reserve Dumbleyung Primary School Dunroven Dwelyerdine Well Dyson Clayhole Dysons Rock East Collanilling Nature Reserve Ellendale Emoh Rou Emoh Ruo Fernridge Flemington Glen Robin Glencoe Glenrowan Glenshee Gnarkaryelling Nature Reserve Gnarkaryelling Waterhole Golden Valley Grassdale Gunbower Hayes Gully Hillside Horsebone Soak Hurdle Creek Hurdle Creek Nature Reserve Hylands Kasnabblin Rock Kukerin Gully Lake View Golf Club Lefroy River Linden Wood Lipseig Gully Longview Lynville Macaulay Soak Mallee Plain Nature Reserve Meinmuggin Meinmuggin Gully Moojebing Creek Moulyinning Moulyinning Dam Mount Deception Mount Pleasant Nature Reserve Muggerugging Rock Mulerknuning Mulgeruring Waterhole Mullangulling Mundalla Nairibin Nairibin Rock Nairibin Well Neebannon Gully Neurklegin Gully Neurklegin Spring Nippering Nippering Waterhole Nomans Lake North Moulyinning Nunagin Nunagin Spring Pamford Paperbark Soak Pingarning Hills Pingarning Rockhole Rock Gully Schultz Hill Slake Well South Datatine Stanley Hill Stockdale Sunnyside Tamacurring Rock Tank No. 5 The Tubs Tincurrin Nature Reserve Tincurring Creek Tincurring Swamp Vagg Nature Reserve Ward Hill Warrenella Wash Pool Gully Wembley Wheatfield White Water Pool Whitecroft Whyandra Wickebin Nature Reserve Wickebin Rock Windside Wishbone Wishbone Pool Woolkabin Woolkabin Gully Woolkabunning Well Yackrikine Nature Reserve Yackrikine Range Yallambee Yallembee Yarlin Gully Yaudling Waterhole Yodgabin Nature Reserve Yodgabin Rock Yodgabin Spring Yulakin Gully Yulakin Pool Wikebin Rock Yockrikine Range Candle Light Siding Dumbleyung Shire Coblinine River Flats Netherwood Dorradin Gully


Paper, Laminated