GA 2430 – Katanning Hot on Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Katanning Broomehill Addison Albeena Alistine Appila Archer Hill Ardmohr Arnecliff Woods Ascot Vale Austinlea Aylesbury Badgebup Badgebup Well Barrabarrup Beambine Park Beejenup Beelbalup Well Bejenup Bellakin Hill Bellevue Hill Belmont Belvoir Birkby Birnam Wood Bloomfield Boilyup Bonniedoon Borung Braeburn Braeside Primary School Brambre Brayton Briarleigh Broadway Brookdale Broomehill East Broomehill Golf Club Broomehill Nature Reserve Broomehill Primary School Broomehill Village Buelah Bullocky Stones Byllu Capemont Carallen Carawatha Carramar Cartmeticup Well Chelsea Chesterfield Chalk Well Chilbolton Chillicup Chillicup Hills Christmas Farm Clarevale Clear Hills Clear Valley Clifden Clifton Clifton Grange Cliftonvale Coblinine Coblinine River Flats Colby Condamine Condeena Coolingah Aboriginal Pre-School Coompatine Coompatine Well Corackin Swamp Corn Hill Corridine Corrielynne Coyrecup Coyrecup Lake Coyrecup Nature Reserve Craigmore Creekside Crew Pine Cwmavon Danby Daping Brook Datatine Gulls Dawlesford Deep Well Denton Park Devon Lea Devonports Dunbar Dunelm Dunsinane Dyliabing Elands Fontein Ellensfield Emanbee Erodosi Etakup Ettakup Ettakup Gully Ettakup Pool Eugenup Eureka Ewlyamartup Ewlyamartup Agricultural Area Ewlyamartup Creek Fairfield Fairfield Microwave Repeater Station Fairview Falkirk Fermoy Fifield Fineview Flaherty Soak Fletchers Floradale Forrest Hill Golf Club Four Winds Gandergobbler Garden Valley Ghirrawheen Gidgelbarrup Gidjelbarup Tank Glen Almond Glenalbyn Glencoe Glendor Glenelg Glenercott Glenfern Glengarry Glenlea Glenroy Gnalabup Well Gnowangerup Gnowyillup Gnuburning Soak Gracefield Granite Lagoon Grasmere Greenacres Greenhills Greystone Grinds Gum Flats Harrock Farm Hazelvale Herons Rock Hill View Hillcrest Hillside Hoffmans Hill Holmhurst Hope Farm Hounsome Illareen Jam Creek Jam Hills Jerry Pool Johns Well Johns Well Nature Reserve Kailagup Swamp Kalagan Kalaitha Kapunda Karawine Katanning Aerodrome Katanning Agricultural Area Katanning Baptist Church Katanning Country Club Katanning Primary School Katanning Senior High School Kelly Dam Kelvin Grove Kerangvale Kia-Ora Kibbleup Kojonup Kokodarrup Bore Kokodarrup Rock Koobelup Kooringa Koraminup Pool Kulki Kwinana Kwobrup Kwobrup Hill Kwobrup Nature Reserve Kwobrup Soak Kwobrup Swamp Lake Ewlyamartup Langaweira Langwell La-Vie-Ville Lazy G Lifflie Creek Lindon Loma Langi Lone Pine Long Pool Long View Low Lands Lowlands Lynwood Malladup Mandora Mantonvale Maota Martinup Martinup Creek Martinup Estate Martinup Spring Mean Mahn Medena Medlo Meerabin Waterhole Meljonda Melyeidge Well Meripin Hall Merribin Mindora Minerup Lake Minlaton Minnawarra Minylup Monalta Mongining Hill Monte Bellos Moojebing Moojebing House Moojebing Nature Reserve Moojebup Spring Moojepin Mootwingie Morialta Morley Farm Morrell Glen Mortdale Mossvale Moulyerup Mullangar Mullidup Brook Mullidup Spring Murdong Murdong Farm Murdong Pools Myalong Nardlah Narrabri Nettley Newlands Ngawande Nigalup Spring Ningedup Spring Nowra Nymerup Pool Oakbank Oxonia Pallinup Pallinup Estate Pallomar Paperbark Pool Passchendale Peringillup Peringillup Nature Reserve Peringillup Well Perlungup Swamp Pine Farm Pine Hill Pinwernying Pinwernying Dam Pinwernying Soak Poonawariup Pool Poonawarriup Privett Quabbin Quartermaine Oval Raffa Ranford Grange Red Hill Ridgee Rinadena Ringley Fold Risley Riverside Rock View Rocklyn View Rockvale Rolling Acres Rose Hill Rosedale Rosevale Rosslyn Roundwood Salt Well Sand Spring Well Silver Hayes South Glencoe Spring Grove Springfield Park Stanmore Strathearn Suire Valley Sunnyside Tabenup Tabenup Well Tammar Grove Tank No. 25 Tank No. 4 Te Widy Telyarup Telyarup Spring The Grange The Grove The Morrell The Oaks The Reste Three Wells Tinganup Trekenner Two Wells Twolganup Brook Twonkwillingup Pool Walkenup Pool Wallinar Warnaminup Warralee Wash Pool Wayville Wearup Brook Wearup Waterhole Wellbanks Wellesbourne Wellwood Wensley Dale Werinda Downs Wernup West View Westbank Westlands Westwood Farm Whataning White Hole Whiteworth Willemmenup Gully Willemmenup Well Wolyaming Wolyamup Hill Woodarabup Well Woodyarrup Woorgabup Hill Woorgabup Nature Reserve Woorgabup Well Wyarin Yairabin Yairabin Well Yairdnlungup Well Yannagobberly Yarrabin Yate Pool Yealing Yellanup Well Yellwarrie Downs Yelup Waterhole Yowangup Yowangup Spring Corackine Swamp Badjebup Ewlyamartup Lake
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