GA 2429 – Tambellup Online now
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Cranbrook Tambellup Kendenup Allambee Anderson Lake Anderson Lake Nature Reserve Angelsey Baby Barnett Hill Balicup Lake Balicup Lake Nature Reserve Ballochmyle Balowen Barnett Peak Barracup Beejenup Nature Reserve Bellavista Blue Hills Blue Range Bobalong Bon Vista Boorokup Lakes Bungalup Camballup Camel Lake Carinya Park Carramup Spring Cheepanup Lake Chudleigh Cliff Gully Clifton Hill Cloverbank Cooinda Craiglee Cranbrook Golf Club Cranbrook Primary School Dartnall Donnelly Peak Duck Swamp Dulverton Eeleeana Eltekon Geriberiwelup Swamp Glanville Glengarry Glenora Gnamagun Grafton Greenwood Farm Hamilla Hill Henton Peak Hills Tank Holme Park Horse Shoe Lake Hostellers Hills Hume Peak Illalone Jaffa Jebarjup Nature Reserve Jebarjup Swan Lake Kendale Kendenup Country Club Kendenup Primary School Keswick Killmore Kylobunup Pool Kyramup Kyramup Creek Lake Banks Estate Lake Matilda Lake Meenulup Lake Toolbrunup Larnook Lassagowrie Lenham Little Mondurup Peak Loch Ellen Loch Ellen Tooguruup Lyndhurst Madjenapurdap Lagoons Magpie Hill Maraglen Marley Downs Marlo Martagallup Lake Martagallup Swamp Matilda Downs Merrie Shields Middle Spring Milyunup Lake Mondurup Peak Mooliap Pool Moonies Hill Moonigurrup Mortigallup Mosgiel Mount Gog Mount Magog Munrillup Lake Myora Narlee No. 10 Tank Nymbup Well Orchid Nature Reserve Peinellup Creek Peringa Park Petone Pinjalup Plantagenet Pootenup Pootenup Nature Reserve Pynup Pynup Spring Racecourse Lake Rafinlay Red Gum Hill Red Gum Pass Red Gum Spring Red Gums Ribbleton Rockwell Ronola Rosedale Ross Peak Rothesay Round Swamp Salt Lake Nature Reserve Sevarg Downs Shelderton Slate Quarry Creek Solomons Well Spring Creek Spring Hill Stirling Plains Stirling Range National Park Stirling View Sukey Hill Sundale Talyuberlup Peak Tambellelup Tambellelup Spring Tambellup Golf Club Tambellup Primary School Tambellup Spring Tambo Parkland Taripta Tassajara Tenterden Tenterden Agricultural Area Tenterden Nature Reserve The Abbey Three Swamps Nature Reserve Tingarup Swamp Tom South Lake Tom South Pool Toolbrunup Toolyelup Peak Trimmers Soak Twin Hills Twolganup Waterhole Wadjekanup River Waikelongup Flat Wansbrough Wansbrough Nature Reserve Wareenip Lakes Watergarrup Pool Westholme Willemmenup Gully Wongalillup Yansmeade Yenmore Yetemerup Spring Yongerup Kent Shire Toolbrunup Lake Barracup Lake Boorokup Lake Swan Lake Donelly Peak Peak Donelly Peak Barnett Redgum Pass Peak Henton Stirling Range State Quarry Creek Monderup Peak Mondurup Talyuberlup Mortigallup Lake Martagallup Mollyallup Lake Mollyalup Lake Young River Vale of Kalgan
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