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GA 2427 – Albany Online Sale


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Albany Little Grove 5 Mile Creek 7 Mile Creek Abernyte Albany Baptist Church Albany Community School Albany Golf Club Albany Golf Course Albany Primary School Albany Senior High School Alison Hartman Gardens Alongshore Point Anzac Peace Park Ataturk Entrance Balston Gardens Barker Bay Bethel Christian School Big Grove Binaburra Black Head Bluff Rock Burmup Bornholm Bornholm Reefs Bramble Point Bramble Rock Burville Bushy Sand Peak Cable Beach Cave Point Cave Shoal Centennial Oval Centennial Park Cheyne Head Cheyne Ledge Christian Family Church Cliff Head Collingwood Park Coolangarras Barmah Aboriginal Pre-Schoo Cosy Corner Cosy Corner Beach Cull Park Currinup Cuthbert Dingo Beach Dog Rock Dunsky Beach Eclipse Island Eclipse Island Lighthouse Eden Valley Elleker Ellen Cove Emu Point Eyre Gardens Family Rocks Flat Rock Flinders Peninsula Forsyth Bluff Foundation Park Frenchman Bay Geake Point Gill Park Gio Batta Patch Gledhow Gledhow Nature Reserve Goode Beach Grasmere Grasmere Hill Grassmere Green Islands Grove Hill Grove Park Golf Links Guarinup Gull Rock Gunnars Farm Hanging Rock Hanover Bay Hortins Isthmus Bay Isthmus Hill Jimmy Newells Harbour John Calvin School King George Sound King Point Kronkup Lake Powell Lake Powell Nature Reserve Lake Seppings Lake Vancouver Lake William Ledge Bay Limeburner Point Limekilns Point Limestone Head Little Grove Primary School Lockyer Lockyer Bay Lockyer Shoal Lookout Rocks Lowlands Lowlands Beach Major Lockyer Park Marbelup Brook Martiup Maudes Reef Melville Melville Park Melville Point Middleton Bay Middleton Beach Middleton Beach Golf Course Migo Island Mills Park Mira Mar Misery Beach Mistaken Island Mistaken Island Nature Reserve Mount Adelaide Irrerup Mount Clarence Mount Clarence Corndarup Mount Elphinstone Mount Lockyer Primary School Mount Martin Mount Melville Munster Hill Mutton Bird Natural Bridge Nesbitt Gardens North Rock Northwest Rock Notch Weir Orana Pagoda Point Passage Reefs Peak Head Perkins Beach Pine Cottage Point Frederick Port Albany Port Harding Port Hughes Possession Point Princess Royal Harbour Quarantine Hill Quokerlip Hill Richards Island Robinson Rushy Point Salmon Pools Sand Patch Peak Sandpatch Seagull Island Seal Island Seal Island Nature Reserve Semaphore Point Seppings Sharp Point Shelley Beach Shelter Island Shelter Island Nature Reserve Shoal Bay Skippy Beacon Snake Hill South Downs South Spit Southwest Island Spencer Park Education Support Spencer Park Primary School Spit Head Split Rock St Josephs College Stonehouse Farm Stony Hill Stony Island Strawberry Hill Stuarts Head Tennessee The Gap Torbay Torbay Agricultural Area Torbay Head Torbay Hill Torbay Inlet Torndirrup Torndirrup National Park Two Sisters Unndiup Creek Vancouver Beach Vancouver Peninsula Vancouver Point Vancouver Rock Vancouver Spring Vancouvers Watering Place Waterbay Point Weerlara Lake Werillup Hill West Cape Howe Whale Head Rock Whalers Beach Whaling Station Wilgie Hill Willowup Wooding Point Woodside Yakamia Yakamia Primary School Youngs Siding Torbay Junction Youngs Seven Mile Creek Mount Adelaide Werillup Grassmere Hill Earker Bay Hortons Geak Point Whaling Cove Frenchmans Bay Torbay Bay Niggerhead Rock Shelly Beach Green Island Vancouver Ledge North West Rock South West Island Maude Reef Maud Reef Mauds Reef