GA 2330 – Kojonup For Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Kojonup Woodanilling 6 Mile Pool Adavale Al Marita Allamosca Angenup Arthur River Country Club Ashton Park Athlone Avondale Bacchus Creek Balanundurup Balgarran Waterhole Balgarup Balgarup Bridge Barrule Beauflat Beaufort Beaufort Bridge Beaufort Bridge Nature Reserve Beaufort River Beaufort River Flats Beckwith Bellevue Bellware Belmont Beverley Hills Billielight Swamp Bintamilling Pool Birdwood Birdwood Nature Reserve Black Rock Boilup Boilup Pool Boolarong Boscabel Bown Farm Boyamine Creek Boyamine Spring Boyaminning Braeside Brocklesby Brooklands Brooklyn Broome Farm Broomehill West Burlands Burmuda Bushy Swamp Byenup Hill Canberra Carlecatup Carlecatup Creek Carlecatup Pool Carrolup Carrolup Hall Carrolup Nature Reserve Carrolup Pool Carrolup Pool North Carrolup River Cherry Tree Cherry Tree Hall Cherry Tree Pool Cherry Tree Pool Camp Cherry Tree Pool Nature Reserve Cheryton Chamingup Chan-Chanup Chapel Estate Chitimup Pool Cheviot Hills Clayton Clear Hill Clear Lake Cleveland Cobbler Pool Coben Coben Rock Coben Soak Colhaven Condinup Pool Coniston Cooinda Cooralong Cooringup Pools Coorinyup Hill Costabella Cranham Crathie Crathorne Crossburn Crystal Brook Crystal Estate Curlew Creek Dalkeith Danetree Deep Pool Delyanine Dongallallup Dooen Langi Dooledup Dooleelup Spring Doreenup Dort Creek Dowlering Dungalaring Spring East Lynne Eddington Enalong Pool Etna Eulanda Eulo Eulo Hill Euretta Euvista Fairdale Fairfields Fairlands Fairview Farrar Fern Hill Ferndale Fernielee Fitzes Swamp Flagstaff Lake Flat Rocks Fort Valley Francis Brook Gabatepe Gabyinda Gannawarra Garstone Reserve Garthowan Glen Innes Glendale Glenelg Glenistra Glenlossie Glenpadden Glenrowan Glenroy Gna-We Golden Valley Grand View Grandfather Swamp Half Moon Happy Valley Haycocks Hayfield Haymakers Downs Hazeldine Hemstead Hills Hillman Park Hitor Holly Holly Hill Hollywood Horseshoe Indinup Jackaneedup Creek Jackaneedup Pool Jingalup Jingalup Estate Jingalup Golf Club Jons Home Josephs Well Kalang Kalaroo Kanooka Kemminup Kendle Grove Kengerrup Kenine Hill Kenmare Ketts Kidney Swamp Kilburnie Killeen Kinnunup Well Kinross Kodjingalup Well Kojonup Baptist Church Kojonup District High School Kojonup Golf Club Kojonup Spring Koolbooking Swamp Korong Vale Korrinup Kourahwinup Kunmallup Kunmallup Well Lager Downs Lake Charling Lake View Lambert Creek Leadale Lenzie Lilly Dale Little Dowlering Lombardia Long Valley Lonsdale Lorraine Farm Lowlands Lumeah Lyndale Springs Lynella Lynloch Madgebup Creek Maidestone Mailalup Waterhole Malvern Hills Mandalup Mandalup Brook Mandalup Pool Maragoonda Nature Reserve Maragoonda Pools Marivan Downs Marracoonda Marracoonda Spring Marribank Marricup Marriland Marron Pool Martinup Lake Martinup Nature Reserve Martling Martling Hill Martup Hill Martup Hills Martup Pool Maybenup Maybenup Farm Maydalling Maylands Melbourne Vale Menminup Merinup Merredene Merrybon Middle Pool Mine Hill Mininiup Pool Miripin Miripin Lake Miripin Nature Reserve Mistic Park Mitchell Pool Mollongully Well Moorundie Farm Muckross Murapin Lake Murapin Nature Reserve Mycumbene Mylerup Farm Myrtle Benn Flora and Fauna Sanctuary Namelarup Spring Narrawong New Glendower Neymerup Ngeatalling Pool Ngopitchup Ngopitchup Nature Reserve Ngopitchup Swamp Ngopitchup Well Ninarem Nirvana Nookanellup Nookanellup Pool Nullawil Oak Farm Oaklands Oakleigh Oakworth Ongerup Orange Grove Orsola Overton Farm Palmirup Palmyre Palomar Pindallup Pindellup Pool Pine Ridge Priory Park Prospect Hill Proyart Punchmirup Purchup Pool Quailiup Dam Quailleup Farm Quanandrup Queerearrup Lake Queerearrup Park Quin Quin Well Quongering Pool Rainscourt Red Gum Pool Red Hill Renfrew Ringmer Ripplemead Riverdale Riverside Robin Hill Rockliffe Rocky Creek Roma Vineyards Rosemount Roslyn Rushy Lake Rylestone Saddleback Hill Salt Creek Sans Souci Scamper Creek Shangri-La Sherwood Small Lake Sorrento Spring Plains St Clair Starhaven Stirling View Strathmore Strathmore Hill Strathmore Hill Nature Reserve Summerfield Sunnydale Sunnyvale Tarup Creek Temple Farm Tennisdale The Beaufort The Brook The Clyde The Glen The Grange The Lakes The Meadows Thornton Hill Tilsdown Tondarup Toojeelup Swamp Toojelup Twelve Trees Two Rivers Two Valleys Ucatro Ukang Ularnup Upsan Estate Upwood Valley View Vinup Wadjekanup Pool Wagellup Pool Wanaka Wandaroo Wandella Wandibirrup Wandibirrup Pool Wardering Lake Wardering Lake Nature Reserve Wardering Spring Wareek Warkelup Brook Washing Pool Waterdale Wattle Park Wattledale Wayneflete Weenup Creek Westbury Westcourt Western Hills Westwood Wicktonlea Wilgemar Wililoo Willigobung Willingvale Windermere Windy Ridge Winfield Wingedine Nature Reserve Wingedine Soak Wingedyne Woilyungup River Woodanilling Golf Club Woodanilling Nature Reserve Woodanilling Primary School Woodanilling Spring Woodburn Woodlands Woodlat Woodspoint Woodville Woolareen Yandella Yannawah Yaralla Yarrabin Yeaginup Pool Yeedabirrup Rock Yeedawinya Yeenyellup Yelverton Downs Yolgerup Mount Rice Moojebing Kinrass
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