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GA 2235 – Goomalling Sale


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Goomalling 6 Mile Creek 6 Mile Feed Well 6 Mile Rock 8 Mile Rock Abbotts Lake Adair Admella Downs Apex Arcadia Arundel Ashley Aylestone Badbatting Hill Badbatting Well Badjewarren Spring Bajorpin Brook Bajorpin Well Bebakine Creek Bebakine Well Bedowan Hill Bejoording Bejoording Brook Belair Benaring Well Benbengadaging Hill Berrendenning Brook Berring Bibanning Soak Big Springs Bijanning Hill Blimmining Well Bolgart Bolgart Estate Bolgart Golf Club Bolgart Primary School Bollonine Brook Bookerbidey Soak Boonjading Brook Boonjading Rock Boonjading Soak Boormugging Well Botherling Botherling Well Boyagerring Spring Braeside Browns Cottage Burabadji Burabadji Creek Burabadji Creek North Burabadji Soak Burnt Hill Cabbage Tree Rock Calingiri Calyx Farm Cartamulligan Rock Casuarina Vale Chatham Centre Forest Chalrine Brook Chandling Chitibin Clarkes Lake Clayton Cockerding Brook Cockerding Well Comos Condering Well Connor Brook Coolyanee Well Coonaring Spring Corondeen Spring Croydon Cularing Spring Cunjardine Cunjardine River Cuthering Cutherling Dalbarnaligan Soak Dark Forrest Deepinghurst Dowerin Dreissen Dunhelm Edwards Flat Elyaring Elyaring Brook Emuming Rock Emuming Well Fernlea Forest Lodge Forrest Downs Forwards Well Frank Rock Gabbyquoiquoi Gabbyquoiquoi Creek Gabbyquoiquoi Well Gibletts Lookout Glendale Nature Reserve Glenders Glenrae Glenside Glenview Goomalling Golf Club Goomalling Hospital Goomalling Primary School Goomalling Spring Goon Gooning Goonaring Spring Goulgouling Well Granville Grassy Hills Gripthorpe Gunine Hagboom Lake Halycon Happy Valley Hasely Havelock Herridges Lake Hill 60 Hill Grove Hill View Hillside Hillview Historic Well Hulongin Hulongine Hunters Lake Illawarra Jandaging Spring Jennacubbine Jennacubbine Well Jinjinning Waterhole Jitocon Well Jurakine Kalguddering Creek Karinella Farms Karranadgin Kitchcoolie Konnongorring Konnongorring Soak Koombekine Koombekine Well Kooranning Hill Kroehut Lake Koombekine Lake View Long Forest Mannaville Margaron Margerin Brook Margerin Well Melyaducking Well Merleswood Merlswood Mindara Well Minderin Mocalcarine Well Moombekine Moonargoging Well Moorna Morgan Island Mount Anvil Gully Muggamuggin Rocks Mumberkine Mundunning Farm Mundunning Well Mungilan Creek Mungilan Soak Murninni Nambling Nambling Lakes Naramella Ningerin Gully Nittymarra Hill Normanhurst Nunile Oak Dale Oak Valley Oakhurst Oakleigh Old Slater Homestead Passmore Patricia Farm Phillips Sand Plain Picnic Farm Pinkwerry Pinkwerry Soak Pinkwerry Well Qualen Well Qualin Quarralling Spring Quarry Park Quel Quelling Quelquelling Well Quondong Redwing Rocklands Rosendale Rosscrae Rossdale Rossmore Rossmore Bridge Rowles Lake Sames Lake Silver Hills Silver Spring Silverdale Southern Brook Springlea Farm Stinking Well Sunny Hill Tamaton Tamaton Lake Teamsters Well Titree Island Tombstone Rocks Toro Well Trap Well Tummaluk Uberin Rock Uberin Well Ucarty Rock Ucarty West Udenberry Hill Ularring Rock Upper Trap Well Walyormouring Walyormouring Lake Walyormouring Nature Reserve Walyormouring Pool Washpool Brook Wattening Wattening Brook Wattening Nature Reserve Wilkerson Well Windemere Wongamine Wongamine Nature Reserve Woodlands Woormenning Gully Wyening Wyening Mission Wyening Nature Reserve Wyening Spring Wyening Tank Wyening Well Yallmunging Brook Yallmunging Hill Yandee Yarramony Yarramony Brook Yittunging Rock Youloning Pool Yulgering Well Ningerin Brook Ningerin Creek Koomberkine Lake Koombekine Lake Oak Park Six Mile Flat Karranadjin Kooranning Yulgan Brook The Red Gull Yallmunging Hulongine Siding Eaton Soak Rossmore Siding Doombling Well Nunyle Nunyle Hall Yarramony Siding Ullaring Ullaring Rock


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