GA 2234 – Northam For Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Northam York 1 2 Mile Hill 13 Mile Brook 3 Mile Pool 4 Mile Spring 5 Mile Hill 6 Mile Brook 6 Mile Brook Bridge Agett Brook Airport Bridge Alec Wallace Memorial Field Alfalfa Park Arnold Park Arnold Park Brook Arzing Ascot Green Avon Bridge Avon Farm Avon Valley Speedway Avon View Avon Yard Avonside Avonvale Education Support Centre Avonvale Primary School Badgin Baillee Farm Bald Hill Bald Rock Balladong Balley Balley Brook Bardeen Barndon Swamp Beering Belgrove Bennet and Burgess Find Bentenalling Rock Bentrakel Berry Brow Berry Brow Hill Berry Hill Bridge Big Monger Dam Bin Bridge Binberoo Black Jack Spring Blackboy Gully Blackboy Hills Bland Brook Bland Pool Bobakine Hills Bobakine Nature Reserve Boglands Bogling Creek Bogling Pool Boodjahmun Spring Boonaring Hill Boonmull Boonmull Brook Boorammon Boyadine Boyercutty Brook Brick Well Brixton Broadlands Brooklands Brookside Buckland Buckland Estate Buckland Farm Burges Burges Brook Burges Well Burlong Burlong Pool Cabbigen Spring Calcamine Caljie Caljie Agricultural Area Caljie Creek Caljie Pool Caljie Pool Conservation Reserve Caljie Well Calmony Canternatting Pool Carterville Castle Rock Cave Hill Cave Hill Bridge Chester Brook Chimney Hut Gully Chinaman Bridge Chinamans Well Chitibin Chitibin Brook Clackline Clackline Brook Clackline Railway Park Clackline Well Clear Hill Clover Downs Cloverlea Cobham Cobham Brook Cold Harbour Cold Harbour Bridge Cold Harbour Estate Cold Harbour Pool Colgongine Spring Colgonine Colingrove Collins Hill Coogelly Park Coolalinga Brook Corn Hill Corolin Corolin Brook Corolin Spring Crees Road Conservation Reserve Crows Nest Cullen Nature Reserve Cut Hill Daliak Dardanup Brook Darlington Daudabin Davies Bridge Dempster Bridge Dilhorne Doctor Dunlop Reserve Doctors Brook Doctors Hill Doris Hill Drummonds Gum Conservation Reserve Duck Pool Dumbarton Dumbarton Bridge Dundillyn Dunmore Dyott Range Eadine Gully Eadine Well East Northam Eden Valley Egoline Encampment Gully Enright Park Fairview Fernie Underpass Fernleigh Forrest Hill Frenches Frog Hollow Gabbimunning Spring Gabiminga Hill Gabyinda Bridge Gentles Corner Gilbermine Gilbermine Creek Gilbermine Hill Glass Bridge Glen Avon Glen Avon Bridge Glen Avon Creek Glen Avon Rapid Glen Ervine Glen Irwin Glenoban Glenrowan Glynde Goblin Brook Goldfield Hill Granite Hill Grass Valley Grass Valley Bridge Grass Valley Brook Grass Valley Hill Grassdale Graves Brook Great Southern Railway Greenhills Greenwoods Valley Gulmidge Bridge Gulmidge Creek Gwambygine Gwambygine Bridge Gwambygine Estate Gwambygine Hill Gwambygine Pool Gwambygine Pool Conservation Reserve Hailstone Bridge Half Mile Hill Hamersley Hampton Vineyard Hawkhurst Hawkhurst Creek Heal Brook Helena Hill Hillman Brook Hillside Hillview Hope Farm Horons Brook Horse Rock Gully Hunting Lodge Inkpen Irishtown Iron Knob Ironbark Creek Jennapullin Jennapullin Brook Jilyading Jim Masters Conservation Reserve Jim Masters Reserve Jones Brook Juadine Jumgull Hill Jurendine Jurendine Bridge Jurendine Creek Kalyourgouring Well Karabine Karabine Bridge Karrabein Karrabein Hill Karrabein Rocks Katrine Katrine Bridge Katrine Pool Katrine Pool Reserve Kauring Kelly Pool Kentuckey King Creek Kingston Park Koolbunine Koolbunine Rock Koondinee Creek Korrawilla Kunine Kunine Hill Lawlers Lawnswood Lee Underpass Leeder Bridge Lemmahns Hill Lillydale Linndener Lion Park Little Bald Rock Little Monger Dam Lloyd Bridge Lockyer Lockyer Bridge Lockyers Bridge Lodges Crossing Lodges Crossing Bridge Logues Crossing Longfield Lovers Leap Mackie River Mackies Crossing Maddington Madikin Maiden Flat Farm Malabaine Malabaine Creek Malabaine Hill Malebelling Malebelling Well Mannavale Creek Manor Em Manyuering Spring Marley Marley Microwave Repeater Station Marley Pool Marley Pool Bridge Martin Underpass Mayflower Bridge Maywood Mears 5 Mile Pool Meckering Meenaar Meenaar Bridge Meenaar Hill Meenaar Nature Reserve Meenaar South Creek Meenaar South Creek Bridge Melbong Creek Melrose Millbrook Milton Farm Minnathorpe Minora Spring Mistake Creek Mitchinson Bridge Mitchinson Creek Mobedine Mokine Mokine Agricultural Area Mokine Brook Mokine Hill Mokine Nature Reserve Monday Hill Morgan Bridge Morialta Morrell Bridge Morrell Creek Morskate Mortlock Mortlock Bridge Mortlock River Mortlock River East Mortlock River North Mount Bakewell Mount Brown Mount Dick Mount Hardey Mount Hardey Estate Mount Hardey Pool Mount John Mount Mackie Mount Mary Mount Mary Brook Mount Matilda Mount Noddy Mount Observation Mount Ommanney Mount Pleasant Mount Ronan Mount Talbot Muluckine Muluckine Creek Muluckine Spring Mulyininjin Spring Mulyininjin Spring Bridge Muresk Nanamullen Nanamullen Brook Nanamullen Lake Narrow Gauge Rail Bridge Ned Bridge Ned Creek Needling Needling Bridge Needling Hills Nena Brook Neugin New Leyine Newgain Nie Ninego Noggojerring Noggojerring Bridge Noogakyne Noondeening Hill Northam Aboriginal Pre-School Northam Aerodrome Northam Bridge Northam Country Club Northam Hill Northam Primary School Northam Racecourse Northam Regional Hospital Northam Research Station Northam Senior High School Northam Weir Northbourne Nunile Spring Oaklands Oakover Creek Orchid Conservation Reserve Oswald Sargent Reserve Oxbow Parker Reach Peel Terrace Bridge Penny Brook Piesse Bridge Pitt Brook Plainfoss Poison Hill Pony Hill Poole Street Footbridge Porto Bella Farm Preston Quadney Qualen Quamaguging Quamkadine Spring Quartz Hill Quater Bend Quellington Quellington Hill Quinkitchmunging Racecourse Bridge Ragged Rock Hill Rangeview Red Knob Remuera Resurrection Creek Revelstoke Creek Riverdale Riverside Rivervale Rivoli Rockdale Rockendale Rockton Farm Rockvale Rosary Seabourne Seabrook Sermon Gully Shepherd Gully Shirley Strickland Bridge Silvermine Hill Sims Bridge Southern Brook Spencer Brook Spencers Brook Spring Hill Spring Hill Estate Springbett Park Springdale St Josephs School St Ronans St Ronans Brook St Ronans Nature Reserve St Ronans Well Stack Bridge Stackallan Stockdale Stony Hills Sugar Loaf Hill Sugarloaf Hill Suspension Bridge Swan Hill Talbot Farm Tank Farm Taylor Bridge The Four Winds The Meadows The Pines The Range Throssell Throssell Estate Throssell Nature Reserve Tinks Bridge Tinks Creek Tipperary Tipperary Bridge Tolarno Tolgamine Tomney Bridge Toolgamuning Well Trelawney Tripally Creek Tutomoney Creek Tutomoney Park Ullaring Viveash Reserve Wallaby Hills Wallaby Hills Nature Reserve Wambyn Wambyn Nature Reserve Wandinakine Spring Warawong Creek Warding Dam Warding Dam Creek Warding Estate Warding Farm Warding Hill Warding Hill Creek Warranine Warranine Brook Warranine Nature Reserve Warranine Spring Warranine Suburban Area Waterkerry Weberine Rock Wellmuggin Well West Northam West Northam Primary School Westbourne White Well Whitfield Hill Wicklow Farm Wicklow Hill Wilberforce Wilberforce Bridge Wilkerson Park Windmill Hill Wisteria Withnell Bridge Wittenoom Bridge Wongamine Brook Wongamine Hill Wonobbing Bridge Wonobbing Pool Woodlands Bridge Woodlands Estate Woodley Woodside Wooregong Wooregong Brook Wundabiniring Brook Yallidilly Yarramony Springs Yeegolyne Katta Yenadine Yenading Waterhole York District High School York District Hospital York Golf Club Yarramony Siding Ullaring Rock Jenepolen Brook Chitibin Siding Sugarloaf Frenches Siding Juradine Juendine Beebering Hills Noggojerring Siding Kunine Siding Five Mile Hill North Branch Mortlock River Mortlock River North Branch Mortlock River Northern Branch Meenar East Northam Station Nanamoolan Lake Nunamullen Lake Seabrook Siding Meenar Hill South Branch Mortlock River Mortlock River South Branch East Branch Mortlock River Mortlock River East Branch Mokine Station Mokine Hills Caljie Hill Badging Spring Balley Balley Well Blands Brook Yangedine Brook
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