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GA 2229 – Tonebridge Discount


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

2 Mile Gully Albion Mill Allambee Bakers Hill Balbanup Banachie Bangalup Bartunderup Pool Benjerup Hill Billinmorbarrup Pool Bodjinup Swamp Bokarup Nature Reserve Bokarup Swamp Bokerup Bolbelup Bolbelup Creek Bolbelup Swamp Bonybaup Gully Bonybeap Swamp Boonweup Bowelup Creek Boyicup Swamp Boywurup Rock Braedawn Bull Creek Bullardup Pool Bullilup Pool Bundaleer Buranganup Swamp Byenup Lagoon Cabbage Tree Mill Camelarup Swamp Cariup Chelupunderup Chindilup Pool Chinggatup Pool Chinginunderup Chowerup Chowerup Creek Chowerup Mill Chubicquagup Rocks Chutibup Pool Cobertup Nature Reserve Cobertup Swamps Condolong Coolarup Coomichup Pool Cooranup Coorinup Swamp Cootayerup Nature Reserve Cootayerup Pool Cowerup Nature Reserve Cowerup Swamp Dorset Downs Duart Downs Frankland River Galamup Nature Reserve Galamup Swamp Gevalwin Ginganup Ginganup Brook Girraween Glenarchy Glenfillan Gnyakalup Gully Heartlea Holloway Horrsby Heights Hutchycup Jeneric Jingalup Nature Reserve Kanangra Kelpalurip Swamp Kinghurst Knackelup Creek Knackelup Pool Kodjinup Nature Reserve Kodjinup Swamp Koginup Brook Koginup Pool Kookaro Kulunilup Lake Kulunilup Nature Reserve Lake Clabburn Lake Muir Nature Reserve Little Unicup Lake Lower Yeriminup Pool Lyndhurst Marlecup Pool Marterup Pool Meelinup Swamp Meick Purding Warrup Melibinup Menarup Meribup Bridge Mettabinup Brook Mickalarup Swamp Mingarell Mingerup Pool Mininup Nature Reserve Mininup Well Mirrabooka Mobrup Mongetup Pool Mooringa Mooringurdup Pool Moorinup Lake Mopilup Brook Mordalup Mordalup Creek Mordalup Nature Reserve Muirs Bridge Mulgarnup Bridge Mullidup Pool Narranbee Nerbichup Netley Newangalup Newangalup Spring Noobijup Lake Noobijup Nature Reserve Nymiup Pool Ongup Pool Orchid Valley Palligup Creek Palligup Pool Pindicup Lake Pindicup Nature Reserve Pinticup Nature Reserve Pinticup Swamp Pitbaunderup Pool Pretty Gully Quindinup Red Lake Rockville Rocky Gully Round Pool Rylington Park Scott Brook Sheffield Estate South Jingalup Nature Reserve State Forest No. 55 Tackerdup Taldumande Tallingup Talyelwelup Lake Tamar Gully Tamballup Pool Tambellicup Tarbup Pool Tolkerlup Swamp Tonebridge Tonebridge Country Club Turdigurtup Pool Turicup Unicup Lake Unicup Nature Reserve Upper Yeriminup Pool Wackelingup Pool Wade Gully Wainup Wandoora Nature Reserve Warinup Pool Warr Kengar Westbourne Wigwam Soak Wingarup Gully Wournbelup Yamadillup Soak Yarnup Nature Reserve Yarnup Swamp Yarrawolong Yendicup Swamps Yeranup Pool Yerdicup Swamp Yetterup Nature Reserve Yetterup Pool Younigup Mobrup Homestead Towerlup Brook Yendicup Swamp Yackelup Creek Gordon River Moorinup Pool Yeriminup Hill Little Unicup Lyndhuts The Two Hills