GA 2134 – Wooroloo Online
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Chidlow Mahogany Creek Mount Helena Mundaring Parkerville Sawyers Valley Stoneville Toodyay Wooroloo Wundowie 10 Mile Hill 12 Mile Spring 13 Mile Flat 24 Mile Well 25 Mile Hill 3 Mile Flat 39 Gully 8 Mile Hill Albys Ford Alice Hebb Park All Hallows Church All Saints Church Anthony Heslop Reserve Avon River Avon Valley National Park Bailup Bailup Creek Bailup Park Bakers Hill Bakers Hill Golf Club Bakers Hill Primary School Bald Hill Ball Creek Bandaline Spring Bandy Spring Barlee Park Barracca Nature Reserve Baskerville Bedale Park Beechina Beechina Hill Beechina Nature Reserve Beechina North Nature Reserve Bee-Eater Creek Beelaring Spring Beelu National Park Bellevue Bellevue Baptist Church Bellevue Bridge Bellevue Primay School Bells Rapid Bending Gully Betty Street Reserve Bible Baptist Christian Academy Bibnoon Bilgoman Olympic Pool Bilgoman Well Binbrook Park Birdignarading Spring Biringining Well Bitney Spring Black Cockatoo Reserve Black Swamp Blackboy Hill Commemorative Site Bombay Entrance Park Bonenganging Spring Bonita Boongarup Pool Boononging Boorabilla Park Bourke View Park Bourkes Gully Boya Boyagerring Brook Braeside Bremer Park Brewarrina Brigadoon Brilliant Rise Park Brookside Park Brown Park Broz Park Bugle Gully Park Bugle Tree Creek Bullsbrook District High School Bullsbrook East Bullsbrook Heights Bullsbrook Pre-School Bungarah Pool Burkinshaw Park Burley Park Burton Park Bushmead Cairnhill Park Camfield Park Campolino Park Caringa Carlin Carlton Park Casuarina Gully Charlotte Creek Chartwell Park Chauncy Gully Chauncy Spring Chedaring Chequers Golf Course Chidlow Community Church Chidlow Primary School Championships Rapid Charlie Hodder Baseball Field Charlie Miles Fire Dam Chinaman Gully Chinganning Gully Chinganning Gully South Chinganning Well Chippers Leap Chittawarra Brook Chittering Hills Christmas Tree Creek Christowe Park Church of the Ascension Clackline Nature Reserve Clarina Clayton View Primary School Clifton Park Clutterbuck Creek Coal Dam Park Coates Coates Gully Coates Reserve Cobbler Pool Cockman Cockman Bluff Cockman Park Collier Park Connor Bridge Convict Creek Cookes Brook Coolee Coolee Swamp Coolingoort Coondaree Swamp Coondle Brook Coorinja Copley Copley Dale Nature Reserve Coringa Corridors Secondary Vocational College Corti Park Dagmar Park Daine Park Dalwood Park Danny Wimperis Adventure Playground Dargin Park Darlington Darlington Brook Darlington Park Darlington Primary School Darlington United Church Davies Park Dawn Glen Dawson Park Deepdale Dickie Jones Gully Doconing Donegans Crossing Dongara Circle Park Dorrigo Park Dowies Creek Draper Park Dryandra Park Eastern Hills Senior High School Ebenezer Flats Ebenezer Microwave Repeater Station Edney Primary School El Caballo Golf Club Elder Park Ellen Brook Bridge Ellen Brook Nature Reserve Ellesmere Park Elsie Austin Reserve Emms Reserve Emu Brook Emu Falls Epiphany Church Equitus Gully Eversden Reserve Extracts Weir Fairfax Park Falls Farm Reserve Falls Park Falls Road Primary School Farrall Oval Fawell Park Fern Grove Fish Pool Flash Point Florence Watson Reserve Foothills Christian Community Centre Forrestfield Christian School Forrestfield Primary School Forrestfield Senior High School Fowler Creek Fraser Park Fred Jacoby Park Frederick Baker Park Gabidine Brook Gabidine Hill Gabidine Springs Ganiazdo Gidgegannup Gidgegannup Brook Gidgegannup Hill Gidgegannup Primary School Gidgegannup Spring Gilfellon Park Girvan Park Gladys Newton Park Gladys Park Gleeson Hill Glen Brook Glen Brook Dam Glen Darran Glen Forrest Glen Forrest Primary School Glen Park Glendale Glengower Glenroyd Glenway Park Glenwood Park Glynden Park Gnoonabbin Golden Grove Good Shepherd Church Goodchild Oval Goodedine Pool Goonaring Spring Gooseberry Hill Gooseberry Hill Primary School Gorrie Goyamin Pool Goyamin Pools Greenhills Greenmount Greenmount National Park Greenmount Primary School Greenmount Suburban Area Greenslopes Greystone Grundy Park Gugeri Creek Hackett Gully Hacketts Gully Hancock Brook Hanley Park Harold Snow Bennett Park Harper Brook Hartfield Country Club Hartfield Park Hawter Park Hawthornden Hawthornden Brook Hay Creek Hedley Jorgensen Park Helena Helena Brook Helena College Junior School Helena College Senior School Helena Valley Helena Valley Primary School Helena Valley Recreation Ground Henley Brook Herne Hill Herne Hill Primary School High Wycombe Primary School Hillside Hillview Golf Course Hoddy Well Hoddys Well Hosking Brook Hovea Hovea Falls Hugh Sanderson Reserve Inkpen Ipswich View J Millar Park Jack Mann Oval Jane Brook Jane Byfield Reserve Jarrah Creek Jarrah Creek Reserve Jean Wild Bushland Jim Crow Gully Jimperding Brook Jimperding Hill Jimperding Pool Jingaling Brook Joes Brook Joes Cage John Forrest National Park John Maclarty Park John Taylor Park Julimar Julimar Brook Julimar Spring Jumperkine Hill Jumperkine Loop Juniper Gardens Kadina Brook Kalamunda Kalamunda Aquatic Centre Kalamunda District Community Hospital Kalamunda Education Support Centre Kalamunda National Park Kalamunda Primary School Kalamunda Senior High School Kangaroo Rocks Karakaby Karda Mordo Karda Mordo Track Keaginine Nature Reserve Keaginine Well Kensham Key Farm Kiddergnuyding Spring Ki-It Monger Brook Killara Killawarra Killcodey Kimber Park Kingsfield Park Kokoting Koojedda Koolbardi Park Koongamia Koongamia Primary School Kostera Oval Kowalyou Katta Kwolyinine Hill Kwolyinine Nature Reserve Kyotmunga La Salle College Lacey Springs Lake C Y O Connor Lake Leschenaultia Lake Manaring Lareema Leatherhead Leatherhead Rapid Leschen Park Leschenaultia Conservation Park Lesmurdie Baptist Church Lesmurdie Brook Lesmurdie Falls Lewona Lindsay Thorn Park Lion Mill Creek Little Ebenezer Flats Little Jimperding Brook Little River Park Lloyd Crossing Lloyd Penn Park Lloyd Reserve Lloyds Hill Long Pool Lookout Rapids Lower Chittering Lower Helena Diversion Dam Maali Bridge Maali Bridge Park Mackenzie Park Mackrin Mackrin Hill Mahogany Creek Suburban Area Maida Vale Maida Vale Baptist Church Maida Vale Primary School Malkup Malkup Brook Malmalling Maluning Mandoon Park Manns Gully Maralla Creek Marbling Marbling Brook Marblon Park Marda Brook Marionvale Creek Marriott Park Maryland Marys Mount Primary School Mavis Jefferys Nature Reserve Mayfield Mcknoe Spring Medikal Hill Melrose Michael Park Middle Brook Middle Swan Middle Swan Primary School Midland Midland Cemetery Midland Christian School Midland Primary School Midvale Midvale Primary School Millard Pool Millendon Millendon Hill Milligan Park Mills Creek Millson Reserve Minchin Creek Miranda Park Miwana Moir Park Mongaga Pool Mongin Spring Moondyne Moondyne Brook Moondyne Hill Moondyne Loop Moondyne Nature Reserve Moondyne Pool Moondyne Spring Moorditj Noongar Com College Morangup Morangup Brook Morangup Hill Morangup Nature Reserve Morangup Springs Morgan John Morgan Reserve Morrison Park Mortigup Brook Moscow Mosslands Mount Anderson Mount Billy Mount Clifford Mount Gorrie Mount Gunjin Mount Hall Mount Helena Primary School Mount Lawrence Mount Mambup Mount Nardie Mount Oakover Mount Observation Mount Yetar Mundaring Cemetery Mundaring Christian School Mundaring Golf Club Mundaring Montessori School Mundaring Primary School Mundaring Weir Mundy Regional Park Munnapin Brook Muranine Gully Musgrove Park Nalya Park Nambab Brook Nan Macmillan Reserve Nanamoolan Natham Square Park National Park Falls Needham Nature Reserve Neil Tonkin Park Nerramonging Spring Nestle Brae Creek New York Farm Newcastle Bridge Ngangaguringguring Hill Noble Falls Nockdominie Hill Noodangup Norris Park Norwood Reserve Nyaania Nyaania Creek O Connor Okaparinga Old Bellevue Station Park Old Mill Gully O Neil Spring Pagotto Park Pardoora Swamp Parkerville Baptist Church Parkerville Primary School Parkerville Recreation Ground Pattersons Well Paulls Valley Pearce Aerodrome Peter Annus Park Peter Hegney Park Pickering Brook Piesse Brook Piesse Gully Pine Hill Pioneer Park Pittersen Park Plunkett Park Portagabra Portagabra Track Priest Creek Progress Reserve Pullman Park Quenda Creek Rabone Park Red Hill Red Swamp Red Swamp Brook Reddy Park Reservoir Reynolds Park Rhine Park Richard Watson Hardey Reserve Ridge Hill Ridley Island Rifle Range Gully Ringa Riverlands School Riverside Park Roach Brook Robert Hewson Park Rocky Brook Rocky Gully Creek Rocky Pool Roland Cantwell Memorial Gazebo Ron Evans Park Ron Jose Oval Rose Valley Rugged Hills Nature Reserve San Mateo Sawyers Firetower Sawyers Valley Primary School Scott Head Scott Reserve Scully Pool Seaton Park Seven Springs Shady Hills Sherlock Park Slaughterhouse Bridge Smiths Mill Hill South Chittering South Kalamunda Spring Garden Spring Road Community Kindergarten Springdale Springfield Springside Park St Andrew Church St Anthonys School St Barnabas Church St Brigids College St Brigids Primary School St Cuthbert Church St Johns Well St Mark Church St Mary Church St Michael and All Angels Church St Stephen Church St Swithun Church St Thomas Church State Forest No. 50 State Forest No. 54 Stathams Stratton Strelly Brook Stuart Park Summit Park Sunninghill Park Sunnydale Sunnyvale Sunset Super Shoot Susannah Brook Susannah Brook Reserve Swan Christian College Swan City Church Swan District Hospital Swan Park Sports and Leisure Centre Swan View Swan View Park Swan View Primary School Swan View Senior High School Swan View Suburban Area Swannee Noonghas Aboriginal Ps Sweeting Bridge Syds Rapid Talbot Road Bushland The Lakes The Nook The Ranch The Vines The Vines Golf and Country Club Thomas Park Tillbrook Park Toodyay Baptist Church Toodyay Brook Toodyay Distict High School Toodyay Golf Club Toodyay Rapid Toorrnart Brook Treetops Montessori School Twin Swamps Twin Swamps Wildlife Sanctuary Undercliffe Hospital Upper Swan Upper Swan Bridge Upper Swan Primary School Valereena Vellgrove Reserve Veray Verbena Park Viveash Gardens Vivian Park Wahronga Waljarra Swamp Walker Park Walliston Walliston Primary School Wally Jones Park Walyunga Lookout Walyunga National Park Walyunga Pool Wandena Wandoo Conservation Park Wandu Park Wangalla Brook Warbrook Wariin Brook Wariin Well Warinegaring Warnock Park Warragenny Waterhole Warrens Waters Brook Watton Park Welbourne Park Wengarry Werribee West Toodyay West Toodyay Bridge Weston Park Whistlepipe Gully White Gum Gully Whiteman Bridge Whittome St Pre-School Wielling Pool William Adams Park Williamson Park Willow Brook Wirilya Wisemans Well Wonyil Woodbridge Creek Woodlupine E.C.E.Centre Woodlupine Primary School Woodsome Estate Woodsome Hill Woondowing Nature Reserve Woondowing Spring Woonganing Hill Wooroloo Brook Wooroloo Pools Wooroloo Primary School Wooroloo Regional Park Woottating Woottating Nature Reserve Woottating Spring Wundowie Golf Club Wundowie Primary School Yagans Grave Yalawarra Pool Yalliawirra Yennerdin Park Yetar Spring Yilgarn Park Yowing Well Zamia Nockdominie Lower Chittertering Nardee Cockmans Bluff Ten Mile Hill Bullsbrook Pearce Brockman River Saw Pit Gully Mount Baker Ellens Brook Ellen Brook Chidlows Twenty-Five Mile Hill Manaring Lake Midland Junction Helena River Ngangaguringguring Glen Forest Nyannia Warien Brook Poison Gully OConnor Lake C Y OConnor Mount Gungin Mundaring Reservoir Bickley Darkin River
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