GA 2129 – Manjimup on Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Manjimup Pemberton Deanmill 2 Mile Brook 4 Mile Brook 5 Mile Brook 6 Mile Brook Alco Firetower Alco Nature Reserve Alex Jones Wildlife Park Allambie Park Apex Park Appadene Archies Oven Gully Balbarrup Balbarrup Brook Balyinnarup Balyinnarup Brook Bangalup Brook Barronhurst Beard Firetower Big Brook Big Brook Aboretum Big Brook Dam Big Brook Forest Bighill Brook Biranup Pool Boojetup Boojetup Brook Boonwiup Pool Boronia Gully Bridgetown Forest Park Bridgetown Jarrah Park Bullamurrup Bunnerbirrup Brook Camballup Pool Carbunup Brook Carbup Spring Cardacup Carters Brook Casuarina Corner Cattaminnup Lake Charlotte Plain Chelupunderup Brook Channybearup Chulingup Pool Chungarup Swamp Chungjagup Pool Churbicup Swamp Clarke Gully Coconilup Codarup Lake Collins Coonanup Soak Corbalup Swamp Curdiwarup Deep Gully Deeside Diamond Tree Diamond Tree Firetower Diamond Tree Gully Dingup Dixvale Dordagup Duckhilbalawaarup Pool Dudijup Creek Dudijup Swamp Dwalganup Spring East Brook East Manjimup Primary School Eastbrook Eastbrook Nature Reserve Ephraim Gully Faunadale Nature Reserve Fontys Pool Forrard Away Frank Hall Creek Fred Brook Gardiner Gully Gaythorne Glenlea Glenlynn Glentulloch Gloucester National Park Gloucester Tree Firetower Grevillea Firetower Gunagulup Swamp Henry Hill Horse Gully Island Bend Jack Strauss Spring Jardee Jarnadup Jarnadup Brook Jervis Park Jilbargup Swamp K K Spring Karri Lake Kelly Brook Kepal Firetower Kepalarup Lake Kin Kin Kinganup Kingston Kingston Well Lambert Lefroy Brook Linfarne Linfarne Brook Lions Federation Park Little Cattaminnup Lake Little Quinninup Brook Lonesome Gully Lyall Manjimup Airfield Manjimup Baptist Church Manjimup Brook Manjimup Education Support Centre Manjimup Golf Club Manjimup Primary School Manjimup Senior High School Marranup Marrapigarup Middlesex Mill Creek Moaramalup Mokerdillup Brook Mooralup Brook Morallup Mullagarup Murtinup Mylliup Pool Nelson Nelson Grange Nerragagup Nugulup Nyamup Nyeticup Pool Oaljalup Lake Padgee Palgarup Peerelgup Pemberton Camp School Pemberton Community Park Pemberton District High School Pemberton Forest Park Pemberton Golf Club Perremillup Brook Perup Perup River Phillips Creek Dam Pink Eye Gully Quabicup Hill Quagamirup Spring Quartz Creek Quillbeunderup Quinninup Quinninup Brook Quinninup Dam Quintallup Brook Quintattup Gully Quirinyenurup Pool Raper Bridge Rifle Range Bridge Ringbark Ringbark Brook Rock Pool Rooneys Bridge Salt Spring Gully Scabby Gully Scabby Gully Dam Seventh Day Adventist School Smith Brook Snake Gully Spring Gully St Josephs School State Forest No. 10 State Forest No. 34 State Forest No. 37 State Forest No. 38 State Forest No. 39 State Forest No. 5 State Forest No. 9 Strachan Sunnyside Tellarup Brook The Cascade Tinkers Brook Tone River Tribulation Pool Turdigurtup Twakerup Brook Twartieterup Twortiwerup Unbap Pool Upper Warren Waighinunderup Brook Wakalwararup Walcott Spring Wandillup Warren Bend Warwaberup Gully Waterfall Creek Watson Well Weinup Hill Whistler Nature Reserve Wickham Wilgarrup Wilgarrup Bridge Wilgarrup Nature Reserve Wilgarrup River William Creek Winona Woolgalup Wordimup Pool Wyndarra Yackerlup Swamp Yagalup Pool Yanmah Yanmah Brook Yeardup Brook Yerraminnup Pool Yerraminnup River Yeticup Swamp Yornup Quagamirup Brook The Big Hill Wilgarup Alco Yeticup Lake Jibargup Swamp Wilgarup River Deeside Homestead Four Mile Brook Quininup Brook Five Mile Brook Little Quininup Brook Quininup Big Hill Brook Six Mile Brook Treen Brook Brockman
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