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GA 1937 – Hill River Special Online


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Cervantes Green Head Jurien Bay Badgingarra Anchorage Bay Apex Reef Badgingarra Golf Club Badgingarra National Park Badgingarra Recreation Ground Barara Bartle Reefs Battersby Park Baudin Park Bibby Spring Bickers Reef Billygoat Bay Bitter Pool Bitter Pool North Black Peak Black Point Boat Rock Boiler Reef Bombora Booka Valley Booker Rocks Boothendarra Creek Boullanger Island Boullanger Island Nature Reserve Cadda Spring Cambawarra Head Cantabilling Spring Casuarina Park Catamouri Hill Cervantes Golf Club Channel Rocks Cliff Park Cockleshell Gully Conover Pool Coomallo Creek Coomallo Hill Coomallo Nature Reserve Coomallo Pool Cowalla Peak Cowalla Spring Curakineyung Death Valley Diamond of the Desert Spring Dingo Swamp Dobbyn Park Doug Morphett Memorial Park Downes Soak Drovers Cave Drovers Cave National Park Dry Lump Dynamite Bay Eatha Spring Emu Rocks Eragilga Hills Eric Collinson Park Escape Island Essex Rocks Essex Rocks Nature Reserve Fairweather Reef Fauntleroy Park Favorite Island Favorite Island Nature Reserve Federation Memorial Park Fisherman Islands Fisherman Islands Nature Reserve Five Fingers Foul Passage Gairdner Range Gavenoo Flat Graham Well Green Head Golf Club Harper Reef Harrop Inlet Hastings Cave High Hill Hill River Hill River Nature Reserve Hill River Spring Island Point Jandawaning Pool Jim White Reserve Jurien Bay Aerodrome Jurien Bay Country Golf Club Jurien Bay District High School Jurien Bay Health Centre Jurien Bay Marine Park Jurien Bay Sports and Recreation Centre Jurien Boat Harbour Jutty Reef Kinenabbra Kooringa Lakes Reserve Lesueur National Park Lipfert Island Lipfert Island Nature Reserve Little Anchorage Macs Hill Middle Head Middle Lump Milligan Island Milligan Island Nature Reserve Mintaja Hills Molah Hill Moorba Cave Mount Benia Mount Lesueur Mount Michaud Mount Peron Munbinea Munbinea Creek Mungagarra Spring Mystery Cave North Badgingarra North Head North Ronsard Rocks North Tail North West Passage Nylagarda Old Jetty Park Old River Cave Orton Rock Orton Rock Nature Reserve Osprey Island Osprey Island Nature Reserve Outer Rocks Outer Rocks Nature Reserve Padburys Station Passamani Park Pindarita Point Louise Priest Reef Pumpkin Hollow R.E. Snook Reserve Ronsard Bay Ronsard Rocks Ronsard Rocks Nature Reserve Sam Reef Sand Knoll Ledge Sandland Island Sandland Island Nature Reserve Sandy Cape Sandy Cape Recreational Park Seaward Ledge South Bay Table Hill Ten N Tern Island Tern Island Nature Reserve The Boomer The Coffins The Tuarts Reserve Three Breaks Reef Three Way Break Tumblein Cave Twin Banks Twyata Nature Reserve Twyata Pool Verne Hill Villaret Reef Villaret Rock Warradarge Warradarge Creek Warradarge Hill Warradarge Spring Wealacutta Pool Weld Park White Cap Whitlock Island Whitlock Island Nature Reserve Winejardin Hill Winja Wire Reef Woolmulla Pool Yerramulla Spring Corner Break Whitecap Hill Fisherman Islets Depot Hill Sandy Point Ironstone Knoll Green Island Jurien Table Top Hill Boothendara Creek Long Island Vernes Hill Gadda Springs Gadda Spring Frenchman Bay


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