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GA 1840 – Geraldton For Sale


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

Drummond Cove Geraldton Walkaway Utakarra Cape Burney 11 Mile Old Well 4 Fathom Bank 5 Mile Hill Ackland Park African Reef Alexander Park Allendale Primary School Almafarm Amurl Park Appa Hill Appa Spring Autumn Bay Back Beach Badjera Spring Barrel Well Batavia Coast Boat Harbour Beachlands Beachlands Primary School Beatenally Hill Beatenally Waterhole Bella Vista Nature Reserve Bellimos Park Beresford Beretheno Spring Bluff Point Bluff Point Camp School Bluff Point Primary School Bootenal Bootenal Spring Bradley Bringo Bringo Spring Browns Table Hill Bugara Park Buller Buller River Button Hill Calila Campbell Well Cant Spring Carney Carney Hill Champion Bay Champion Bay Beach Chapman Chapman River Chapman River East Chapman Valley Golf Club Chris Mainwaring Park Coolalya Corner Well Coronation Beach Corringle Crampton Crowtherton Crystal Rock Cutubury Nature Reserve Cutubury Pool Deepdale Devlin Pool Dolbys Gully Doogalook Dragonette Spring Durawah Durawah Gully Durawah Spring Durawarra East Chapman Eastough Park Ego Creek Ekinooka Ellendale Ellendale Bluff Ellendale Pool English Flat Fairfield False Man Hill Fig Tree Crossing Bridge Fishing Boat Harbour Forrester Park Gelira Mine Georgina Georgina Station Geraldton Aerodrome Geraldton Baptist Church Geraldton Golf Club Geraldton Grammar School Geraldton Harbour Geraldton Health Campus Geraldton Primary School Geraldton Senior College Giles Bridge Glenburnie Glendinning Park Glenfield Glenfield Beach Glengarry Gnows Nest Hill Golaluarra Brook Greenough Greenough Bridge Greenough Flats Greenough Oval Greenough Reef Greenough River Greys Beach Holland Street School Howatharra Howatharra Nature Reserve Howatharra Well Indialla Indialla Spring Intudacarra Brook Junction Hill Kadewa Well Karanja Karlanew Peak Karloo Karloo Park Kennedy Spring Kojarena Kojarena Range Kojarena Spring Kokatoo Spring Lauder Tank Lillian Shaw Park Little African Reef Lock Valley Logue Spring Lookout Hill Mahomets Flats Malarang Park Meekawaya Aboriginal Pre-School Meru Miarra Spring Miarra Springs Mick Heelan Soak Milmocundin Minnenooka Minyanogo Spring Moascar Moonyoonooka Moresby Moresby Flat Topped Range Morrissey Well Mound Spring Mount Davis Mount Erin Mount Erin Estate Mount Fairfax Mount Fanny Mount Hill Mount Hork Mount Julia Mount Kenneth Mount Michael Mount Pleasant Mount Scott Mount Sewell Mount Sommer Mount Tarcoola Mount Tarcoola Primary School Mumbemarra Hill Mumbida Murphys Tank Nabawa Pool Nabeja Spring Nanson Narngulu Narra Tarra Narra Tarra Estate Narra Tarra Mine Newmarracarra Niddrie Nightcap Hill Nilligarri Nilligarri Nature Reserve Noonans Well Norm Brand Park North Gully Northern Gully Oakabella Creek Oakajee Oakajee Nature Reserve Oakajee River Oakajee Well One Bush Hill Pages Beach Paringa Park Petts Hole Philpot Spring Pinchers Well Pioneer Memorial Park Point Moore Point Moore Reefs Port Grey Protheroe Protheroe Nature Reserve Pyramid Hill Rangeway Rangeway Primary School Red Hill Rocky Gully Well Rocky Pool Round Hill Rowan Reserve Rudds Gully Salt Spring Sam Well Sandsprings Scabby Station Gully Separation Point Shady Grove Sheehan Hill Southgate Dunes Southgate Reef Spalding Spalding Park Golf Club Spring Valley St Francis Xavier Primary School St Johns School St Lawrences School Stowe Spring Strathalbyn Strathalbyn Christian College Sugarloaf Hill Summerfield Spring Sundown Sunset Beach Tarcoola Beach Terra Donna The Brothers The Convict Bridge The Dale Thompson Well Tibradden Tibradden Hill Tourawa Town Beach Uimarracurra Una Brook Undula Waggrakine Waggrakine Pass Waggrakine Primary School Waggrakine Siding Walkaway Primary School Wandina Warrine Weatgar Spring Webberton Weiro Downs West End White Peak White Sand Cliff Wicherina Spring Wicka Wilkes Swamp Wingarra Witherwarra Wittewerino Spring Wizard Peak Wokarena Wokatherra Wokatherra Nature Reserve Womagarra Wonthella Wonthella Federation Community Park Woodbine Wooderaccarah Well Woolanooka Woolanooka Hill Woorree Woorree Park Yagarnew Spring Yandertarra Spring Yanget Yanget Hills Yanget Spring Yarra Yatherooka Spring Yattalunga Yatupa Yetna Yungaro Spring Oakabella Nabawa Oakabella River False Man Oakajee Station Oakajee Siding Carney Station Carney Siding Crows Nest Gnows Nest Five Mile Hill Wokathera Wokatherra Siding Wokatherra Hill Mumbemarra Wokarina Siding Wokarena Siding Popes Landing Red Peak Moresby Range Moresby Flattopped Range Drummonds Cove Smugglers Cove Glenfield Station East Branch Chapman River Chapman River Branch Chapman River East Branch Sandy Hill The Twins Chapman Station Bluff Point Junction Grants Siding Grants Inner Knoll Outer Knoll Four Fathom Bank Scott Hill Urakarra Point Separation Meru Siding Moonyoonooka Station Moonyoonooka Siding Browns Table Karlanew Georgina Siding Bradleys Station Bradleys Siding Crampton Station Crampton Siding


Paper, Laminated