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AUS 839 – Cairncross Islets To Arden Island Cheap


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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Bamaga New Mapoon Saint Pauls Umagico Warraber Injinoo Ackers Shoal Adolphus Adolphus Channel Akone Islet Albany Island Albany Passage Albany Rock Alert Rocks Alert Patches Aloa Alpha Rock Amory Aplin Islet Archer Rock Arden Island Arethusa Point Ariel Bank Arnold Islets Asp Shoals Mount Augustus Aureed Island Banks Peak Barn Island Basilisk Bank Basilisk Passage Bay Point Beagle Rock Beresford Shoals Bet Islet Bet Reef Biffin Creek Big Creek Black Rock Blackwood Bay Bourne Rock Bowden Rock Bradford Creek Brady Banks Mount Bremer Brewis Island Bridge Creek Lake Bronto Bungaree Shoals Burster Creek Bush Islet Bushy Island Cairncross Islets Caldbeck Reef Cambridge Point Campbell Reef Canal Mauvais Cannibal Creek Cap Islet Carnegie Range Chandogoo Point Chinera Creek Cliffy Point Coconut Island Cody Creek Cody Hill Congora Beach Lake Congora Cowal Cowal Creek Cypress Creek Day Reef Dayman Island Dering Douglas Islet Dove Islet Duckett Dugong Islet Dungeness Reef Dutfield Rock East Point East Strait Island Eborac Island Edwards Rock Eliot Creek Escape River Evans Bay Evans Point Filmer Fishbone Creek Flinders Passage Fly Point Four Fathom Patches Freshwater Bay Furze Point Galloways Hill Getullai Island Gibson Rock Gilmore Bank Great North East Channel Great Woody Island Harrington Reef Harrington Shoal Harvey Rocks Hastings Reef Henderson Creek Herald Patches Heroine Rock Herring Creek High Island Horned Hill Horned Point Hovell Shoal Ibis Reefs Ida Island Ince Point Jackey Jackey Airfield Jackey Jackey Creek Jacobus West Shoal Jardine River National Park Johnson Islet Karniga Island Keatinge Islet Kennedy Inlet Kilbie Beach King Point Kirkcaldie Reef Lacey Island Laradeenya Creek Left Hill Linda Reef Little Adolphus Island Little Roko Island Little Woody Island Lockerbie Logan Jack Creek Loggan Creek Long Island Reefs Lowry Islet Mai Islet Marina Rock Markilug Islet Marou Creek McHenry River McSweeney Reef Meddler Island Melanie Shoal Mew River Mid Rock Middle Brother Milman Milman Islet Mission Hill Mona Rock Monsoon Reef Moresby Rock Morilug Islet Mosby Creek Mouinndo Islet Mount Adolphus Island Mount Ernest Island Muddy Bay Murangi Islet Nanthau Beach Narau Beach Newcastle Bay Newman Reef Nicklin Islet Ninepin Rock Nona Creek North Brother North Ledge North Possession Island Number Two Point Olive Creek Onslow Reef Orford Bay Orford Ness Orman Reef Packsaddlle Creek Panther Shoal Papou Point Parsons Reef Paterson Creek Mount Paterson Peak Hill Peak Point Pearl Rock Peenacar Rock Piara Pinnace Reef Pioneer Bay Pitt Rock Poll Islet Polo Creek Portlock Island Possession Island Providence Shoal Puddingpan Hill Punsand Bay Pym Point Quetta Rock Quoin Island Red Island Red Island Point Reeves Shoal Reid Point Reid Rock Rescue Rock Rhine Rock Richardson Reef Roberts Islet Roko Island Mount Roma Sadd Point Saddle Island St Pauls Saldogoo Beach Lake Saldogoo Salter Island Sana Rock Sanamere Sanamere Creek Sanamere Lagoon Lake Sapaginya Sassie Island Seisia Sendre Rock Sereu Rock Sextant Rock Seymour Shadwell Shadwell Peak Shallow Bay Sharp Point Sherard Osborn Point Shortland Reef Simpson Bay Sinclair Islet Smyth Creek Somerset South Brother South Ledge Spear Creek Spring Creek Strait Rock Suarji Island Sue Islet Sue Island Tancred Passage Tern Cliffs Tern Island Tetley Island The Three Sisters Thomson Islet Tobin Island Torres Strait Travers Island Tree Island Trochus Island Tudu Island Tuesday Islets Tuluaa Islet Turtle Head Turtle Head Island Turtle Island Twin Island Ulfa Rock Ulrica Point Ussher Point Vallack Point Var Shoal Veteran Shoal Vicary Bay Vigilant Channel Walker Shoal Wasp Creek Wassel Island Watson Cay Wednesday Island Lake Wicheura Wilson Creek Woomera Creek Wuwurrka Islet Wyborn Reef Yam Island York Island Cape York Zagai Island Womer Cay Denham Group National Park Jardine River Resources Reserve Possession Island National Park Jardine River Torres Shire Punsand Horn North Cook Scott Rock Forbes Head Dickey Point Pinnacle Peak North East Bluff Frederick Point Alfred Point Charlotte Point Ida Point Little Ida Island Osnaburg Point Somerset Point Somerset Bay Bishop Point Stover Bay Jardine River Cook Shire Tancred Pass Long Island Sassie Sassie Reef Urui Reef Cocoanut Island Parremar Cocoanut Islands Moian Reef North Possession Islet Tobin Islet Portlock Islet Gray Rocks Bet Island Burrar Wreck Shoal Black Rocks Vin Islet Saint Pauls Mission Saint Pauls Mission Station Burke Island Suaraji Suaraji Island Woiz Reef Gettulai Island Getullai Pole Island Nagheer Guijar Poll Island Kai-Maituine Reef Meggi-Maituine Reef Beagle Rocks Muknab Rock Alert Rock Meiu Reef Susur Reef Beresford Shoal Double Island Nelgee Island Toms Son Bank Au-Masig Reef Dugang Island Dugong Island Reeves Shoals Maururra Number Two Islet No 2 Islet Number Three Islet No 3 Islet Flinders Pass Number One Islet No 1 Islet Number Four Islet No 4 Islet Bayag Reef Kagar Reef Nigger Head Jardine Rock Nicklin Island Keatinge Island Mount Adolphus Islands Mount Adolphus Mori Blackwood Bank Morilug Morilug Island Johnson Island Kai-Damun Reef Akone Island Akone Point Bush Island Mid Brother Meggi-Damun Reef Big Woody Island Kai-Yelubi Island York Road Quion Island Meggi-Yelubi Island Peaked Hill Carubaura Cape York Telegraph Station Fred Point Mai Island Paget Point Bedanug Tetley Islets Roonga Point Pabaju Seymour Point Kloster Point Albany Pass Port Albany Orpheus Point Lyons Point Roma Flats Wuwurrka Island Markilug Island Otuckano Creek Lockerie Paterson Hill Z Reef Y Reef Mouinndo Rock Parau Island Jamunnda Cowal Creek Mission Station Black Gin Creek X Reef Kennedy River Jacky Jacky Creek Kennedy Midola River OK Village Riflebird Creek Shadwell Point Tern Islet Arnold Island Arnold Islet Tern Cliff Thompson Island Thomson Island McSweeny Reef Flat Hill Sinclair Island Red Cliff Red Cliffs Packsaddle Creek Dering Creek Milman Island Aplin Island Douglas Island Cairncross Cairncross Islands Bushy Islet Wilds Shoal Orfordness Onslow Patch McHenery River Mourilyan Reef Warrior Island Tutte Warrior Islet Orman Reefs Kai Reef Cap Cap Island Muquar Basilisk Pass Sereu Reef Dungeness Island Jeaka Arden Islet Garboy Sendre Gariar Reef Turtle Backed Island Turtle Back Island Yama Waier Islet Aurid Roberts Island Village Island Dove Island Uttu Malay Passage Billy Passage Jim Passage


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