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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water.A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Riverview Monterosa Weona The Pines Bluebell Farm Granadilla Echo Plains Tully River Station Glen Ewin Chilcory Forestland Babinda Bingil Bay El Arish Flying Fish Point Innisfail Kurrimine Mission Beach Mourilyan Silkwood Tully Tully Heads Wangan Wongaling Beach Moresby Miriwinni Mundoo Old Silkwood Bramston Beach Adelaide Reef Alcock Alexander Creek Alice River Alligator Lagoon Alligator Point Allison Creek Mount Annie Armit Creek Arthur Patches Mount Arthur Babalangee Creek Babinda Swamp Babinda Creek Babinda Falls Badgery Creek Bamboo Creek Banana Creek Banana Island Banyan Creek Barbed Wire Creek Barley Creek Barneys Point Barretts Lagoon Bartle Frere Bartle Frere North Peak Bartle Frere South Peak Basilisk Range Basils Peak Beaver Reef Bedarra Island Beehive Island Beeta Creek Bellenden Ker Bellenden Ker Range Bellenden Plains Bay Hill Berner Creek Berryman Creek Bicton Creek Bicton Hill Big Maria Creek Bilyana Binda Falls Black Lagoon Boar Creek Bobbin Bobbin Falls Boggy Creek Boltons Saddle Bombeeta Creek Bondi Creek Boobah Creek Boobah Creek South Branch Bookal Bookal Creek Boongarri Creek Boonjie Creek Bora Creek Borton Creek Boulder Creek Boundary Creek Bovril Creek Bowden Island Bradshaw Island Brammo Bay Bramston Point Bresnahan Island Brewer Gully Brick Creek Bridal Veil Creek Broken Nose Brook Islands Brook Shoal Brown Range Buckleys Creek Bullyard Creek Bunting Creek Butcher Creek Byrnes Creek Camp Point Campbell Creek Canal Creek Caribou Creek Caribou Falls Caribou Gorge Carmoo Creek Carnie Creek Casey Creek Catelan Creek Cayley Reef Cedar Creek Centre Peak Chalmynia Mountain Cheeki Creek Chickaboogalla Chinamans Creek Chooky Chooky Creek Christmas Creek Chu Chabba Creek Chuck Lunga Creek Chunga Creek Churnano Falls Mount Clare Clares Gully Clearing Clump Mountain Clump Point Coccolah Island Coconut Bay Coconut Point Codfish Creek Mount Coleridge Condoi Creek Connaughtons Creek Point Constantine Coolamon Creek Coolynn Creek Mount Coom Coombe Island Coo-Nana Cooper Creek Cooper Point Mount Cooper Coopooroo Creek Cooroo Peak Cooyar Creek Cope Creek Coquette Point Corduroy Creek Coronation Lookout Corroboree Creek Coventry Creek Cowley Beach Cowley Creek Cowley Creek South Branch Cowley Falls Crawfords Lookout Cucania Culla Creek Dairy Creek Dallachy Dallachy Creek Daradgee Dargin Creek Daru Creek Davidson Creek Davidsons Landing Deep Creek Derra Creek Dickah Hill Digger Creek Dinner Creek Djallan Creek Djarawong Djarawong Creek Djindee Creek Djingalli Creek Double Barrel Creek Double Mountain Double Point Douglas Creek Mount Douglas Downey Creek Dowse Rocks Duffer Creek Dundonald Creek Dunk Island Dunkalli Dunkinju Creek Dunn Creek East Mulgrave River Echo Creek Eddy Reef Mount Edna Eel Creek Egan Creek Eighteen Mile Creek Ella Bay Ella Bay National Park Ellison Reef Ercegs Creek Esmeralda Hill Ethel Hill Etty Bay Eubenangee Swamp Family Islands Farquharson Reef Feather Reef Feluga Fenbys Gap Fisher Creek Fishers Falls Fletcher Creek Mount Fletcher Forrest Island Framtons Gully Francis Range Frenchman Creek Gallets Creek Gardiners Creek Garners Beach Georgie Hill Geranium Passage Gibson Reef Gilbey Reef Gill-Gill Mountain Gillespie Creek Gindaro Creek Glady Glady Inlet Glenne Creek Goodman Point Googarra Beach Goold Island Goold Island National Park Goondi Goor-Tchur Creek Goudge Bank Graham Range Mount Graham Granadilla Creek Granadilla Ridge Gregory Falls Guilfoyle Falls Gurrumba Creek Hall Point Hall Rock Hall-Thompson Reef Harts Gully Harvey Creek Hayman Point Hayter Point Heath Point Hedley Reef Henrietta Creek Mount Henry Hewitt Hilda Hill Hobans Creek Hogans Creek Hoodoo Creek Hornbilla Creek Howie Reef Hudson Island Hull Hull Gap Hull Heads Hull River Humbug Reach Hutchison Island Innisfail Harbour Inno-Noo-Bah Jackson Patches Jacobs Knob Jacobs Ladder Jampee Creek Japoon Jarra Creek Jerry Creek Jessie Island Jingu Creek Jogo Johnstone Johnstone River Jones Falls Joongoon Creek Jordan Jordan Creek Josephine Creek Josephine Falls Mount Josey Joyce Creek Juhas Creek Junction Creek Jurs Creek Jurs Gap Kalbo Creek Kar-Tee Kay Creek Kaygaroo Creek Kearneys Falls Kennedy Bay Kennedy Shoal Kenning Creek Kent Island Kiandra Creek King Reefs Kittabah Creek Knowles Creek Koo-Lal-Bee Koo-Tal-Oo Mountain Kowadgi Creek Kraft Creek Kumboola Island Kurrimine Beach Kut-Tay Mountain Kyboola Creek Lacey Creek Lagoon Creek Mount Leeper Lily Island Limbo Creek Lindquist Island Little Babinda Creek Little Banyan Creek Little Gurrumba Creek Little Moresby Creek Liverpool Creek Lloyd Creek Lockyer Creek Log Bridge Creek Low Island Luff Hill Lugger Bay Machine Creek Mount Mackay Maizie Island Majuba Creek Maria Creek Mount Maria Marjorie Falls Marquette Creek Mount Marquette Mar-Tel-Kee Martin Creek McCabes Gap McCulloch Reef McNamee Creek McNamee Lookout McPaul Creek Meaburn Rock Meera Meerang Creek Meingan Creek Mellicks Island Mena Creek Mena Creek Falls Menzies Creek Meringulah Creek Merryburn Creek Meuanbah Creek Meunga Meuribah Creek Middle Creek Middle Island Midgenoo Midgeree Bar Creek Miks Gully Mirinjo Creek Mount Mirinjo Miskin Creek Mission Hill Mistake Creek Mitcha Creek Mitti Kowadgi Creek Moochoopa Creek Moongera Creek Moor-In-Jin Moresby Range Moresby River Mourilyan Creek Mourilyan Harbour Muff Creek Muggy-Muggy Mulgrave River Mundiburra Creek Mung Um Gnackum Island Munro Plains Murdering Point Murray Falls Murray River Murray River Upper Murrigal Mutchero Inlet Myrhar Falls Mount Myrtle Nandroya Falls Nathan Reef Nigger Creek Ninds Creek Ninds Creek West Branch Ninney Point Niringa Creek Noone Creek Noonoo Creek Norris Creek North Babinda Creek North Bamboo Creek North Barnard Islands North Hull River North Island North Maria Creek North Murray River Nugi Creek Numbal Number One Creek Number Two Creek Nyleta Creek O Donnell Creek O Malleys Creek Olive Falls Olive Rocks One Mile Creek Oom-Balla Oro Creek Otter Reef Outer Rock Pall-Koo-Loo Point Pallon Beach Palma Palmerston Palmerston Rocks Panjoo Pawngilly Peart Reef Pee Rahm Ah Island Perry Rock Mount Peter Pil-Cal Pin Gin Hill Poie-Koo-Kee Polka Corner Mount Poorka Potter Reef Pugh Creek Pungi Creek Quatia Ramleh Rankin Creek Rankin Falls Rapid Falls Raspberry Creek Riversdale Robinsons Beach Rockingham Rockingham Bay Rocky Creek Rocky Point Running Creek Russell Russell Island Saltwater Creek Sandy Creek Scheu Creek Scindah Creek Seymour Range Shaws Corner Silky Oak Creek Sisters Islands Skardon Crossing Smith Island Smith Island National Park Smiths Gap Smoko Creek Mount Smoko Snake Creek Sorensen Creek South Bamboo Creek South Barnard Islands South Island South Johnstone South Johnstone River South Liverpool Creek South Maria Creek South Mission Beach South Peak Spiers Rock Spring Creek Stagnant Creek Stephens Island Stewart Creek Stingaree Reefs Stockyard Creek Stone Island Stony Creek Stratvell Suez Creek Sugarcane Creek Sugarloaf Mountain Surprise Shoal Swampy Creek Swipers Flat Tah-Loo Mountain Tam O Shanter Point Tam O Shanter Range Mount Tam O Shanter Tambal-Tambal Tams Creek Tapp-Ana Taringabah Creek Tawalla Creek Taylor Reef Tchu-Goo-Berri-Me Point Tchupala Falls Teatree Gap Ten Mile Creek Tewon Creek The Bluff The Boulders The Crossroad The Golden Hole The Rocks Thompson Point Thorpe Island Timberoonie Creek Tinkum Creek Tippett Creek Mount Tippett Toogan-Toogan Tool-Guy-Ah Creek Tregothanaan Creek Tully River Tween Island Twin Pinnacles Twine Creek Tyson Upper Dradgee Utchee Creek Mount Utchee Victory Creek Wadda Creek Wairambar Creek Walter Creek Walter Hill Range Wambyan Wankaroo Creek Waraker Creek Wardle Reef Warragon Beach Warramami Hill Warringha Warrubullen Waterwheel Creek Waugh Weary Pocket Webb Creek Weekenah Creek Weinert Creek Weiss Creek Welsh Creek West Liverpool Creek West Mulgrave River Western Creek Westgid Creek Wheeler Island Whitfield Creek Wildsoets Gap Windin Creek Windin Falls Windin Gorge Wolngarin Island Wonarro Creek Wongaling Creek Woodfield Creek Woogaka Creek Wooloogin Creek Woopen Creek Worth Creek Wunga Creek Wylies Creek Wyvuri Swamp Yingalinda Beach Zahra Creek Mount Tyson Bedford Creek Boolabah Creek Bulguru Swamp Deeral Barnard Island Group National Park Brook Islands National Park Carello Palm Swamp Conservation Park Djilgarin Conservation Park Edmund Kennedy National Park Etty Bay Road Conservation Park Eubenangee Swamp National Park Family Islands National Park Hull River National Park Kurrimine Beach Conservation Park Kurrimine Beach National Park Maria Creek National Park Meingan Creek Conservation Park Moresby Range National Park Warrina Conservation Park Mount Julia The Twins The Sisters Publican Shoals Swinbourne Patches Euramo East Palmerston Palmerston Rocks National Park Moresby Range Resources Reserve Mount Archer Resources Reserve Jalum Conservation Park Walter Hill Range Conservation Park Warrubullen Conservation Park Moss Reef Reg Ward Reef Duncan Reef Barnett Patches Bandjin Reefs Mound Island Denizen Creek Mount Mackay National Park Japoon National Park Alcock Forest Reserve Clump Mountain National Park Murray Upper National Park Japoon Forest Reserve Tam O Shanter Forest Reserve Tam O Shanter National Park Meunga Forest Reserve Wooroonooran National Park Russell River National Park Yamacutta Reef Ambah-Ambah Barcoo Creek Bee-Ran Bidgeroo Boo-Garoo Bul-Loo-Go Creek Coobin-Cotan-You Cum-Mai-Nubble-Nubble Creek Gin-Gee Har-Ran Ika-Ika Karra-Malla Karra-Man Kee-Woo Kit-Ah Kum-Moo-Arra Mood-Goo-Gar Moo-Jee Creek Murgon Neyring Poola-Djoon Pool-Bee-Ee Tak-Al Tar-Koo-Kee Tarn-Coo-Rah-Ee Mountain Tee-Ree Tiering Keep-In-Ma Toora-Coorang Toorgey-Toorgey Creek Wallon-Boo Woor-Amboo Creek East Russell Eubenangee Cairns Regional Council Eubenangee Cassowary Coast Regional Council Ngatjan Cairns Regional Council Ngatjan Cassowary Coast Regional Council Wooroonooran Cairns Regional Council Birkalla Bulgun Carmoo Daveson Dingo Pocket Djiru Dunk East Feluga Friday Pocket Basilisk Belvedere Bombeeta Boogan Camp Creek Coconuts Comoon Loop Cooroo Lands Coorumba Cowley Cullinane Currajah East Innisfail Eaton Fitzgerald Creek Garradunga Germantown Goolboo Goondi Bend Goondi Hill Gulngai Hudson Innisfail Estate Jaffa Japoonvale Jubilee Heights Lower Cowley Lower Tully Maadi Mamu Maria Creeks Martyville McCutcheon Merryburn Midgeree Bar Mighell Murray Upper Nerada New Harbourline No. 4 Branch No. 5 Branch No. 6 Branch O Briens Hill Sandy Pocket Shell Pocket Silky Oak South Innisfail Stockton Stoters Hill Sundown Cassowary Coast Regional Council Tam O Shanter Upper Daradgee Vasa Views Walter Hill Walter Lever Estate Wanjuru Webb Wooroonooran Cassowary Coast Regional Council Warrami Waugh Pocket Russell River Constantine Point Harveys Creek Bellenden Ker Mountains Wooroonooran Bellenden Ker Centre Peak Centre Peak Bellenden Ker Range McCullock Reef Mustard Patches Bellenden Ker South Peak South Peak Bellenden Ker Range Mopo Mount Bartle Frere South Peak Bartle Frere Pughs Creek Conzelman Bluff Waughs Pocket Eubenangee Mount Chalmynia Miller Hill Mount Cooroo Nind Creek Mind Creek North Johnstone River North Branch Johnstone River Gladys Inlet Geraldton Johnstone River South Branch Beatrice River Mundoc Sharon Shoal Mount Leiper Hall Thompson Reef Niggerhead Goodman Rock Hayten Point Heyter Point Armistice Reef Inarlinga Mount Warrubullen Mount Meuanba Mount Mouanba Mount Warrabullen Warrbullen Mountain Brown Sisters Island Sisters Islet Noreaster Reef Table Top Range King Reef Double Hill Fenby Gap Tam OShanter National Park Mount Tam OShanter Mount Carron Mound Islet Purtaboi Island Bulgun Creek Mount Doulas Pedalion Point Toogan Toogan Point Pall Koo Loo Point Mung-um-gnackum Island Tam OShanter Point Woln Garin Island Timana Island Great Barrier Reef Bolshoy Baryernyy Rif The Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reefs Richards Island Bedarra Toolgbar Wheeler Islet Kurrumbah Smith Islet Combe Islet Bowden Islet Budg-joo King Ranch Bird Island Coolah Hudson Islet


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