AUS 824 – Penrith Island To Whitsunday Island Online
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Exmoor St Helens Brothwells Gully Cannonvale Airlie Beach Blacks Beach Bucasia Calen Eimeo Hamilton Island Seaforth Shoal Point Shutehaven Wilson Beach St Helens Beach Haliday Bay Conway Beach Nindaroo Ball Bay Midge Point Acacia Island Mount Adder Airlie Bay Airlie Creek Alert Bank Alligator Creek Allonby Island Almora Islet Amhurst Creek Aminungo Anchor Islands Anchorsmith Island Andersons Bay Andrews Point Anne Island Anvil Island Apostle Bay Apsley Creek Mount Arthur Aspatria Island Bailey Islet Barren Creek Barren Creek Left Branch Barren Creek Right Branch Barren Mountain Barrow Hill Base Point Bashfords Landing Bassett Baxendell Shoal Baynham Island Beallah Beatrice Creek Mount Beatrice Bellows Island Bench Point Bennett Rock Blackcombe Island Blackrock Creek Blacksmith Island Blackwood Shoals Mount Blackwood Bloomsbury Bluff Creek Bluff Hill Bluff Point Boat Haven Boat Point Bolton Hill Bolton Shoal Bonavista Border Island Boulder Creek Brampton Island Brampton Island National Park Branch Creek Brothers Islands Brush Island Buddibuddi Island Bullion Rocks Bullock Creek Burning Point Bushy Islet Bushy Island National Park Buthurra Calder Island Calf Island Camerons Creek Camerons Gap Camerons Pocket Campbell Creek Campbells Plain Cannan Reef Cape Hillsborough National Park Cape Rock Careys Creek Carlisle Island Carondelet Rock Carpet Snake Island Carpet Snake Point Catherine Creek Mount Catherine Cathu Catseye Bay Cattle Bay Cave Creek Cave Island Cawarra Head Cedar Creek Mount Chaine Charley Creek Mount Charlton Christensens Gap Chrome Rock Cid Harbour Cid Island Clanside Cluny Creek Cockermouth Island Cod Point Coffin Island Cole Island Comston Island Conder Hills Conder Shoal Conference Creek Conow Creek Constant Creek Mount Consuelo Conway Conway Range Conway Shoal Cape Conway Mount Conway Cooper Gully Copper Gap Coppersmith Rock Coral Point Covering Beach Covering Creek Cow Island Cowrie Island Crab Bay Craig Point Cramer Point Crazy Cat Mountain Credlin Reefs Croaker Rock Crofton Creek Cumberland Channel Cumberland Islands Dalrymple Creek Mount Dalrymple Dalwood Point Daniel Point Datum Rock Mount David Daydream Island Dead Dog Island Deedes Point Deepwater Point Defiance Island Defiance Reefs Deloraine Island Dempster Creek Denman Island Denmans Creek Dent Island Derwent Island Devereux Rock Dewars Beach Dewars Point Dolphin Heads Dorsal Rock Double Bay Downfall Creek Driftwood Bay Dry Creek Dugong Bay Dugong Inlet Dumbell Island Dungurra Island East Point East Repulse Island East Rock Echo Point Edgell Rock Edward Island Egremont Pass Eight Mile Creek Eimeo Creek Elaroo Esk Island Ethel Creek Fairlight Rock Fantome Rocks Farrier Island Ferncove Creek Flimby Shoal Finger And Thumb Islands Finlaysons Point Fire Point Firth Patch Fish Reef Fitzalan Island Flaggy Rock Creek Flame Tree Creek Flying Fox Islands Forge Rocks Four Mile Gully Fox Creek French Shoal Frith Rock Funnel Bay Mount Gabrovo Gaibirra Island Galbraith Creek Gap Beach Gap Creek Geeberga Genesta Bay Geranium Shoal Gilling Point Goat Bay Goat Island Goldsmith Island Goorganga Creek Gould Island Grants Bank Green Island Green Point Grimston Point Gueyan Gulnare Inlet Gungwiya Island Gunn Island Habana Hammer Island Hampden Hannah Point Hansens Gully Happy Bay Harold Island Haslewood Island Haswell Patch Mount Hayward Helvellyn Rocks Hempel Rock Henning Island Hervey Creek Hesket Rock High Islands High Mountain Hill Inlet Hill Rock Hillsborough Channel Cape Hillsborough Home Creek Homestead Bay Mount Horn Hornet Gully Hughes Point Humpy Point Hunt Channel Hunt Reef Hutchison Shoal Hyde Rock Iguana Gully Ingot Ingot Islets Io Reef Ireby Islet Jane Creek Mount Jeffreys Jesuit Point Jolimont Creek Jones Creek Joseph Bay Jukes Creek Mount Jukes Julian Creek Jumper Creek Mount Jumper Kanaka Creek Kanakas Release Creek Mount Kangaroo Katoomba Bank Kennard Rocks Kennedy Sound Ker Point Keswick Island Keyser Island Kitty Creek Kolijo Kungurri Kungurri Gap Kuttabul Cape Lachlan Lacy Lady Island Ladysmith Island Lagoon Rock Lamberts Beach Lamond Hill Landing Creek Langford Creek Leila Creek Lethe Brook Mount Lewis Mount Lilian Lily Creek Lindeman Islands National Park Lindeman Group Lindeman Island Linne Island Little Conway Little Lindeman Island Lizard Creek Llewellyn Shoal Locksmith Island Lonely Bay Long Island Long Island Peak Long Island Sound Long Rock Long Shoal Loriad Point Low Rock Lower Creek Lucas Creek Lupton Island Macartney Creek Macartneys Gap Macartneys Landing Mackay Point Mount Maclear Macquarie Creek Maher Island Mandalay Point Mansell Island Mapalo Mount Margaret Mount Marlow Married Mans Creek Mars Shoal Martha Creek Martin Creek Martin Islet Mount Martin Marton Maryport Bay Maryport Island Mathers Landing Mausoleum Island McBrides Point McCreadys Creek Mount McLean Mentmore Mentmore Beach Mount Merkara Mid Molle Island Midge Island Midge Mountain Molle Molle Channel Port Molle Moondaba Moonlight Creek Morgans Creek Mothergum Hill Mount Jukes East Mount Ossa Mount Pelion Mulei Murray Creek Murrinda Mystery Creek Narpi Native Dog Creek Neck Bay Neilson Creek New Beach Newry Island Newry Islands National Park Port Newry Nicolson Island Niddoe Creek Niddoes Gap Nine Mile Creek Nixon Reef Nobbler Creek North Molle Island North Red Cliff Island North Repulse Island Nota Bene Creek Notch Hill Nunga Island O Connell River Mount Oldfield Omega Creek Mount Omega One Mile Creek Oom Shoal Orchid Creek Orion Shoal Orphanage Swamp Osprey Point Ossa Ossa Creek Outer Newry Island Oyster Creek Paget Creek Pakula Pallion Point Palm Bay Palm Creek Palm Tree Creek Pandamus Gully Pandanus Creek Panorama Lookout Paradise Creek Parapi Park Creek Parker Reef Passage Peak Pear Shoals Pebblyrock Creek Pelican Island Pelion Penny Bay Penrith Island Pentecost Island Perseverance Island Peter Head Petrel Islet Picaninny Point Pig Creek Pigeon Island Pincer Island Pindi Pindi Pine Head Pine Island Pinnacle Rock Pioneer Bay Pioneer Point Pioneer Rocks Plantation Creek Planton Island Platypus Rock Plum Pudding Island Pocket Paddock Poison Mountain Prince Creek Proserpine Plain Proserpine River Mount Proserpine Puritan Bay Rabbit Island Raspberry Creek Rebus Creek Red Cliff Islands Redbill Islet Reef Point Refuge Bay Reliance Creek Relief Point Repair Island Repulse Bay Repulse Beach Repulse Creek Repulse Islands Revenge Creek Rhino Mountain Ripple Rocks Robertson Reefs Rocky Creek Rocky Island Rocky Mountain Rocky Point Roma Point Rooper Inlet Mount Rooper Roseric Shoal Ross Islet Ross Smith Bank Round Head Mount Roy Ryans Creek Saddle Creek Saltwater Creek Sand Bay Sandfly Creek Sandpiper Reef Saunders Creek Sawmill Bay Sawyer Creek Scawfell Island Schooner Rock Scrubby Creek Scrubby Hill Seaforth Creek Seaforth Island Mount Seemore Seven Mile Creek Mount Sharp Shaw Shaw Island Shaw Peak Sheriff Shoal Short Creek Shute Bay Shute Harbour Shute Island Sidney Island Silent Grove Creek Sillago Island Silloth Rocks Silversmith Island Singapore Rock Sir James Smith Group Six Mile Creek Skiddaw Peak Skull Knob Skull Rock Slade Bay Slade Point Slade Rock Slippanel Creek Small Creek Smalleys Beach Solder Island Solway Pass Somerset Creek South Head South Molle Island South Red Cliff Island South Repulse Island Southern Point Specie Shoal Spit Point Spitfire Rock Splitter Creek Pioneer Peaks National Park Spring Creek Spring Gully Mount Springcliffe St Bees Head St Bees Island St Helen Rock St Helens Bay St Helens Creek St Helens Gap Station Creek Steff Rock Stevens Reef Stewart Peninsula Stone Island Stony Creek Stripe Point Sunset Bay Mount Sunter Surprise Creek Surprise Rock Swamp Bay Mount Sweetland Swizel Creek Swordfish Point Tancred Island Taro Creek Teague Island Ten Mile Beach Ten Mile Creek Tern Islet The Beak The Black Mountain The Causeway The Dome The Hump The Inlet The Leap The Pinnacle The Sister Thomas Island Thompson Creek Thora Point Three Fathom Patch Three Mile Creek Three Rocks Tinsmith Island Tommys Creek Tonga Mountain Tonga Range Tongue Point Trammel Bay Tramrail Gully Triangle Island Turkey Creek Turtle Bay Turtle Point Two Mile Creek Unsafe Passage Valen Creek Venus Shoal Victor Creek Vincent Bay Volskow Island Wagoora Waite Creek Waterhole Creek Watering Horse Creek Wedge Island Western Point Whale Bay Whiptail Range White Bay White Rock Whitehaven Bay Whitsunday Whitsunday Cairn Whitsunday Craig Whitsunday Group Whitsunday Island Whitsunday Islands National Park Whitsunday Passage Whitsunday Peak Wigton Island Williamsons Beach Wilson Windy Bay Wirrainbeia Island Woodcutter Bay Woodwark Bay Wool Bay Workington Island Wundaru Mount Xeromero Yakapari Yalboroo Yard Creek Yellow Rock Yerumbinna Island Yiundalla Island Zamia Creek Zamia Hill Mount Zillah Belmunda Beach Kamo Bloomsbury Conservation Park Mount Martin National Park Mount Ossa National Park Reliance Creek National Park Skull Knob Conservation Park Smith Islands National Park South Cumberland Islands National Park St Helens Gap Conservation Park Urilla Rock Belmunda Laguna Quays Rural View Eungella Hinterland Mackay City Beaconsfield Henderson Reefs Preston Whitsunday Shire Brandy Creek Cannon Valley Flametree Glen Isla Goorganga Plains Jubilee Pocket Lethebrook Mandalay Palm Grove Riordanvale Sugarloaf Whitsunday Shire Whitsundays Woodwark Conway National Park Molle Islands National Park Repulse Islands National Park Jones Point Fuller Point Mount Robison Brownsey Spur Eungella National Park Fitzalan Passage Bluff Hill State Forest Neils Beach Deloraine Islet Edgell Reefs Dumbell Islet Peteril Island Petrel Island Almora Island Wirrainbeia Islet Ball Hill Lion Point North Arm Dugong Inlet North Arm of Dugong Inlet East Arm Dugong Inlet East Arm of Dugong Inlet Ireby Island Sillago Islet Lady Islet Molle Islands Mount Robinson West Molle Island South Molle Tourist Camp Molle Island The Horn Babieca Summit Deauville Waite Bay Walle Creek Pear Shoal Loriard Point Lupton Reef Hunt Reefs Hump Solway Passage Windermere Strathdickie Emmerson Creek The Narrows Dent Passage Whitsunday Pass Young Island Woodcutters Bay Mount Julian Andersons Inlet Rossleigh Bona Vista Cow and Calf Islands Ann Island Cow Islet Cole Islet Calf Islet Sidney Islet Kelsey Creek Coorganga Creek Defiance Creek Little Conway Mountain Dalys Island Defiance Islet Pine Islet Goose Lagoon Banana Pocket Ripple Rock Convay Shoal Saint Helen Rock OConnell River Midgeton Solder Islet Coffin Islet Mount Tonga Finger and Thumb Maryport Islet Maryport Islands Stewart Peninsular The Brothers Devereux Rocks Pebbly Rock Creek Lacy Creek Crooker Rock Yalbaroo Yalbroo Lizard Gully Reedy Creek Saint Helens Beach Wootaroo Mount Rhino Zenia Creek Saint Helens Bay Fantome Rock Duddon Point Sandy Camp Waterhole Acacia Islet Sawyers Creek McDermotts Gap Saint Helens Creek Rise and Shine Right Branch Barren Creek Left Branch Barren Creek Hallidays Bay Egremont Passage Springcliff Term Isle Tern Island Tern Isle Mount Lillian Saint Helens Horseshoe Bend Pandanus Gully Mount Springcliff Mount Springfield Pinnacle Peak Saint Bees Island Wheatley Shoal Filmoy Shoal Hesketh Rock Bushy Island Redbill Island Redbill Isle Mount Miller Silent Grove Hunt Shoal Low Gap Saint Helens Gap Double Mountain Habana Creek Ehsmanns Gap Bailey Island High Round Summit Parapi Station Neilsen Creek Habana Mill Seaview Etowri Mount Jukes Station Black Mountain Barcoo Eimeo Road Amhurst Treefern Creek Owens Creek Andergrove
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