AUS 822 – Port Clinton To Percy Isles Online
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water.A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Freshwater Townshend Island Ivanhoe Quail Island Rangeview Stanage Bay Spring Valley Clairview Couti Uti Waverley Pine Mountain Rosedale Waratah Torilla Prospect Hills Wilangi Granite Vale Hill End Fernlea Keiver Amedale Greenhill St Lawrence Akens Island Alexandra Reefs Allandale Island Alligator Creek Alnwick Island Amity Creek Annie Island Apple Tree Creek Aquila Aquila Island Arthur Point Mount Arthur Avoid Island Bald Hills Bald Island Bamborough Island Bamborough Shoal Bar Plains Barnett Rock Barren Island Bates Rock Bay Island Bedwell Group Bellingham Sand Berwick Island Beware Rocks Billy Rock Black Rock Black Swan Rock Blackbird Shoal Blackfellow Creek Blind Creek Blind Rock Bluewater Creek Bluewater Gap Blunt Bay Boat Islet Bone Creek Boomerang Shoals Boyle Reef Bridge Creek Broad Sound Broad Sound Channel Broadsound Brooks Shoal Broome Head Brown Rock Bryant Rock Bull Creek Bullock Point Bund Creek Burkitt Roads Bush Island Calabash Creek Calliope Island Campbell Peak Cannibal Group Canoe Passage Cape Island Carmila Creek Cattle Creek Channel Island Charcoal Creek Charon Point Chase Point Cheviot Island Chevy Shoal Clairview Bluff Clairview Creek Clairview Island Clara Group Clara Island Clayton Cliff Head Cliff Peak Cape Clinton Clump Hill Coal Island Cockatoo Hill Collins Island Comet Ledge Comet Rock Connie Creek Connor Banks Connor Island Connor Rock Coonyan Creek Coquet Island Corisande Hills Couti Uti Creek Mount Couti Uti Crane Island Creek Rock Crocodile Banks Crooked Sands Curlew Sand Daintry Creek Danger Island Danger Shoal Delcomyn Island Dicks Creek Dingo Creek Dinner Island Division Creek Dome Island Donovan Shoal Double Rocks Douglas Island Dove Point Drumfish Shoal Dry Creek Duke Islands Eagle Islet Earl Banks East Creek East Ridge Banks East Spur Edward Island Mount Edward Edwards Shoal Eight Mile Creek Elalie Eliza Island Emily Patches Entrance Island Escape Cay Ethel Sand Falcon Island Fanning Shoal Feather Creek Fish Rock Mount Fitz Five Trees Cay Flaggy Rock Creek Flat Island Passage Flat Isles Flinders Watering Gully Mount Flinders Flock Pigeon Island Fort Cope Four Mile Beach Freshwater Creek Gannet Rock Gap Creek George Island Mount Gibralter Gillinbin Creek Glasgow Rock Glencoe Gordon Head Goude Creek Grace Creek Graf Rock Green Hill Growlen Creek Gull Cay Half Tide Rock Hall Creek Hannah Rock Harrison Island Heath Shoals Heifer Creek Herbert Creek Hervey Islands Hexham Island High Peak Island Hildebrand Rock Hixson Islet Hixson Point Hollins Creek Holt Island Holt Shoal Holtness Point Home Creek Howard Islet Howard Point Hunter Island Hutton Creek Infelix Islets Inner Head Innes Island Iron Islet Island Bluff Island Head Island Head Creek Jardine Creek Jeffreys Rocks Jessie Lagoons Jessie Peak Kalarka Kangaroo Creek Karloo Kelly Creek Knobler Creek Krankeet Mountain Lake Shoals Lantana Creek Launch Rocks Leake Rock Ledge Point Leicester Island Leichhardt Creek Lily Creek Lingham Island Little Bridge Creek Little Codling Creek Little Creek Little Daintry Creek Little Island Lola-Montes Passage Long Bank Long Island Long Shoal Low Island Low Rock Lower Rock Lucy Ravel Point Macdonald Point Main Channel Mangrove Island Marble Island Marion Creek Marion Rock Marquis Island Marsh Reef Master Rocks McEwen Island Middle Creek Middle Island Middle Passage Middle Rock Middle Shoal Mooly Creek Moonlight Creek Morkar Islet Morning Cay Morpeth Island Mosquito Creek Mosquito Hill Mosquito Waterhole Mountain Creek Mumford Island Murchison Narrow Passage Narrows Rock Newport Norberry Creek Normanby Range Normanby Rock North Channel North East Island North East Island National Park North East Point North Patch North Point North Point Cays North Point Isles North Point Passage North Red Bluff North Rock North West Bay North West Channel Northumberland Northumberland Islands Notch Mountain Notch Point Oaky Creek Observation Rock Obstruction Shoals Old Keiver One Fathom Patch One Tree Hill Onslow Point Osborn Island Osprey Rocks Otterbourne Island Oyster Creek Park Shoal Parker Creek Passage Patch Paxton Shoal Payne Shoal Pearl Bay Pearl Passage Pelican Rock Peninsula Peninsula Flats Peninsula Range Percy Isles Perforated Point Mount Phillip Pier Head Pilot Reef Pine Islets Pine Mountain Creek Pinetrees Point Police Camp Creek Porphyry Hill Port Denison Lagoon Porter Creek Poynter Island Price Mountain Prospect Hill Quarry Point Race Passage Race Rocks Ranken Island Raspberry Creek Rat Tail Sand Raynham Island Red Clay Island Red Cliff Passage Red Point Reef Island Reef Point Rescue Bay Ridge Island Ripple Island Rocket Spit Rocky Creek Rocky Island Rocky Shelf Bay Roger Hills Rosewood Island Ross Creek Rothbury Island Round Island Round Rock Round Rock Ledges Roundish Island Rowdy Creek Sabina Point Sail Rock Salt Hill Saltwater Creek Sand Bank Bay Sand Fly Creek Sandy Shoals Scour Creek Seaview Hills Separation Banks Seventeen Mile Gap Shag Rock Shields Island Shoalwater Bay Six Mile Creek Skull Islands Slattery Shoal Smith Bluff Smythe Shoals Snake Cays South Barren Island South East Islets South Island South Island National Park South Patch South Red Bluff South Sail Rock Southport Hill Spencer Creek Spider Creek Split Island Newport Conservation Park Spur Bay St Lawrence Creek Stanage Stanage Point Steep Island Stockyard Creek Stony Creek Stony Shoal Stoodleigh Creek Strong Tide Passage Styx River Sullivan Rock Sun Island Sunset Rock Supply Bay Swan Island Table Rock Tail Rock Ten Pin Rock The Gemini The Hoogly Thirsty Sound Three Mile Beach Three Mile Creek Tickle Toby Creek Tide Island Till Rock Till Shoal Tin Case Creek Tin Case Gap Tinonee Peak Island Torch Shoal Torilla Hill Torilla Peninsula Tornado Rocks Tower Point Townshend Cape Townshend Triangular Island Turn Island Turn Shoal Turners Hut Creek Turtle Island Tweed Island Two Mile Creek Two Round Rocks Tynemouth Island Upper Head Mount Upright Wadallah Wadallah Creek Walter Island Walter Point Wambah Creek Warginburra Peninsula Waverley Creek Waverley Knob Waverley Lagoon Waverley Plains Wellington Creek West Bay West Bight West Hill Creek West Hill Island West Hill National Park West Point West Point Head West Reef West Ridge Banks West Side Island West Spur West Water Mount Westall Wheybush Creek White Rocks White Shoal Whites Bay Wild Duck Island Williams Shoal Woods Island Wran Creek Wright Bank Wumalgi Yarrawonga Point Yellow Waterhole Carmila Flaggy Rock Clayton Conservation Park The Percy Group Port Clinton Shoalwater Broad Sound Islands National Park Charon Point Conservation Park Shoalwater Bay Conservation Park Pearl Shoal Owens Shoal Edith Rock Tinonee Island Marian Rock Northumberland Isles Boat Island Ridge Islet Douglas Islet Percy Islands Connor Islet Marian Creek Howard Island Smythe Shols Wild Duck Lagoon Innis Island West Hill Glascow Rock Scrubby Creek Red Clay Isle Boomerang Shoal Coquet Islet Lola Montes Passage Low Rock Island Morkar Island Flat Islands Avoid Isle Eagle Island Aquila Islet North Point Island Turn Islet Race Rock Iron Island West Channel Low Islet North Point Pass Flock Pigeon Islet Tide Islands McEwan Island Mount Ewen Islet West Side Islet Stannage Bay Bald Hill Connors Banks Jessie Lagoon Cape Townsend Cape Islet Ripple Islands Cannibal Islands The Shacks Annie Islet Mount Townshend Eliza Islet Mangrove Islands Rogers Hills Separation Bank Port of Saint Lawrence Saint Lawrence Creek The Hollins Edward Islet Sun Islet Mount Couti Outi Bay Islet Sea View Hill Saint Lawrence Saint Lawrence Township Waverley Nob The Hooghly The Hugli Turtle Islet Couti Outi Waverley Station Waverly Creek Triangular Islands Spit Island Wadelah Creek Rose Creek Peninsular Range Seventeen Mile Creek Foyle Park Mount Gibraltar Wood Island West Water Head Port Bowen Black Rock Island Mount Philip Head Creek Boundary Creek
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