AUS 809 – Port Jackson To Port Stephens Supply
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Tangorin Oakholme Tuniloa Rothesdale Glenroy Marham Park Heaton Park Woodside Beachwood Felled Timber Creek Green Valley Santa Barbara The Ranch Eungala Yarabah Debarry Kimbad Bebeah Kingtree Langton Gate Ravensdale The Daniels Cambar Valley Haven Beavendale Robinvale Thompson Vale Barbarossa Ravella Summerlees Farm Glen Ayr The Mount Marabilla Sentosa Gracemere Jilliliby Park Nanrae Downs Wen Mar Houston Sunnyridge Charolan Glengarriff Karinya Carinya High Valley Wombalana Selah Farm Warrumbungle Beckley Illawong Boomerang Kingsley Green Hillview Bell Birds Woodlands Karingal Greenacres Apollo Park Gooley Hazel Grove Bellmont Willow Bend Sunnybrook St Martins Valley View Idaho Pine Crest Farm Willow Fields Fairhaven Spring Vale Green Acres Central Coast Cessnock Chain Valley Bay Bateau Bay Bellbird Anna Bay Avoca Beach Avondale Awaba Boat Harbour Bonnells Bay Brandy Hill Branxton Brightwaters Budgewoi Cooranbong Corlette Dora Creek Ellalong Ettalong Beach Fingal Bay Gillieston Heights Gosford Greta Gwandalan Hawks Nest Heddon Greta Hinton Karuah Killingworth Kitchener Kurri Kurri Lake Munmorah Lemon Tree Passage Lochinvar Maitland Mannering Park McMasters Beach Medowie Millfield Minmi Mirrabooka Morisset Mulbring Neath Nelson Bay Newcastle Norah Head Nords Wharf North Arm Cove North Rothbury Paterson Patonga Paxton Rathmines Raymond Terrace Salamander Bay Seaham Seahampton Silverwater Soldiers Point Sunshine Tea Gardens Terrigal The Entrance Toukley Wallalong Wangi Wangi Weston Windella Downs Windermere Park Woy Woy Wyee Wyee Point Wyong Yarrawonga Park One Mile Taylors Beach Abernethy Anvil Creek Anna Bay Cemetery Anna Bay East Public School Angophora Reserve B.B.C. Miller Park Argenton Arden Arcadia Park Arcadia Vale Arcadia Vale Public School Armstrong Park Allison Allandale Awaba Railway Station Awaba State Forest Avoca Beach Public School Avoca Lagoon Avoca Lake Avoca South Avalon Public School Awaba Bay Awabakal Field Studies Centre Awabakal Nature Reserve Awaba Lake Awaba Public School Avoca Avalon Avalon Beach Avalon Golf Course Avalon High School Attunga Park America Bay Alison Alexandria Albert Reserve A.F. Wyatt Reserve Arthur Park Armstrongs Creek Armstrongs Gully Argenton Public School Arabanoo Lookout Anzac Park Annie Wyatt Park Anna Bay Public School Andersons Point Anderson Memorial Reserve Anambah Ambrose Reserve Village of Alnwick Alnwick Allenby Park Allen Park Allandale Railway Station Allambie Heights Allambie Park Allagai Bay Allambee Gardens Allambee Park Alder Park Albion Park Adamstown Public School Adamstown Railway Station Adamstown Station Adamstown South Public School Abernethy Pinnacle Aberdare Aberdare Cemetery Aberdare Junction Railway Station Aberdare State Forest Aellalong Aellalong Lagoon Aeropelican Airport Addison Adamstown Adamstown Heights Adamstown Heights Infants School Adamstown Park Adamstown Post Office Aberglasslyn Village of Abermain Abermain Abermain Post Office Abermain Public School Abermain Railway Station Village of Abernethy Back Island Baden Powell Park Bagnalls Beach Bahai Temple Bahloo Reserve Baileys Point Bairne Bakers Siding Balberook Cove Baldy Baldy Cliff Baldy Knob Balgowlah Balgowlah Boys High School Balgowlah Heights Balgowlah Heights Public School Balgowlah Park Balgowlah Post Office Balickera Canal Ballacara Ballacara Hill Balmoral Balmoral Bay Balmoral Beach Balmoral Park Balmoral Place Bamford Reserve Banavie Reserve Bangalay Reserve Bangalley Head Bangalow Creek Banks Beach Banksia Park The Bar Bar Beach Bardens Bay Bardouroka Bareena Park Bar Lookout Barnes Rocks Barnsley Barnsley Public School Baromee Baromee Hill Baromee Point Barraba Barraba Spur Barracluff Park Barranjoey Barranjoey Lighthouse Barrenjoey Barrenjoey Beach Barrenjoey Head Barrenjoey High School Barrenjoey Lighthouse Bar Rocks Barry Park Barties Creek Barton Fields The Basin Basin Beach Basin Cut Bato Bato Point Baxter Park The Bay Bayview Bayview Golf Course Bayview Park Bay View Wharf Beach Reserve Beacon Hill Beacon Hill Reserve Beacon Hill High School Beacon Hill Public School Beaufort Road Oval Beauty Point Beavens Point Beeaynbah Point Beeby Park Bee Camp Point Belair Public School Bellevue Hill Public School Belford Belford Cemetery Belford Dome Belford Railway Station Belford State Forest Village of Bellbird Bellbird Creek Bellbird Heights Bellbird Public School Belle Vue Bellevue Bellevue Hill Bellevue Park Bell Wharf Belmont Belmont Bay Belmont Cemetery Belmont High School Belmont Lagoon Belmont North Public School Belmont Park Belmont Post Office Belmont Public School Belmont Technical College Belmont Wharf Ben Bridges Point Ben Buckler Bennett Park Bennetts Beach Bennetts Green Bennetts Wharf Bensville Beresfield Beresfield Public School Beresfield Railway Station Berkeley Berkeley Creek Berkeley Park Berkeley Vale Berkeley Vale Public School Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Berkeley Vale Campus Berkeley Vale Sportsground Berry Park Berrys Head Beverley Job Park Biddigal Reserve Big Bald Hill Big Ben Rock Big Bumpy Big Pole Point Big Ridge Big Rocky Big Swan Bay Bilgola Bilgola Beach Bilgola Creek Bilgola Head Bilgola Plateau Park Bilgola Plateau Public School Bills Gully Bills Point Boandabah Boardsmans Flat Bobs Farm Bobs Farm Creek Bobs Farm Public School Boat Channel Boam-Billy The Bluff Bluff Point Bluey Creek Blue Lagoon Blue Gum Point Blue Haven Blue Gum Flat Blue Gum Creek Blarney Creek Blanchs Jetty Black Wattle or Barties Creek Black Waterhole Creek Black Waterholes Creek The Black Waterholes Blackwall Mount Blackwall Point Blackwall Bathurst Blue Fish Blue Fish Point Blacksmiths Point Blacksmiths Public School Blacksmiths Wharf Blacksmiths Blacksmiths Beach Blacks Camp Black Neds Bay Black Neds Point Black Jacks Point Black Hill Public School Black Hill Spur Black Hill Bluebell Park Blue Bay The Blowhole Blind Harrys Swamp Blind Creek Black Creek Black Butt Range Blackbutt Range Blackbutt Reserve Blackbutt Ridge Blackbutt Lookout Blackbutt Reserve Lookout Blackbutt Point Blackbrook Blackbrook Hill Blackalls Park Blackalls Park Railway Station Blackalls Public School Blackalls Bishops Hill Bishops Bridge Bishops Creek Birubi Point Bishop Birralee Reserve Birmingham Gardens Infants School Birmingham Gardens Public School Birmingham Place Birnie Lookout Birdwood Park Birmingham Gardens Bird Island Bird Island Creek Bird Island Nature Reserve Biraban Public School Birdie Beach Birdie Creek Bird Cage Point Bingles Hill Bogey Hole Boggy Hole Creek Boggy Point Bolton Jetty Bolton Point Bolton Point Park Bolton Point Public School Bolwarra Bolwarra Heights Bolwarra Public School Bondi Bondi Bay Bondi Beach Bondi Beach Post Office Bondi Beach Public School Bondi Junction Bondi North Bondi Junior High School Bondi North Stack Bondi Park Bondi Post Office Bondi Public School Bongan Bongin Bongin Bay Bongin Bongin Beach Bongon Bongon Beach Bongon Head Bongon Lagoon Bonnells Bay Park Bonnells Bay Public School Bonney Doon Wharf Bonny Boy Creek Bonny Boy Gully Booker Bay Boolaroo Boolaroo Post Office Boolaroo Public School Boolaroo Wharf Boomerang Park Boondaba Island Boondaba or Middle Island Boondah Reserve Boondar Reserve Boondelbah Island Boondi Reserve Booragul Booragul High School Booragul Public School Booragul Railway Station Booth Park Boot Rock The Boot Boray Boronia Gardens Boronia Ridge Boronia Spur Bottle and Glass Point Bottle and Glass Rocks Bouddi Bouddi Lookout Bouddi National Park Bouddi Peninsula Bouddi Point Bouddi Ridge Bouddi Range Bouddi Spur Bouddi State Park Boughton Point Boundary Point Bowmans Point Box Box Beach Box Head Box Hill Box or Hawke Head Boyd Oval Boyds Creek Boyds Gully Boyds Point Bradleys Creek Bradleys Point Braithwaite Park Branch of Winding Creek Brandon Branxton Cemetery Branxton Park Branxton Public School Branxton Post Office Branxton Railway Station Village of Branxton Branxton West Braye Park Breaches Gully Bright Mount Bright Lookout Mount Bright Township of Brighton Brisbanefield Brisbane Fields Brisbane Water Brisbane Water National Park Brisbania Public School Brisk Bay Broadmeadow Broadmeadow High School Broadmeadow Junior High School Broadmeadow Post Office Broadmeadow Racecourse Broadmeadow Railway Station Broadmeadow Station Broad Water Broken Back Range Broken Back Ridge Broken Back Spur Broken Bay Bromley Park Brooke Avenue Public School Brooks Hill Brookstown Brookvale Brookvale Creek Brookvale Oval Brookvale Park Brookvale Post Office Brookvale Public School Brookvale Technical College Brown Park Browns Bay Browns Point Broxmouth Ville Brunkerville Brunkerville Creek Brunkerville Gap Brush Creek Bryants Creek Brynteg Buchanan Budgewoi Creek Budgewoi Lake Budgewoi Point Budgewoi Public School Buff Point Bulbararing Bulbararing Bay Bulbararing Lagoon Bulga Creek Bulgola Beach Bulgola Creek Bulgola Head Cabbage Tree Bay Cabbage Tree Boat Harbour Cabbage Tree Creek Cabbage Tree Flat Cabbage Tree Harbour Cabbage Tree Island Cahill Creek Cahill Oval Calmans Gully Calmans Point Cameron Park Public School Campbell Campbell Island Campbells Hill Campbells Ridge Camp Cove Camp Cove Reserve Campvale Campvale Drain Campvale Swamp Cams Point Cams Wharf Canada Drop Down Creek Cane Point Canton Beach Cape Three Points Captain Hills Creek Carcair Point Cardiff Cardiff Heights Cardiff High School Cardiff Point Cardiff Public School Cardiff Park Cardiff Railway Station Careel Bay Careel Creek Careel Head Careel Headland Reserve Cargo Wharf Carmichael Park Carmichaels Creek Caroline Bay Carramar Park Carrington Carrington Cemetery Carrington Creek Carrington Post Office Carrington Public School Caruparinga Park Cary Bay Castle Rock Castle Rock Beach Castle Rock Reserve Casuarina Point Reserve Caswells Creek Catalina Park Cannae Point Catherine Hill Bay Catherine Hill Bay Public School Catherine Park Cave Gully Caves Bay Caves Beach Caves Beach Public School The Caves Cedar Brush Creek Centenary Lookout Centennial Park Central Lookout Cessnock Aerodrome Cessnock East Public School Cessnock High School Cessnock Post Office Cessnock Public School Cessnock Rifle Range Cessnock State Forest Cessnock West Public School Challenger Head Chambers Creek Chandlers Creek Chapmans Hill Charlestown Charlestown Cemetery Charlestown Park Charlestown Post Office Charlestown Public School Charlton Island Charmhaven Chattan Park Cherry Tree Chertsey Public School Cherryl Reserve Chick Chick Hill Chinamans Gully Chinamans Hollow Chittaway Bay Chittaway Bay Public School Chittaway Creek Chittaway Point Chowder Bay Chowder Head Christensens Point Christie Park Christison Park Church Creek Church Point Cicada Glen Creek Civic Park Civic Railway Station Clarence Street Reserve Clarence Town Clarence Town Park Clarence Town Public School Clareville Beach Clareville Beach Reserve Clareville Wharf Clarks Gully Clearwater Gully Click Creek Cliftleigh Clifton Gardens Jetty Clontarf Clontarf Beach Clontarf Point Clontarf Reserve Close Coal Point Coal Point Public School Coasters Retreat Cobbans Creek Cobblers Bay Cobblers Cobblers Beach Cobra Creek Copacabana Public School Cocked Hat Creek Cocked Hat Hill Cockle Bay Cockle Channel Cockle Creek Cockle Creek Railway Station Cockle Shell Point Cockrone Gully Cockrone Lake Cold Tea Canal Collaroy Basin Collaroy Collaroy Beach Collaroy Beach Post Office Collaroy Plateau Public School Colliery Dam Collins Beach Collins Reserve Colongra Creek Colongra Lake Colongra Point Colongra Swamp Comerfords Hill Commodore Heights Congewai Congewai Creek Congewai Public School Connolly Park Conroy Park Cony Creek Cook Park Cooks Hill Cooks Park Cooleena Reserve Coon Island Coon Island Point Cooper Park Cooranbong Landing Ground Cooranbong Post Office Cooranbong Public School Coorumbine Creek Coorumbung Copacabana Coral Park Corinda Corlette Point Corlette Point Reserve Coronation Park Correa Bay Correebah Island Corribeg Reserve Corrie Island Corroba Reserve Cottage Creek Stormwater Channel Couche Park Cowell Crackneck Point Crackneck Point Lookout Crangan Bay Crangan Creek Crescent Cove Crescent Reserve Crokers Creek Cromarty Hill Cromartys Bay Cromer Cromer Heights Cromer Golf Course Cromer High School Cromer Public School Crommelin Native Arboretum Crooked Creek Croppy Beach Croppy Point Croudace Croudace Bay Crumps Retreat Crystal Bay Crystal Creek Cullen Park Cullwulla Park Cunninghams Gully Curl Curl Curl Curl Beach Curl Curl Lagoon Currawong Beach Currawong Park Currawong Point Cut Feet Island Cut Rock Creek Cylinder Head Point Dagworth Daleys Point Dalley Park Dalwood Dalwood Creek Dam Point Dangar Oval Dangar Park Daniels Point Dannys Point Daphnes Camp Darbys Point Dark Corner Dark Creek Dark Gully Dark Gully Park Davidson Park David Thomas Reserve Davis Point Davistown Davistown Memorial Park Davrons Hill Dead Horse Creek Deadmans Beach Deadmans Creek Deep Cave Bay Deep Creek Deep Swamp Deepwater Point Dee Why Dee Why Beach Dee Why Head Dee Why Lagoon Dee Why Park Dee Why Post Office Dee Why Lagoon Reserve Dee Why Public School Dempsey Point Denniss Park Desoto Inlet Devils Elbow Bend Dunbar Head Dunbar Park Dunleith Point Dunlop Hill Dunns Creek Dunns Island Duns Creek Durren Durren Dutchmans Bay Dutchmans Beach Dyke Point Dyke Wharf Eagleton Eastern Wharf East Maitland East Maitland Cemetery East Maitland Gaol East Maitland Post Office East Maitland Public School East Maitland Railway Station Edgeworth Edgeworth Public School Edgeworth Heights Public School Edmunds Bay Edstein Park Edwards Beach Edwards Gully Edwards Park Eel Haul Bay Egan Gully Eglington Elanora Elanora Heights Elanora Heights Public School Elderslie Elderslie Public School Eldon Eleebana Eleebana Head Eleebana Oval Eleebana Public School Elermore Vale Elermore Vale Park Elermore Vale Public School Elizabeth Bay Elizabeth Park Elizabeth Ross Park Ellalong Lagoon Ellalong Public School Mount Elliot Elliots Creek Elliotts Hill Elourera Park Elrington Elvina Bay Elvina Park Elwells Creek Empire Bay Empire Bay Public School Empire Park Emu Hill Enterprise Park Epworth Park Eraring Eraring Bay Lake Eraring Eraring Public School Erina Erina Creek Erina Heights Erina Heights Public School Erina High School Erina Park Erina Public School Eskdale Swamp Esplanade Park Estelville Ettalong Beach Post Office Ettalong Creek Mount Ettalong Ettalong Oval Ettalong Public School Ettalong Swamp Euro Euwylong Evans Point Evens Point Fagan Park Fagans Bay Fairfax Lookout Fairley Fairlight Fairlight Beach Fairy Bower Beach Fame Fame Cove Fame Mountain Fame Point Farley Farley Railway Station Fassifern Fassifern Public School Fassifern Railway Station Federal Park Feeney Park Felix Bay Fennell Bay Fennell Bay Public School Fenninghams Island Fenninghams Island Creek Fern Bay Fern Bay Infants School Fern Creek Fern Gully Park Ferodale Point Fig Tree Hill Fig Tree Point Fingal Beach Fingal Head Fingal Point Fingal Spit The Fingers Fiona John Park Fires Creek First Creek First Point Fishermans Bay Fishermans Bay Park Fishermans Beach Fishermans Wharf Fisher Road Public School Fishery Creek Fish Hole Point Fishing Point Fishing Station Point Five Islands Flaggy Creek Flaggy Creek Reserve Flagstaff Flagstaff Hill Flannel Flower Beach Flat Island Flat Rock Lookout Flat Rocks Point Fleming Gully Fletcher Park Flint and Steel Bay Flint and Steel Beach Flint and Steel Point Floods Creek Floraville Floraville Public School Florence Park Flying Fox Creek Fly Point Fly Point Park Fly Roads Foleys Hill Footes Gully Forresters Beach Forty Baskets Beach Forty Year Spring Fountain Creek Fountaindale Four Mile Creek Foxs Flat Foxy Gully Franklin Oval Frankson Reserve Frazer Beach Frazer Blowhole Frazer Gully Frazer Inlet Frazer Park Freemans Park Freemans Waterhole Frenchmans Rock Freshwater Beach Freshwater Creek Freshwater High School Freshwater Reserve Frost Reserve Frying Pan Bay Frying Pan Point Fullers Creek Fullerton Cove Furlough Park Gadara Galgabbah Gully Galgabba Point Galgabree Creek Galloping Swamp Gan Gan Gan Gan Hill Gap Bluff Gap Creek Gap Park The Gap Garden Island Garden Suburb Garden Suburb Public School Garden Suburb Recreation Ground Goroka Park Gateshead Gateshead Public School Gateshead High School Gavenlock Oval Geebung George Reserve Georges Head Georges Point Georgetown German Point Gerrin Point Gibber Point Gibsons Beach Gilans Corner Gilbert Park Gillieston Heights Reserve Gillieston Public School Gills Point Gilmore Hill Gilmore Lookout Girrakool Gledhill Park Glendale Glendale High School Glendale Public School Glendon South Glen Oak Wharf Glenrock Lagoon Glenrock State Conservation Area Glenurie Hill Glenvale Public School Glover Park Glovers Hill Goat Island Goldie Point Goldsmiths Point Goldsmiths Ridge Goobarabah Point Goodwin Memorial Park Goonda Point Gordon Gully Gorokan Gorokan High School Gorokan Park Gorokan Public School Gosford Cemetery Gosford North Gosford High School Gosford Post Office Gosford Public School Gosford Racecourse Gosford Railway Station Gosford Showground Gosford Technical College Gosforth Governor Phillip Lookout Governor Phillip Park Gowlland Bombora Grahame Park Grahamstown Drain Grahamstown Lake Great Mackerel Beach Great Sugarloaf Greendale Creek Green Hill Park Green Hills Gardens Greenplay Point Green Point Green Point Creek Green Point Reservoir Green Rocks Reach Greentrees Point Green Wattle Creek Greenways Creek Gregson Park Greswick Greta Cemetery Greta Park Greta Railway Station Gretel Park Griffith Park Groper Hole Grotto Point Grotto Point Reserve Gumbooya Reserve Gunson Gurdon Reserve Gwandalan Public School Hagons Creek Half Tide Rocks Hallards Creek Hall Reserve Halls Gully Halton Park Hamilton Hamilton Post Office Hamilton Public School Hamilton Railway Station Hammond Canal Hams Beach Harbord Harbord Park Harbord Post Office Harbord Public School Hardys Bay Hargraves Beach Harold Reserve Harpers Hill Harris Hill Harris Point Hartley Point Hastings Wharf Haystack Point Heatherbrae Heaton Heaton Forest Park Heaton Lookout Heaton Public School Heaton State Forest Hebburn Dam Hector Heddon Heddon Greta Reserve Hedleigh Park Henderson Park Hendersons Point Henry Kendall High School Hermitage Reserve Hermit Bay Hermit Point Heron Cove Hessians Camp Point Hessies Point Hewitt Park Hexham Hexham Island Hexham Railway Station Hexham Reach Hexham Swamp Heydons Creek Highfields High Street Railway Station Hillary Park Hillsborough Hillsborough Public School Hillsborough Sports Centre Hills Gully Hill View Playground Hinkler Park Hinton Park Hinton Public School Hitchcock Park Hogan Reserve Hole In The Wall Holgate Holgate Public School Holmesville Hordern Park Hornby Lighthouse Horse Island Horse Shoe Beach Horseshoe Bend Horseshoe Cove The Horse Shoe Horsfield Bay Howard Howard Reserve Howe Aboriginal Area Howe Park Howes Lagoon Hudson Mount Hudson Hudson Park Hughes Gully Hungary Point Hungry Hungry Beach Hungry Hill Hunter Lookout Hunter Park Hunters Bay Hunters Park Illalong Illoura Reserve Iluka Creek Iluka Park Ingleside Ingleside Heights Ingleside Park Inman Park Iona Iona Public School Ironbark Creek Ironbark Point Iron Ladder Beach Irrawang Irrawang High School Irrawang Public School Irrawang Swamps Islington Islington Park Islington Post Office Islington Public School Ivanhoe Park Jacka Park Jackass Creek Jacksons Hill Jacobs Hill Jacobs Ladder James Vale Park Jamieson Park Jenny Dixon Beach Jenny Dixon Reserve Jerrawa Reserve Jerrys Point Jesmond Jesmond High School Jesmond Park Jesmond Post Office Jesmond Public School Jessies Island Jewells Jewells Public School Jewells Swamp Jewfish Point Jigadee Creek Jilliby Jilliby Jilliby Creek Jilliby Public School Jimmys Beach Joass Island Joes Point Joeys Swamp John Elm Creek John Fisher Park Johns Hill Johnson Johnsons Creek Johnys Point Joyce Jubilee Park Jump-Up Creek Junction Gully Junction Hill Junction Point Juno Point Jurds Point Kahibah Kahibah Creek Kahibah Public School Kahibah Sportsground Kaludah Kaludah Creek Kangaroo Island Kangaroo Park Kangaroo Point Kangy Angy Kangy Angy Creek Kanwal Kanwal Park Kanwal Public School Kanwary Kanwary Hill Karagi Park Karagi Point Karignan Creek Kariong Kariong Brook Mount Kariong Karraganbah Point Karuah Cemetery Karuah Public School Katandra Reserve Kattang Kearsley Kearsley Public School Keinbah Keirle Park Kendalls Glen Kendalls Rock Kennedy Park Cabbage Brush Creek Cabbage Tree Beach Caledonia Railway Station Calmans Creek Campbells Spur Campvale Lagoon Cardiff Station Carey Bay Carrington Historical Cemetery Town of Carrington Carumba Catalina Memorial Park Cave Creek Cedar Brush Cedar Brush Creek Public School Cedar Brush Public School Cedar Creek Cemetery At Aberdare Cemetery At Karuah Cemetery Point Central Park Cessnock Railway Station Village of Cessnock Chain Valley Creek Chinamans Bay Chittaway South Christo Road School Clarks Creek Clifden Clifton Gardens Wharf Clontarf Park Coalbrook Cockle Creek Station Cockrone Creek Cold Tea Creek Collaroy Plateau West Public School Site Collins Flat Comerfords Mount Conlan Swamp Conlon Swamp Cooks Square Park Coongewai Coongewai Creek Cobranbong Airstrip Corribah Island Corrie or Sand Island Corrumbine Creek Cowper Creek Crockers Gully Cross Roads Crystal Gully Cunninghams Creek Curl Curl Creek Curl Curl Head Curl Curl North Public School Dalley Castle Park Dalwood Public School Dangar Cranebrook Sportsground Dangar Playing Fields Dark Gully Creek Davidsons Siding Davrons Mountain Deadmans Bay Dempseys Channel Desoto Gulf The Devils Elbow Dunmore Duralong Creek Dutcies Beach Dutchies Beach Dyke End The Dyke Eagleton Public School Eastern Lakes Airstrip East Greta East Greta Railway Station East Maitland Primary School Edden Park Eelah Egan Creek Eglinford Public School Elanora Heights Primary School Elanora Tank Elizabeth Henretta Point Elliot Island Elte Creek Erina East Erina West Public School Erraring Bay Eskdale Estellville Etymalong Creek Mount Etymalong Etymalong Swamp Evening Bay Evens Jetty Fame Cove Mountain Farmborough Park Farrells Beach Fassifern Station Fathings Railway Station Fennels Bay Fennell Bay Wharf Fern Bay Public School Figtree Hill The Five Islands Flat Rocks Flying Fox Gully Foleys Spur Foresters Beach Foresters Creek Frank Edstein Park Fraser Park Freemans Waterholes Gadara Post Office Galgabbah Creek Geber Gunya General Cemetery George Booth Memorial Park George Town Georgeville Gerrin Mount Gillmore Glasgow Park Glebe Gledhill Reserve Glenarvon Glendale Technical College Glenurie Goldsmiths Range Goobarabah Gordon Creek The Gorge Gorokan Community Park Gosford North Public School Village of Gosforth Grahamstown Swamp Grahamstown Storage Reservoir Grama Grama Bay Great Mackarel Beach Great Mermaid Beach Great Sugar Loaf Green Gully Green Island Greenpatch Point Greenrocks Greenwattle Creek Green Wattle or Warrens Creek Grotto Head Grovetown The Gulf Gurugal Halekulani Halekulani Public School Halls Creek Hamilton Station Hammond Creek Village of Hanbury Harbord Beach Harbord Lagoon Hay Stack Point Heads Beach Healeys Gully Heaton Gap Heddon Greta Playground Heddon Greata Public School Herbie George Reserve Hermitage Foreshore Reserve Village of Hexham Hinton Swamp The Hole Homeville Honeysuckle Point Hornby Light Horse Shoe Horse Shoe Cove Husdons Peak Hugh Bamford Reserve Hunter Girls High School Hunter River Inderan Inner North Head Inner South Head Point Irrawang Jackass Gully Jenny Dixons Beach Jenny Dixons Reserve Jesmond Secondary Public School Jonestown Josephton Jubilee Road Public School Junction Creek Junction Mountain Juno Head Jura Kahibah Station Kamberre Point Kangy Creek Mount Kanwary Karagi Karraganbah Karuah Aboriginal School Village of Kearsley Ken Brown Memorial Park Kendals Rock Kiah Ridge Kia Ora Park Kiar Ridge Kibble Park Kilaben Bay Kilaben Creek Kilcare Kilfoyles Creek Killaloe Public Wharf Killarney Killarney Vale Killarney Vale Public School Killcare Killcare Beach Killcare Heights Lookout Killcare Heights Kincumber Kincumber Creek Kincumber Public School Kindaimanna Reserve Kindyerra Park King Edward Park Kingfisher Reserve Kings Cave Kings Hill Kings Island Kingsley Beach Kings Wharf Kingtree Creek Kingtree Gully Kingtree Point Kinross Gardens Kinross Island Kinross Park Kirks Hill Kirkton Kirkton Public School Kitchener Botanical Park Kitchener Park Kitchener Public School Village of Kitchener The Knob Knockfin Koala Reserve Kooindah Park Koolewong Koolewong Railway Station Koolewong Reserve Kooragang Kooragang Island Kooragang Nature Reserve Kooroora Bay Korakoa Koree Kore Kore Creek Korora Oval Kotara Kotara Heights Kotara High School Kotara Park Kotara Public School Kotara Railway Station Kotara Station Kourung Gourung Point Ku-Burg-Harra Kullaiba Reserve Kurkullbah Reserve Kurrara Hill Kurrara Outlook Kurrawyba Kurri Kurri Cemetery Kurri Kurri High School Kurri Kurri Post Office Kurri Kurri Public School Kurri Kurri Railway Station Kutti Beach Lady Bay Lady Bay Beach Lady Jane Beach Lady Jane Martin Beach Lady Martins Beach Lagoon Park Lagoon Reserve The Lagoon Laings or Green Point Laings Point Lake Entrance Lake Head Lake Macquarie Park Lake Munmorah Public School Lake Park Lake Petite Lakes Beach Lakeside Lake View Lambert Peninsula Lambton Lambton High School Lambton Park Lambton Post Office Largs Largs Park Largs Public School Larmers Creek Laughlin Reserve Leahvera Reserve Learmonth Park Leconfield Ledsam Street Swamp Lees Reserve Lee Wharf Left Hand Branch Left Hand Gully Lemon Tree Lemon Tree Creek Lemon Tree Passage Public School Lena O Brien Park Leneghans Flat Lenaghans Flats Mount Leochares Leochares Peak Leos Point Lighthouse Beach Liles Oval Lillies Point Lily Hill Limeburners Limekilns Limestone Limestone Creek Lindens Flat Lindsay Memorial Park Lintern Channel Lintern Street Channel Lintern Street Public Wharf Lion Island Lion Island Faunal Reserve Lion Island Nature Reserve Lisarow Lisarow High School Lisarow Public School Lisarow Railway Station Little Bay Little Beach Little Birdie Beach Little Box Head Little Brandy Hill Little Bumpy Little Head Little Jilliby Little Jilliby Flora Reserve Little Jilliby Jilliby Creek Little Kingsley Beach Little Lake Little Mackerel Beach Little Manly Cove Little Makarel Beach Little Manly Beach Little Manly Point Little Mooney Creek Little Mooney Mooney Creek Little Mountain Little Nelson Bay Long Reef Long Reef Beach Long Reef Golf Links Long Reef or Narrabeen Beach Long Reef Point Long Ridge Little Park Beach Little Patonga Beach Little Pelican Little Pittwater Little Red Head Little Redhead Point Little Reef Little Rocky The Little Swamp Little Swan Bay Little Tallow Beach Little Wobby Little Wobby Beach Lix Lizzies Creek Lobster Beach Loch Goyle Lochinvar Public School Lochinvar Railway Station Lochinvar Waterhole Lochinvar Creek Mount Loftus London Creek Long Beach Long Bight Swamp Long Gully Long Hill Long Jetty Foreshore Reserve Long Jetty Longnose Point Long Point The Lookout Loquat Valley Lord Loftus Point Lords Creek Lorn Lorn Park Lough Playing Field Lough Playing Fields Louth Park Lovedale Lovett Bay Lower Belford Lower Pindimar Lower Gladhill Falls Lower Gledhill Falls Lower Hexham Lowers Gully Lowes Gully Loxford L.T. Creek Lugar Park Luskintyre Lyndon Hill Lyne Park Lynes Canal Lyre Macclure Reserve Mcclure Reserve Mackarel Beach Mackellar Girls High School Mackenzie Reserve Mackenzies Bay Mackenzies Point Macleans Lookout MacMasters Beach Lake Macquarie Macquarie Light Macquarie Lighthouse Mccann Park Mccarr Mccarrs Creek East Branch or Mccarrs Creek Mccarrs Creek Mccarrs Duckhole Mccauley Park Mccomb Mccowen Mcintosh Mckillop Park Mclean Lookout Mcmahons Creek Mcmanus Creek Mcmasters Beach Maiden Brush Public School Maidens Brush Creek The Main Range Maitland Bay Maitland Bombora Maitland Bumbora Maitland Gaol Maitland Golf Course Maitland Landing Ground Maitland Park Maitland Post Office Maitland Public School Maitland Railway Station Maitland Showground Maitland Sportsground Maitland Technical College Maitland Trotting Track and Showground Maitland Vale Maitland War Cemetery Majors Flat Majors Flat Well Mallabula Mallabula Point Mallabulla Mandalong Mandalong Point Mandolong Maneela Park Mangrove Mangrove Creek Mangrove Gully Mangrove Island Mangrove Park Manly Manly Beach Manly Boys High School Manly Cove Manly Creek Manly Dam Manly District Park Manly Girls High School Manly High School Manly Lagoon Manly Oval Manly Park Manly Point Manly Post Office Manly Public School Manly Reservoir Manly Rock Manly Vale Manly Vale High School Manly Vale Public School Manly Warringah District Park Manly Warringah War Memorial Park Manly West Park Manly West Public School Manly Wharf Mannering Bay Mannering Creek Mannering Inlet Mannering Lake Mannering Park Sportsground Mannering Park Public School Mannering Point Mardi Dam Mardi Dam Lookout Marina Cove Marine Park Marist Park Market Wharf Marks Park Marks Point Marks Point Lookout Marks Point Public School Marmong Creek Marmong Park Marmong Point Marramarra Marrowbone Creek Martins Point Martinsville Martins Wharf Martinville Public School Mary Annes Creek Maryland Maryland Creek Maryville Matcham Matcham Oval Mats Point Mawson Maybell Mayfield Mayfield Park Mayfield Post Office Mazlin Reserve Medowie Public School Medowie State Forest Meehan Reserve Melaleuca Park Melville Melville Hill Memorial Park Merchants Creek Merchants Gully Merewether Merewether Beach Merewether Heights Merewether Heights Public School Merewether High School Merewether Post Office Merewether Public School Merewether Street Wharf Meridian Park Meriverie Pass Mermaid Rocks The Mermaids Merrett Park Merritts Wharf Metford Metford Public School Metford Railway Station Middle Camp Middle Camp Beach Middle Camp Creek Middle Camp Gully Middle Camp Inlet Middle Creek Middle Harbour Middle Head Middle Head Oval Middlehope Middle Ridge Milfield Milk Beach Miller Field Miller Reserve Millers Forest Millers Forest Government Wharf Millers Forest Public School Millers Reserve Millfield Public School Milligans Creek Milligans Gully Milligans Range Milligans Ridge Mills Creek Mills Gully Mindaribba Mindaribba Railway Station Mine Camp Minkara Reserve Minmi Cemetery Minmi Creek Minmi Public School Mirra View Mitchell Park Moala Park Moffats Creek Moffats Swamp Moffats Swamp Nature Reserve Moffitts Point Mount Molly Morgan Molly Morgan Range Molly Morgan Ridge Mona Vale Mona Vale Beach Mona Vale Cemetery Mona Vale Golf Course Mona Vale Headland Reserve Mona Vale Post Office Mona Vale Public School Mona Vale Village Park Mona Vale Park Monkey Face Lookout Monkey Jacket Monkey Jacket Creek Monkey Mountain The Monkey Monrox Dam Mooghin Creek O Donnell Street Community Reserve Moola Park Moonabung Falls Moonee Beach Mooney Mooney Creek Mooney Mooney Aboriginal Area Mooney Mooney Creek State Forest Mooney Point Moonibung Falls Moon Island Moon Island Beach The Moors Morans Creek Morans Point Morella Park Morgan Reserve Moring Morisset East Morisset High School Morisset Peninsula Point Morisset Morisset Post Office Morisset Public School Morisset Railway Station Morna Morna Point Morning Bay Morpeth Morpeth Park Morpeth Post Office Morpeth Public School Morrisset Point Morrisset Moscheto Moscheto Channel Mosman Swamp Mostons Creek Motto Motto Farm Mount Bouddi Lookout Mount Dee Mount Ettalong Lookout Mount Etymalong Lookout Mount Hutton Mount Hutton Public School Mount Kanwary Public School Mount Penang Child Welfare Mount Penang Public School Mount Penang School Mount Penang Training School For Boys Mount Pleasant Lookout Mount Pleasant Wharf Mount Sugarloaf Mount Sugarloaf Fauna and Flora Reserve Mount Sugarloaf Reserve Mount View Mount View Park Mount View Range Mount Vincent Mourawaring Head Muarogee Rocks Mudd Creek Muddy Lake Mud Island Mud Point Muggyrang Creek Muirs Lookout Mulbring Cemetery Mulbring Creek Mulbring Public School Mullards Dam Mullards Point Mullet Creek Mulligans Range Mullington Reserve Mullwee Mulwee Mulwee Public School Munibung Hill Munibung Munibung Creek Munmorah Munmorah Lake Munmorah Lake Public School Munmorah Sportsground Munmorah State Conservation Area Murabarnbah Park Murdering Gully Muree Chase Muriverie Pass Murphys Bay Murrumburrimbah Swamp Mustons Creek Mustons Gully Mount Myall Myall Park Myall Point Myall Range Myamblah Crescent Oval Myers Park Myoora Myron Brook Myrtle Brush Park Myrtle Creek The Myrtle Myuna Bay Nakillingah Park Nalleys Creek Nannygai Inlet Narara Narara Creek Narara Public School Narara Railway Station Narela Park Nargoon Reserve Narrabeen Narrabeen Beach Narrabeen Creek Narrabeen Flat Narrabeen Head Narrabeen High School Narrabeen Lagoon Narrabeen Peninsula Narrabeen Post Office Narrabeen Public School Narrabeen Swamp Narraweena Narraweena Public School Narraweena North Public School Narroy Park National Fitness Camp Native Dog Hill Neath Railway Station Village of Neath Neilson Park Wharf Nellinda Mount Nellinda Nelson Bay High School Nelson Bay Post Office Nelson Bay Primary School Nelson Bay Public School Nelson Head Nelsons Bay Nelsons Plains Nelsons Plains Wharf Nesca Park Neurabung New Brighton Breakwater Newcastle Beach Newcastle Bight City of Newcastle Newcastle College of Advanced Education Newcastle District Park Newcastle Ferry Terminal Newcastle Harbour Newcastle High School Newcastle National Forest Newcastle Post Office Newcastle Public School Newcastle Racecourse Newcastle Railway Station Newcastle Showground Newcastle Technical College Newcastle Technical High School New Lambton New Lambton Heights New Lambton Park New Lambton Heights Infants School New Lambton Post Office New Lambton Public School Newport Newport Beach Newport Beach Post Office Newport Elevated Reservoir Newport Heights Newport Reservoir Newport Heights Reservoir Newport Park Newport Public School Newton Public Wharf Niagara Park Niagara Park Public School Niagara Park Railway Station Nickey Island Nielsen Park Nielsen Park Wharf Night Bay Nillo Infants School Nillo Public School Nine Mile Beach Nine Mile Creek Nine Ways Nobbys Nobbys Beach Nobbys Head Nobbys Head Lighthouse Nobbys Lighthouse Nolan Reserve Noonan Point Norah Norah Head Lighthouse Norahville Noraville Nords Wharf Public School North Arm of Wollombi Brook North Avalon North Avoca North Balgowlah North Bondi North Bondi Stacks Northcott Park North Creek North Curl Curl North Curl Curl Beach North Curl Curl Public School North Entrance Beach North Entrance North Entrance Foreshore Reserve North Entrance Peninsula Nature Reserve North Gosford North Harbour North Harbour Reserve North Head North Head or Yacaaba Head North Manly North Narrabeen North Palm Beach North Point North Steyne Beach North Steyne Park Northumberland Northville Nulkaba Nulkaba Public School Village of Nulkaba Number One Cove Nunns Creek Nyrang Reserve Oakey Island Oakhampton Park Estate Oakhampton Railway Station Oaky Creek Obelisk Obelisk Bay O Brien Park Observation Point Ocean Beach Ocean Beach Public School Ocean Beach Reserve Ocean Road Reserve Ocowolrolong Ocowolrolong Point O Donnelltown Old Brush Creek Old Mangrove Bay Old Manly Reservoir The Old Mans Hat Old Sydney Town Old Wharf Reserve Olney One Mile Beach One Mile Creek One Mile Gully One Tree Island Orange Grove Orobilbah Island Orobillah Island Orobilbah Orobillah Orooaloo Orooaloo Point Orungall Point Osborne Park Oswald Ourimbah Ourimbah Creek Ourimbah Post Office Ourimbah Public School Ourimbah Railway Station Ourimbah Ridge Ourimbah State Forest Ourinbah Ourinbah Creek Ourinbah State Forest Ourringo Ourringo Point Outer North Head Outer South Head Outer South Head Lighthouse Oxford Falls Oyster Bank Oyster Cove Oyster Islet Pacific Head Pacific Park Paddy Marrs Bar Paddys Channel Paddys Hill Pagans Ground Palermo Reserve Pallamanaba Creek Palm Avenue Public School Palm Beach Palm Beach Golf Course Palm Creek Palmers Creek Palm Grove Palmgrove Park Panorama Lookout Pantaloon Bay Pantowora Reserve Paradise Beach Parbury Park Parkhill Recreation Reserve Parkhill Reserve Parks Bay Parr Park Parry Park Parrys Jetty Parsley Bay Parsley Bay Park Parsley Bay Reserve Parsons Hill Passchendale Park Passendale Park Passmore Reserve Paterson Park Paterson Post Office Paterson Public School Paterson Railway Station Paterson Sportsground Pathilda Reserve Patonga Beach Patonga Creek Patonga Wharf Paul Landa Park Paul Oval Paxton Public School Peach Tree Gully Pearl Beach Pearl Beach Lagoon Pearl Beach Reserve Pearson Park Pebbly Beach Pebbley Beach Peeks Point Peg Point Pelaw Main Pelaw Main Park Pelaw Main Public School Pelican Beach Pelican Creek Pelican Flat Pelican Flat Public School Pelican Inlet Pelican Island Pelican Point Pelton Mount Penang Penang Mountain Phegans Bay Phegans Hill Phegans Lookout Phoenix Park Picketts Gully Picketts Valley Picketts Creek Picnic Point Picnic Point Reserve Pier Street Public Wharf Pig and Sow Ridge Pig Creek Pig Island Pig Station Creek Piles Creek Pillinda Park Pindari Park Pindimar Pindimar Bay Pinehurst Wharf Pines Forest Picnic Area The Pines Forest Park The Pinnacle Pinny Beach Pioneer Park Pioneer Progress Reserve Pipeclay Creek Pipeclay Point Pipeclay Point Park Point Piper Pipers Creek Pipers Point Pirate Point Pitt Point Pitts Point Pittwater Pittwater High School Pittwater Park Plains Gully Plank Hill Plateau Park Plattsburg Park Plattsburg Public School Platts Crannel Mount Pleasant Plough Point Podgewoy Reserve Point Clare Point Clare Railway Station Point Clare Public School Point Frederick Point Willoughby Pokolbin Pokolbin Creek Pokolbin Flora Reserve Pole Point Ponte Point St Huberts Narrows St Huberts Island St Johns Memorial Park Porphry Point Porphyry Point Porter Reserve Porters Creek Port Hunter Port Jackson Port Stephens Port Stephens Lighthouse Portuguese Bay Portuguese Beach Port Waratah Pothana Pourmalong Creek Powells Beach Pozieres Park President Presidents Hill Presidents Hill Lookout Pretty Beach Pretty Beach Public School Price Priests Flat Princes Bay Princeton Avenue Reserve Progress Park Providence Bay Pulbah Island Pulbah Island Nature Reserve Pumpkin Ground Creek Purgatory Creek Putty Beach Quart Pot Creek Part Quarry Beach Quarrybylong Quarrybylong Creek Quarry Creek Quarantine Quarantine Beach Quarantine Head Quarries Head The Quarries Queens Wharf Station Queenscliff Bay Queenscliff Beach Queenscliff Queenscliff Head Queenscliff Bombora Queens Dam Quinn Park Quondong Creek Quondong Gully Quorrobolong Quorrobolong Creek Racecourse Swamp Ramsay Ramsgate Reserve Rankin Park Rat Creek Rat Gully Rathmines Public School Ravensfield Ravenfield Raworth Raworth Station Rawson Park Rawson Reserve Rawson Road Public Wharf Town of Raymond Terrace Raymond Terrace Cemetery Raymond Terrace High School Raymond Terrace North Public School Raymond Terrace Post Office Raymond Terrace Public School Red Cliff Redhead Redhead Beach Redhead Lagoon Redhead Point Redhead Public School Redhead Railway Station Red Hill Red House Creek Red Ochre Beach Red Patch Redpatch Point Reedy Creek Reedy Swamp Reef Beach Reef Bay Refuge Bay Refuge Cove Refuge Creek Refuge Gully Regatta Reserve Regatta Walk Regent Park Reids Mistake Reids Mistake Head Renapi Point Reservoir Lookout Resolute Beach Retention Islet Reub Hudson Ground Rhonnda Rhondda Riawena Park Richard Allen Park Richardson Park Richley Recreation Reserve Richmond Vale Richmond Vale Public School Richters Caves Flora Reserve Ridge Forty Six Right Hand Branch Rileys Bay Rileys Island Ringwood Ringwood Flat The Rip Riverside Park Robertson Park Rockdigel Hill Rockgidgel Hill Rock Point Rockridge Hill Rock Wonderland Rocky Gully Rocky Knob The Rocky Knob Rocky Point Rogers Park Roncana Cemetery Ronkana Cemetery Rooke Island Rookes Point Rose Bay Rose Bay Aerodrome Rose Bay Park Rose Bay Post Office Rose Bay Public School Rosebrook Rosebrock Public School Rosebrook Ridge Rosa Gully Roslyn Park Rossetti Lookout Rothbury Rothbury Creek Round Head Rowland Reserve Royal Far West Childrens Hospital School Royal Newcastle Hospital School Rudd Park Rudd Reserve Russell Russell Field Rutherford Rutherford High School Rutherford Oval Rutherford Public School Ryhope St Matthews Farm Reserve St Michaels Cave St Peters Salt Ash Salt Ash Public School Salt Ash Wharf Salt Pan Cove Salt Pan Point Saltwater Creek Saltwater Gully Salty Creek Public School Salvation Creek Samuel Park Samurai Point Sanctuary Island Sand Bluff Sandgate Sandgate Public School Sandgate Railway Station Sandhole Swamp Sand Point Sandy Beach Sandy Bay Sandy Creek Sandy Cove Sandy Inlet Sandy Island Sandy Knob Sandy Point San Remo Sansons Flat Saratoga Saratoga Oval Saratoga View Point Wharf Saratoga Wharf Sawpit Creek Saw Pit Gully Sawyers Sawyers Creek Sawyers Gully Sawyers Point Sawyers Point Wharf Sawyers Reservoir Scarborough Scarborough Point Schnapper Island Schnapper Point Schofields Creek Schofields Gully Scobies Hill Scobies Mountain Scopas Peak Scotch Creek Scotch Dairy Creek Scotland Island Scrubby Creek Seaforth Public School Seaforth Technical College Seaham Hill Mount Seaham Seaham Park Seahamton Second Creek Second Point Second Point Mourawaring Secret Bay Sentinel Creek Sentinel Gully Seven Mile Creek Point Seymour Shag Island Shamrock Creek Shamrock Hill Shark Shark Bay Shark Beach Shark Hole Shark Island Shark Rock Sheepstation Hill Shell Cove Shelley Beach Shelley Creek Shell Point Shelly Beach Shelly Beach Park Shelly Beach Reserve Shelter Cove Shepherd Hill Shepherds Hill Reserve Shepherds Creek Shepherds Hill Sheppards Creek Shingle Splitters Point Shoal Bay Shortland Shortland Park Shortland Public School Siddons Swamp Signal Silver Beach Silverwater Wharf Sinclairs Hill Sinclairs Point Skate Bay Skillion The Skillion Skinners Hill Skye Point Slade Park Slatey Creek Slatery Creek Sleeper Cutter Camp Sleeper Cutter Point Smedleys Point Smedmere Smith Smith Park Smiths Creek Smiths Island Smugglers Cave Snake or South Creek Snake Point Snapper Island Snapper Island Nature Reserve Snapperman Beach Snapper Point Sohier Park Soldiers Beach Soldiers Point Public School Solstice Point Somersby Somersby Falls Somersby Public School The Sound South Beach South Beach Estate South Beach Reserve South Beach Wharf South Cardiff Park South Creek South End Park Southern Branch of Chittaway Creek South Head South Head or Tomaree South Maitland District Cemetery South Pacific Ocean South Reef South Steyne Beach South Steyne Park South Wambo Creek Sow and Pigs Sow and Pigs Reef Sparkes Reserve Spectacle Island Speers Point Speers Point Public School Speers Point Wharf Speers Point Park Spion Kop Spit Island Splash Creek Splash Gully Spoon Rocks Spotted Gum Point Spring Cove Spring Creek Springfield Spring Gully Spurway Park Squatters Point Stackmans Gully Stamford Stanford Stanford Merthyr Stanford Merthyr Public School Stanford Merthyr Railway Station Stanhope Stanhope Public School Staples Lookout Stapleton Park Station Creek Steamers Wharf Steel or Shark Point Steel Point Steels Gully Stephens Peak Point Stephens Sterland Stevenson Park Stewarts Creek Stingaree Point Stinky Point Stinsons Creek Stinsons Gully Stinsons Point Stockdale Point Stockrington Stockton Stockton Beach Stockton Bight Stockton Cemetery Stockton Creek Stockton General Cemetery Stockton Hospital School Stockton Post Office Stockton Public School Stockyard Creek Stokes Point Stonequarry Hill Stoney Creek Stoney Range Flora Reserve Stony Creek Stony Pinch Reservoir Stony Point Stony Range Flora Reserve Store Beach Storks Creek Stowell Stranger Gully The Stranger Strickland State Forest Stringybark Point Stripe or Stokes Point Stuart Park Stuarts Island Stump and Tree Point Styles Point Styx Creek Sugar Bay Sugarloaf Sugarloaf Range The Sugarloaf Sulman Reserve Summer Hill Summerland Point Summerland Point Reserve Summit Point Sunnyfield Public School Sunnywood Public School Sunrise Point Sunset Park Sunset Point Sunshine Baths Reserve Sunshine Park Sunshine Reserve Sunshine Wharf Surveyors Creek Sutton Sutton Reserve Swadling Park Swamp Creek Swampy Creek Swampy Island Swan Bay Swan Bay Estate Swan Island Swan Park Swan Reach Swan Reach Wharf Swansea Swansea Channel Swansea High School Swansea Post Office Swansea Public School Swansea Public School Site Sweetwater Creek Sweetwater or Terrace Creek Sydney Harbour Sylvan Park Tacoma Tacoma Public School Tacoma Reserve Tahlee Tallow Beach Tamarama Bay Tamarama Beach Tamerama Park Tangy Dangy Tania Park Tanilba Tanilba Bay Tanilba Bay Public School Tanilba Park Tanilba Point Tank Creek Tarean Tarean Creek Tarlee Tarragal Haven Tarragal Lagoon Tarro Tarro Park Tarro Public School Tarro Swamp Tascott Tascott Railway Station Tathra Reserve Tattersalls Taylor Memorial Reserve Taylor Park Taylor Point Taylors Bay Reserve Taylors Point Tea Gardens Cemetery Tea Gardens Public School Tea Gardens Coweambah Teatree Creek Tegerin Telarah Telarah Lagoon Telarah Public School Telarah Railway Station Telegraph Shoal Telegraph Swamp Telfer Park Tenambit Tenambit Progress Park Tenambit Public School Tenambit Sports Area Tennis Wharf Teralba Teralba Public School Teralba Railway Station Terilbah Island Terrace Terrace Range Terrace Ridge Terrigal Beach Terrigal Haven Terrigal High School Terrigal Lagoon Terrigal Post Office Terrigal Public School Testers Hollow The Cut The Entrance Foreshore Park Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College The Entrance Campus The Entrance North The Entrance North Foreshore Reserve The Entrance North Peninsula Natural Area The Entrance North Public-School The Entrance Post Office The Entrance Public School The Gibbers The Junction The Junction Demonstration School The Junction Post Office The Junction Public School The Long Brush The Palms The Parading Ground The Pigsties The Saddleback The West Memorial Park Third Point Third Point Bombi Thistle Thistle Hill Thomas H. Halton Park Thomas Hogan Reserve Thornton Thornton Park Thornton Public School Thornton Railway Station Thornton Station Three Mile Creek Three Mile Gully Threlkeld Reserve Throsby Basin Throsby Creek Throsby or Tighnes Creek Throsby Wharf Tiembula Creek Tighes Hill Tighes Hill Post Office Tighes Hill Public School Tilligerry Creek Timber Beach Tin Dog Point Tingira Heights Tingira Knob Tin Hut Point Titwood Tobins Creek Tobins Gully Tobys Gully Tocal Agriculture College Tocal College Tocal Dam Tocal Irrigation Dam Tomago Tomago Periodic Detention Centre Tomago Public School Tomago Sandbeds Tomalpin Village of Tomalpin Tomaree Tomaree Head Tomaree National Park Toobys Creek Toobys Gully Toomeree Head Toowoon Bay Toowoon Point Topham Toronto West Toronto Toronto Bay Toronto Public School Toronto High School Toronto Post Office Toronto Railway Station Toronto Wharf Toukley Gardens Toukley Post Office Toukley Public School Tower Hill Park Towlers Bay Trafalgar Park Trafalgar Square Trial Inlet Tubibaring Tudibaring Head Tudibaring Park Tuggarah Tuggerah Tuggerah Beach Tuggerah Entrance Tuggerah Lake Tuggerah Post Office Tuggerah Public School Tuggerah Railway Station Tuggerah Reef Tuggerah Wharf Tuggerawong Tuggerawong Public School Tulkaba Park Tulootaba Reserve Tumbi Tumbi Umbi Tumbi Umbi Creek Tumpoaba Reserve Tunkuwallin Park Turimetta Turimetta Beach Turimetta Cemetery Turimetta Head Turimetta Village Of Turner Park Twelve Mile Creek Twin Creeks Reserve Two Mile Creek Two Mile Pourmalong Creek Uffington Ulinga Park Umina Umina Beach Umina Oval Brisbane Water Secondary College Umina Campus Umina Infants School Umina Public School The University of Newcastle Upper Moscheto Island Upper Pindimar Upright Point Uptons Island Uralla Valentine Valentine Public School Vales Point Vales Point Park Valley View Public School Valombrosa Varty Park Vaucluse Vaucluse Bay Vaucluse Boys High School Vaucluse High School Vaucluse House Historic Site Vaucluse Park Vaucluse Point Vaucluse Post Office Vaucluse Public School Veteran Veteran Hall Wharf Victoria Park Victoria Street Railway Station Village Bay Village Point Vincent Viney Creek Wabash Reserve Wadalba Wagstaff Bar Wagstaff Wagstaff Point Wairoa Public School Wairoa Reserve Special School Wakefield Wakefield Public School Wal Drane Court Walker Point Walkers Hill Wallaby Gully Wallalong Public School Wallarah Wallarah Creek Wallarah Creek Park Wallarah Ovals Wallarah Point Wallaroo Flora Reserve Wallaroo Hill Wallaroo Mountain Wallaroo State Forest Wallaroo Swamp Wallis Wallis Creek Wallis Island Wallsend Wallsend Cemetery Wallsend General Cemetery Wallsend High School Wallsend Hospital School Wallsend Park Wallsend Post Office Wallsend Public School Wallsend West Walsh Island Walsh Point Wamberal Wamberal Beach Wamberal Cemetery Wamberal Lagoon Wamberal Lagoon Nature Reserve Wamberal Park Wamberal Point Wamberal Public School Wanda Head Wanda Wanda Head Wanda Wanda Wanderrabah Beach or Jimmys Beach Wangandeebah Creek Wangi Wangi Beach Wangi Creek Wangi Park Wangi Point Wharf Wangi Wangi Bay Wangi Wangi Beach Wangi Wangi Park Wangi Wangi Point Wangi Wangi Public School Warabrook Waratah Waratah Boys Primary School Waratah Girls Public School Waratah High School Waratah Orthopaedic Hospital School Waratah Park Waratah Post Office Waratah Public School Waratah Railway Station Waratah Reservoir Village of Waratah Waring Hill Warner Park Warner Reserve Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Warners Bay Post Office Warners Bay Public School Warners Bay Park Warners Bay Lions Park Warnervale Warnervale Public School Warnervale Railway Station Warrah Warrah Lookout Warrah Reserve Warrawolong Warrawolong Creek Warrawolong Flora Reserve Warrens Corner Warrens Creek Warriewood Warriewood Beach Warring-Ga Warringah Manly War Memorial Park Warringah Golf Course Warringah Public Golf Course Warwollan Creek Washaway Beach Watagan Mountains Waterfall Bay Waterloo Point Waterside Reserve Waterview Park Watkins Jetty Watsons Bay Watsons Bay Post Office Wattagan Mountains Wattel Creek Part Of Wattle Creek Waverley Waverley Crescent Reserve Waverley Park Waverley Post Office Waverley Public School Waverley Reservoir Waynderrabah Beach Weakleys Flat Webb Webbers Creek Weerona Park Wellings Reserve Wellings Recreation Reserve Wentworth Creek Wentworth Swamps West Gosford West Head West Head Beach Westlakes Public School West Maitland Park West Maitland Railway Station Weston Peace Park Weston Post Office Weston Public School Weston Railway Station Weston Soldiers Settlement West Point West Wallsend West Wallsend Cemetery West Wallsend High School West Wallsend Park West Wallsend Post Office West Wallsend Public School Whale Beach Whale Beach Reserve Wheeler Wheeler Creek Wheeler Heights Public School Wheeler Park Whirleys Pinch Whitebridge Whitebridge High School Whitebridge Station Whiteheads Lagoon Whitemans Gully White Rocks Whites Creek Wickham Wickham Park Wickham Post Office Wickham Public School Wickham Railway Station Willandra Reserve Willarra William Primary School Williams Park Williamtown Williamtown Aerodrome Williamtown Park Williamtown Public School Willoughby Wills Hill Willunga Wilmot Wiltshire Park Wimbledon Island Wimbledon Reserve Windale Windale Public School Winda Woppa Windella Windemere Creek Windermere Winders Winders Hill Windeyers Creek Windeyers Reach Winding Creek Window Pane Gully Windy Hill Windy Drop Down Creek Wingala Reserve Winge Ho Creek Wingello Creek Winji Jimmi Winji Jimmi Reserve Winnererremy Flat Winnererremy Swamp Winney Bay Wirreanda Creek Wirreanda Public School Wirrung Island Wishing Well Forest Park Wishing Well Picnic Area Witts Island Wobbegong Bay Wolfingham Wollongongine Point Wolstoncroft Wommara Wondabyne Wondabyne Railway Station Wondabyne Station Woodards Point Woodberry Woodberry Public School Woodberry Sports Centre Woodberry Swamp Woodford Railway Station Woodville Woodwards Point Woody Glen Swamp Woody Point Woollahra Point Woollahra Park Woorarra Lookout Worimi School Worleys Pinch Woy Woy Bay Woy Woy Bay Public Wharf Woy Woy Channel Woy Woy Creek Brisbane Water Secondary College Woy Woy Campus Woy Woy Infant School Woy Woy Inlet Woy Woy Lions Park Woy Woy Oval Woy Woy Post Office Woy Woy Public School Woy Woy Railway Station Wrightson Reserve Wundabalaynbah Point Wyargine Point Wybung Wybung Head Wyee Bay Wyee Creek Wyee Platform Wyee Public School Wyee Railway Station Wyee Wharf Wyoming Wyoming Creek Wyoming Public School Wyongah Wyong Cemetery Wyong College of Technical and Further Education Wyong Creek Wyong Creek Public School Wyong General Cemetery Wyong Grove Public School Wyong High School Wyong Hill Wyong Lookout Wyong National Forest Wyong North Wyong Place Wyong Post Office Wyong Public School Wyong Railway Station Wyong River Wyong State Forest Wyrabalong Wyrrabalong Yacaaba Head Yacabah Yacaaba Yalimbah Creek Yallawa Island Yambo Yangan Reserve Yangyangy Creek Yangy Angy Creek Yarramalong Yarramalong Public School Yarramalong Valley Yarranabbe Park Diamond Drill Point Dickson Park Diega Creek Diega Flat Diemar Point Dillans Scrub Dillions Gully Yarul Reserver Yattalunga Yattalunga Public Wharf Yellow Rock Yennadah Reserve Youngs Creek Youngs Gully Young Wallsend Yow Yow Reserve Yulong Park Yumbool Point Zenith Beach Bullimah Beach Bullimah Lookout Bullimah Range Bullimah Spur Bull Rock Bulls Island Bumble Bumble Creek Bumbles Creek Bumble Hill Bumbora Bumborah Bumpo Creek Bundabah Bundabah Creek Dewey Point Diamond Bay District Park Dixon Park Beach Dixons Gully Dixons Hill Dixon Park Dobell House Dobell Memorial Park Dobinson Reserve Dobroyd Dobroyd Head Dobroyd Hill Dockyard Dodds Saddle Dog Trap Gully Dog Trap Hill Dolphin Park Dominicks Creek Dooralong Dooralong Point Dooralong Public School Dora Dora Creek Public School Dora Creek Railway Station Dora Pinnacle Doribank Flat Double Bay Creek Douglas Point Douribang Dover Heights Dover Heights High School Dowardee Island Doyalson Doyles Gully Dredge Island Drummer Hole Drummer Parry Park Duckenfield Duckhole Duckhole Creek Duck Hole Lagoon The Duckhole Dudley Dudley Beach Dudley Public School Duffys Point Duguids Hill Dewey Bay Digary Creek Dillions Creek Dividing Range Dixons Bay Dobell Park Dobroyd Point Dominicks Gully Donnybrook Doribank Doribank Swamp Double Creek Part Of Dover Heights Boys High School Dover Heights Girls High School Dowadee Island Drungall Point Duck Hole Duck Hole Creek Duckholes Bay Bundobah Bundobah Creek Bungalow Flat Bungan Beach Bungan Head Bungan Head Reserve Bungaree Head Bungaree Norah Bungaree Norah Point Bunning Creek Bunyah Park Burkes Creek Burning Creek Burnt Bridge Creek Burnt Creek Burnt Hut Creek Burragallana Reserve Burroway Town of Burwood Bushranger Bushrangers Hill Bushy Island Butlers Flat Buttaba Buttai Buttai Creek Buttai Reservoir Butterwick Buttonderry Creek Byalla Lane Public Wharf Byrons Gully Adcock Park Baker Park Balcolyn Balgonnia Bangalee Reserve Bar Flora Reserve Bateau Bay Flora Reserve Batemans Wharf Bellbird Miners Memorial Park Belmont North Belmont South Bettles Park Billygoat Hill Bombi Bow Wow Creek Bow Wow Creek Gorge Bradys Gully Brennan Park Brightwaters No. 1 and Brightwaters No. 2 Broadwater The Broadwater Broken Bay National Fitness Camp Broken Bay Sport and Recreation Centre Broken Head Budgewoi Beach Bulgonia Carramar Reserve Casuarina Reserve Central Wharf Channel Street Park Charmhaven Park Clarke Reserve Clint Creek Cootes Point Coryule Reserve Coutts Gully Coutts Point Crater Cove Crater Valley Cromer Park Deep Cave Dirty Haul Beach East Gosford Eglinford Erina Wharf Eulalia Wharf Fairway Finnan Park Frank Ballance Memorial Park Garnet Adcock Memorial Park Goldies Spur Gosford East Public School Gosford West Gosford Wharf Graham Reserve Hexham Swamp Nature Reserve Humphreys Road Public Wharf Humphries Road Public Wharf Iluka Lagoon Iluka Reserve Kincumber Broadwater Little Jilliby Ridge Longworth Park Mcculloch Reserve Maitland Boys High School Maitland Girls High School Mootai Mt Elliot Lookout Noamunga Reserve North Narrabeen Reserve Oakhampton Heights Parkside Reserve Plantation Reserve Rodney Reserve Ross Park St John Lookout Smiths Point South Belmont Talbot Park Tamarama Terrigal Lagoon Reserve Tingira Reserve Turo Reserve Veterans Flat Weldon Park Clink Creek Auston Oval Bangalow Reserve Bunya Bunya Park Chain Valley Bay Reserve Dolphin Bay Feighan Park Hancock Park Karralika Park Log of Knowledge Park Maitland Grossman High School Maitland High School Newcastle Showground and Exhibition Centre Riddle Reserve Rostrevor Reserve The Foreshore Tomaree Sports Complex Jarrah Park Gathercole Park Pelican Island Nature Reserve Rileys Island Nature Reserve Pambalang Reserve Cornford Reserve Gosford City Park Nell Griffith Reserve Costin Reserve Swaine Reserve Humphreys Reserve Undercliff Reserve Norman Brown Park Simm Park Budgewoi Peninsula Bushells Ridge Doyalson North Moonee Waterfall Beach Gravelly Beach Coral Fern Beach Ghosties Beach Birdie Lagoon Hargraves Magenta Watanobbi Lake Haven Kiar Glenning Valley Colongra Tacoma South Mardi Palmdale Cardiff South Lakelands Macquarie Hills Morisset Park Swansea Heads Ashtonfield Pitnacree Tocal Hamilton East Hamilton North Hamilton South Lenaghan Mayfield East Mayfield North Mayfield West Newcastle East Newcastle West North Lambton The Hill Waratah West Fletcher Callaghan Lloyd Park Johns Park Bailey Park Rayment Park Benjamin Parker Reserve Wagstaffe The Macquarie Pier Shipwreck Walk Cockle Bay Nature Reserve Bernie Thompson Park Freemans South Maitland Jack Gear Reserve Wyrrabalong National Park Eric St John Reserve Kincumba Mountain Regional Reserve Kincumba Mountain Rumbalara Reserve Wagstaffe Bar Wagstaffe Point Pelican Kotara South Shoal Bay Public School Rathmines Park Harry Moore Sportsground Garigal National Park Tingira Heights Nature Reserve Steele Point Lisle Carr Oval Northlakes Public School Girrakool School Jirramba Reserve Carumbah Memorial Gardens Blarney Grove Creek Woodport Park East Seaham Balickera Ferodale Bondi Junction Post Office Centre Oval South Weston Miller Park Badger Box Creek Heazlett Park Hylton Moore Park James Browne Park Kincumber South Koolewong Foreshore Reserve Wamberal North Bareena Island Burns Place Walmsleys Corner Wyong Lions Park Belmont Rotary Park South Belmont Park Toby Park Toronto Sports Ground Webb Park Wippi Reserve Lenaghan Park Belmont Lions Park Marks Oval Nesca Nesca Oval Nesca Recreation Area Edward Gain Park Fishery Point Frank Finnan Soccer Ground Goffet Park Gurranba Reserve Hillshot Park Hollis Slipway Birriban Park Aitchison Reserve The Tom Barney Oval Scott Point Apex Park Cooney Park Francis Greenway High School Jaycees Park Newcastle General Cemetery North Channel Hunter River South Channel Hunter River Harold Gregson Park Storks Hill Mount Torrance Maitland A Maitland B Maitland C Marcellin Park Alex Mcdonald Recreation Area Halls Creek Sports Area Maitland Lions Park East Maitland Rotary Park Crown of Newport Reserve Dearin Reserve Edgar Gornall Wildflower Gardens Dudley Page Reserve Ray OKeefe Reserve Macpherson Simpson Park Karuah Hill Wideview Point Lobito Point Heros Bay Woodport Public School Guyangil Park Mount Warrawolong Biddabah Public School Stratford Park Coronet Park Spotted Gum Park Blue Gum Park Grahamstown Public School Osterley Blackalls Park Public School Ourimbah Nature Reserve Little Mackeral Beach Lee Thompson Park Maddison Reserve David Nunn Park O Connor Park Michael Rowe Walk Heywood Wilkinson Park Mary MacKillop Peninsula Collard Reserve Raspberry Gully Reserve Back Creek Joe Redman Reserve Mardi Creek Frank Watkins Park Bill Sohier Park Peace Park Wyong Town Park Raffertys Beach Manning Park Tuggerah Creek Robinson Reserve Blanch Reserve Gararra Reserve Parkwood Village Broadwater Park Shaun Brinklow Park Golden Grove Playground Syd Sherar Park Condula Park Vernon Park Palm Gully Park Panorama Park Binnowee Park Woodrising Stanhope Park Naomi Honey Reserve Hunter River Reserve Burrowaree Camp Vale Swamp Great Mackebal Beach Roy Wood Reserve Maybanke Cove Edgewater Park Houghton Coweambah Bundabah Reserve Cedar Reserve Robinson Creek Hunter Creek Bears Creek Woongarrah Hamlyn Terrace O Neill Park Pelican Park Wreck Beach Kariong Sport and Recreation Area Bill Squires Park Jilling Cove Canning Park Tickhole Creek H W Knight Park George Winter Park Roy Byrnes Reserve Ettalong Beach Reserve Lance Webb Reserve Tim Farrell Reserve Shortland Point or John Shortland Park Tim Farrell Lookout Leask Creek Martinsville Pioneer Cemetery Nimbin Beach Mariners Cove Lifeboat Beach Halloran Mccoll Park Fred Pinkstone Oval Paddy Clifton Oval Sun Valley Park Soldiers Memorial Park Oakhampton Hugo Reserve George Anderson Walpole School Margarets Bay Tamarama Gully Matron Simpson Reserve Pambalong Nature Reserve Warnervale Federation Park Blacktown Wyong Regional Sporting Complex Mur-Rung Reserve Kennedy Cove Reids Reserve Copacabana Beach North Avoca Beach Glen Oak Kahibah Memorial Park Bert Edmonds Reserve Sunset Beach Werakata National Park Betty Morrison Reserve Cameron Park Mill Park Stoney Ridge Reserve Gregory Park Johnston Park Bangalley Raymond Terrace Anzac Park Dawsons Landing Abermain Centenary Park Federation Point Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College Tumbi Umbi Campus Boatrowers Reserve Byrnes Reserve Lambton Ker-Rai Creek Dillwynia Bushland Reserve Elaine Hurst Oval Carroll Reserve Thelma Laird Lookout Pat Slaven Reserve Owens Walkway Postmistress Creek Hely Creek Little Flaggy Creek Mullards Creek Clacks Creek Stobbart Creek Pelaw Main Centenary Park Rose Bay Secondary College Bluey Frame Park Gwandalan Lions Park RAF Park Wallarah National Park Tom Burke Reserve Limeburners Creek Worimi State Conservation Area Palm Grove Nature Reserve Eddie Charlton Reserve Blue Gum Hills Regional Park Kay-ye-my Point Saratoga Island Nature Reserve Hunter River Community School Mount Mouat Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Senior Campus Wand Jetty Gubbuh Gubbuh Gooree Gooragal Boowambillee Maddens Creek Seabrook Reserve Middle Camp New Greta Main Gibbs Brothers Park Ivanhoe Park Botanic Garden Ben Clarke Reserve Hunter River High School Woongarrah Public School Burma Track Sam Fiszman Park Warners Creek Tulkaba Creek Trickle Under Creek Tin Hare Creek Bulls Creek Swamp Mahogany Creek Sawmill Creek Puntei Creek Melaleuca Creek Hawkins Creek Fossil Wing Creek Fairy Dell Creek Dicks Creek Cross Creek Coffee Pot Creek Allambee Creek Gwandalan Lioness Park Tuggerah Nature Reserve Preschool Patch-Windale Public School James L Boyd Reserve Murrays Beach Griffin Park Bothams Beach Catalina Bay Sinclair Point Owl Park Crawchie Creek Blue Wren Creek North Gosford Learning Centre Brunner Park Stony Range Botanic Garden Worimi Regional Park Worimi National Park Slip Island Bill Fitch Jetty Allan Fairhall Reserve Kingfisher Shores Chisholm Shamrock Hill Sporting Fields Darcys Lookout James Leslie Reserve Bowinbah Creek Boatman Creek Yachett Point Yachett Point Reserve Marys Beach Biraban Creek Yallawali Creek Muraban Creek Ko-inbah Creek Kiunuri Creek Dillwynia Creek Young Wallsend Creek MacNamara Creek Kennedy Creek Five Islands School Bungaree Reserve Freshwater Ashtonfield Public School Joshua Porter Reserve Medowie Lions Park Ash Island Peter Clifford Reserve Arthur Mollett Reserve Kenibea Bushland Reserve Campbell Reserve Wanda Wetlands Mambo Wetlands Reserve A J Baker Park Norm Moyle Park Hales Bluff Alan Newton Reserve Headland Park St John Oval Francis Greenway Creek Osmond Reserve Chappell Park Platypus Creek Pioneer Creek Ted Jackson Reserve Lions Park Judd Greedy Park John Tucker Park Bartlett Cycleway Glendon Brook Rosewood Gully Mount Hungry Wolleroo Creek Sisters Creek Lambs Valley Creek Daninald Holmes Creek Glenoak Tumbledown Creek Stradbroke Glendarra Riverview Langlands Hillmont Braebank Myall River Monkeyjacket Durness Marbrook Nickeys Island Rosebrook Range Tressingfield Tannadice Lemongrove Leeholme Rivermead Woodlock Benamba Felspar House Sinclairs McManus Creek Karuah River Caweambah The Tea Gardens Minimbah Station Minimba Mindaribba Siding Burrouen Burnbrae Yalimba Creek Wandebin Creek Springmount Comerfords Mountain Dunmore House Woodville Park Glenview Bona Vista Rosebank Seaham Mountain Dorisville Mount Teen Winda Wapper Wanderrebah Beach Boandabah Island Middle Island Lowardee Island Bush Island Aberglasslyn House Bowthorne McClyments Swamp Soldier Point Port Stephen Allendale Lochinvar Station Paterson River Ralston Boorora Portree Cockleshell Point Corlette Head Station Peak Cromarty Bay West Maitland Owlpen Telabah Siding Maitland Municipality High Street Station Saint Albans Irrawang Swamp Pine Lodge Grahamstown Swamp Fodermead Phillips Point Bull Island Lena OBrien Park OBrien Park Old Rothbury Wentworth Swamp Victoria Street Station Williams River Port Stephens Shire Fenningham Creek The Spit Stephens Point Kinross Kate Bay Aberdare Junction North Kurri Kurri Station North Kurri Station Greater Cessnock Municipality ONeill Park Cessnock Station Caledonia Station Plattsburg Dempsey Island Moscheto Island Table Island Sugar Loaves Inner Basin Port of Newcastle Boolaroo Racecourse OConnor Park Figtree Point Jewells Station Jewells Siding Frazer Creek Devils Elbow Redhead South Station Redhead Station Readhead Point Red Head Warrawalong Mount Waring Black Jack Point Muddy Creek Salt Water Creek Pelican Islet Wangi Wangi Creek Arcadia Kahiba The Blacksmith Lake Macquarie Shire Moon Islet Galgabba Creek Blains Gully Petite Lake Sunnyside The Diamond Drill Point Coloo Cliffs Wabung Head Bird Islet Resthaven Wattlebrye Jilliby Creek Wyong Shire Nora Head Tuggarah Lake Tuggerah Beach Lake Homedale Metsola Palm Dale Drop Down Creek Yangyangy Creek Angley Lower Gully Footts Gully Chinamans Beach Lackersteen Hazelgrove Tumbi Vmbi Glen Allen Elonara Belltrees Melinga Kariong Mountains High School Terrigal Harbour Tarragal Harbour Point Willoughly Balbaring Bay Merchinnes Creek Cockrone Lagoon Woodabyne Saint Huberts Island Ettalong Ettymalong Swamp East Reef West Reef Hawke Head Eliot Island Lion Islet Middle Bank Pentaloon Bay First Three Heads Second Third Eleanor Bluffs Eleanor Bluff Cowan Creek Little Pitt Water Barranjoey Head Little Mackarel Beach Rock Head Observation Head Pitt Water Stripe Point Pitt Island Clareville Hole-in-the-Wall Hole in Wall Pitt Inlet Pittwater Road Bulgolo Head Right Branch McCarrs Creek McCarrs Creek Right Branch Bay View Warringah Shire Oxford Creek Collaroy Plateau Deewhy Deewhy Beach Deewhy Head Wakehurst Parkway Bluefish Point Smedley Point Wy-ar-gine Point Cabblers Beach Western Channel West Channel Georges Heights Eastern Channel East Channel Hornby Watson Bay Shark Point Edgecliff ODonnell Street Community Reserve Bronte
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