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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water.A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Old Green Hills Rocky Waterhole Early Rise Hermitage Ashgrove Greenwood Grindstone Bay Rostrevor House Mount Murray Woodstock Okehampton Rheban Ringrove Earham Hillcrest Eaglehawk Neck Orford Triabunna Penzance Agnes Creek Alginate Bay Alma Creek Alma Hill Double Creek Double Rock Duck Creek Dungeon Gully Eaglehawk Bay Eaglehawk Spur Eagles Beach Eagles Sugarloaf Earlham Creek Earlham Hill Earlham Lagoon East Shelf Edina Point Arthurs Peak Ashgrove Creek Balsleys Hill Bangor Point Bare Knoll Barings Hill Barren Head Beaching Bay Bellettes Creek Bernacchis Creek Big Hill Bird Rock Bishop and Clerk Bivouac Bay Bivouac Creek Black Head Black Joe Blackman Head Blackman Hill Blackman Plains Blackman Rivulet Blind Creek Bloodstone Beach Bloodstone Point Blowhole Creek Blowhole Point Blue Beach Bluff Beach Bobbatinka Creek Bobs Gully Bogan Creek Boltons Beach Boltons Beach Conservation Area Boltons Bluff Boltons Shoal Booming Bay Boot Bay Bottom Hill Boy in the Boat Bradys Cave Bradys Creek Bradys Creek Reservoir Bresnehans Creek Briarpaddock Beach Bricky Point Briggs Point Brooks Bridge Browns Creek Budget Head Budget Rock Bull Creek Bull Kelper Reef Bun Hill Bunker Bay Buttons Bay Calculation Hill Calders Blowhole Camp Falls Canoe Bay Cape Bald Cape Bernier Cape Bernier Nature Reserve Cape Bougainville Cape Boullanger Cape Des Tombeaux Cape Frederick Hendrick Cape Hauy Cape Maurouard Cape Paul Lamanon Cape Peron Cape Pillar Cape Surville Carrickfergus Bay Cashs Lookout Cathedral Rock Chasm Creek Chasm Lookout Chestermans Sugarloaf Cheverton Rock Chinamans Bay Clemes Peak Clydes Island Clytie Bight Cockle Bay Cockle Bay Creek Cockle Bay Lagoon Corruption Gully Cottage Hill Cottons Sugarloaf Counsel Creek Coxswain Creek Crescent Bay Crescent Mountain Crooked Mcguiness Lagoon Darlington Darlington Bay Dauntless Point Dead Horse Creek Dead Isle Deep Glen Bay Deep Glen Bluff Deep Glen Creek Denmans Cove Denmans Creek Desolation Gully Devils Kitchen Dog Bark Dolomieu Point Doo Town Egg Beach Eighty Acre Creek Elephant Bight Ellarwey Valley Emerald Bay Encampment Cove Evendens Point Fanella Bank Fazackerleys Range Flash Tier Flat Rock Flat Top Flensers Point Flinders Creek Flowerpot Rocks Forestier Peninsula Fortescue Four Mile Beach Four Mile Creek Foxs Creek Franks Knob Franks Marsh Freestone Cove Freestone Point Fortescue Bay Fortescue Lagoon Fortescue Plains Fossil Bay Fossil Cliffs Fossil Island Graveyard Point Greater Pyramidal Rock Green Bluff Green Hills Green Point Griffiths Rivulet Garden Point Gardiners Cove Gathercoles Creek Glenloth Cliffs Glenraven Creek Goat Hill Goat Hill Creek Goldings Reef Goslings Flat Grindstone Beach Grindstone Point Guards Lagoon Gulls Nest Point Haines Bight Half Rung Sugarloaf Haunted Bay Hawks Hill Haytons Hill Hellfire Bluff Hermitage Lagoon High Yellow Bluff Hippolyte Rocks Home Lookout Hopground Beach Horseshoe Point Horseshoe Shoal Howells Point Humper Bluff Hurricane Heath Hyatts Beach Ile Des Phoques Ile Des Phoques Nature Reserve Ile Du Nord Isle of the Dead Jacob Hill John Bulls Rock Johnsons Point Kelly Islands Keyhole Knobs Crook Lachlan Island Lachlan Island Nature Reserve Lagoon Bay Lesser Pyramidal Rock Lichen Hill Lighthouse Lead Little Chinaman Bay Little Norfolk Bay Little Peak Little Raggedy Head Lizard Hill Loafers Hill Long Bay Long Bay Creek Long Reef Long Spit Long Spit Private Nature Reserve Lords Bluff Louisville Louisville Point Low Bay Lufra Cove Lukes Creek Lunchtime Creek Luther Point MacGregor Peak Machins Hill MacLaines Creek Magistrates Point Maingon Bay Manfern Gully Marchwiel Marsh Maria Island Maria Island National Park Marion Bay Marion Beach Marion Narrows Marra Hill Martins Tor Mason Point McGuiness Creek McGuinness Creek McManus Hill McRaes Isthmus Mercury Passage Meredith Point Middle Bluff Middle Hill Mill Creek Millingtons Beach Millingtons Beach Conservation Area Mimosa Bank Mimosa Falls Mistaken Cape Mitre Rock Monah Hill Montgomerys Creek Monument Point Moreys Hill Morleys Lookout Mount Brown Mount Fortescue Mount Jacob Mount Maria Mount Pedder Mount Reynolds Mount Walter Munro Bight Murdunna Murdunna Hill Musk Gully Ned Ryans Hill No Good Bay Nord Bluff Norfolk Creek Norfolk Point North Bay Oakwood Hill O Hara Bluff Okehampton Bay Okehampton Lagoon Old Station Beach One Tree Point Orford Beach Orford Golf Course Orford Rivulet Osprey Head Oyster Bay Paddys Point Parrot Point Patersons Arch Patten Point Pebbly Point Perdition Plateau Perdition Ponds Perons Pyramid Perpendicular Mountain Pine Creek Pine Creek Beach Pine Divide Pine Hut Creek Pirates Bay Plain Place Beach Point Des Galets Point Du Ressac Point Home Point Lesueur Point Mauge Point Puer Point Puer Beach Pony Bottom Creek Porpoise Hole Prosser Bay Purgatory Hill Quarry Point Quinns Hill Raspins Beach Raspins Beach Conservation Area Red Dirt Bluff Red Rocks Point Reids Beach Resolution Point Retakunna Creek Return Point Rheban Beach Riedle Bay Ringrove Razorback Robeys Creek Robeys Shore Robinsons Creek Rosedale Reservoir Rostrevor Creek Rostrevor Reservoir Rough Hill Rudds Hill Salem Point Salmons Flats Salmons Tier Salty Creek Sandspit Point Sandspit River Sandy Flats Creek Sandy Flats Hill Sappho Spit Scrubby Creek Sedbury Creek Seventeen Acre Creek Sheas Creek Shed Hill Sheepwash Bay Shelly Beach Shoal Bay Shower Falls Signal Hill Simmonds Creek Simmonds Hill Simmonds Marsh Sisters Bay Sisters Rocks Skipping Ridge Slew Hill Sloppy Weather Bank Snake Hill Snobbys Rock Soldiers Beach Sounds Rivulet South East Corner Sparkes Creek Splitters Creek Spring Bay Spring Beach Standup Point Stapleton Beach Stapleton Point Stinking Bay Stinking Creek Stone Creek Strawberry Hill Suicide Cliff Surveyors Cove Susan Gully Swan Lagoon Taranna Tasman Bay Tasman Blowhole Tasman Council Tasman Golf Course Tasman Hill Tasman Island Tasman National Park Tasman Passage Tasmans Arch Tatnells Creek Tatnells Hill Tea-Tree Bay Tea-Tree Creek Tessellated Pavement The Blade The Candlestick The Club The Column The Lanterns The Monkeys The Monument The Oasis The Trident Three Caverns Point Three Thumbs Three Thumbs State Reserve Thumbs Point Tiger Gully Toarra Hill Top Lagoon Tornado Flat Tornado Ridge Totem Pole Trident Bluff Trigonia Corner Trumpeter Corner Tunah Plains Two Mile Beach Two Mile Creek Unfortunate Cove Vault Hill Vicarys Rivulet View Peak Visscher Island Wacketts Creek Walkers Creek Walters Opening Waterfall Bay Waterfall Bluff Watsons Bay Wattle Paddock Creek Wellard Rivulet West Arthur Head Whalebone Point Whalers Cove Whalers Lookout Widow Browns Hill Windlass Bay Wughalee Falls Yankee Rock Yellow Bluff Creek Alma Creek Bridge Arthur Highway Bridge Ashgrove Creek Bridge Bay Hill Bay Of Islands Big Hippo Bloodstone Lagoon Boat Harbour Bogan Creek Bridge Boomer Marsh Bottle Corner Bradys Lookout Bresnehans Creek Bridge Cabbage Patch Castle Rock Cathedral Bluff Cocks Comb Copper Mines Cottons Reef Descent Beach Desolation Ridge Dunbabin Spit Eaglehawk Bay State Reserve Eaglehawk Neck Historic Site Fox Beaches Freestone Point Road Bridge Halfmoon Blowhole Hop Garden Valley Hopground Gully Hyatts Grass Isca Falls Maclaines Creek Bridge MacLaines Creek Forest Reserve North West Bay Ocean Beach Orford Roads Painted Cliffs Penguin Hole Pirates Bay Nature Recreation Area Prosser River Bridge Ragged Bay Ringrove Bay Rocky Waterhole Creek Bridge Round Hill Sandspit River Conservation Area Sheas Creek Bridge Southerly Bight Stony Creek Stony Point Tasman Highway Bridge Tasmanian Devil Park Tessellated Pavement State Reserve The Gorge The Quarries Top Waterfall Bay Trigonia Gully Vicarys Creek Bridge Wacketts Creek Bridge Watsons Point Wattle Paddock Creek Bridge Wielangta Windmill Hill Yellow Bluff Creek Forest Reserve Yellow Cutting Hill Isle des Phoques Isle des Phogues White Rock McLaine Creek Maclaine Creek Woodstock Spur Wackett Creek Oakhampton Bay Point Home Lookout Black Point Prosser River Isle du Nord Paradise Gorge Cape Boulanger Settlement Harbour The Thumbs Thumbs Johnston Point Griffith Sandspit Rivulet Long Point Cape Mistaken Cap des Tombeaux Cap des Trombeaux Reidle Bay Point des Galets Crayfish Bay Point du Ressac Bream Creek The Narrows Prince of Wales Bay Green Island Cape Frederik Hendrik Wilmot Harbour Kelly Islets Kelly Rocks Kellys Islands Yellow Bluff Forestiers Peninsula The Sisters Sisters Sisters Islets Macgregor Peak Clydes Islands Woody Island Tasman Arch Newman Creek OHara Bluff Oakwood Cape Nola Port Arthur Munroe Bight


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