AUS 780 – Althorpe Islands To Backstairs Passage For Sale
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Carrickalinga Kingscote Normanville Yankalilla Penneshaw Island Beach Bay of Shoals Duncan Inneston Cassini Haines Western River Hummocky Gorge White Cliffs Kerlingle Pub Corner Muckra Etthrick Brae River View The Fisheries Blue Gum Gully American River Motel The Frenchmans Rock Strepera Waterfall King George Well Amen Corner Middle River Crabbvale Lyndhurst Korumait Park Moorlands Ella-Matta Two Storey Creek The Rowland Hill Highway Adnoorak Rushy Swamp Meadow Lea Rossmar Downs Wilson Corner Circle H Kerribee Park Bundilla Yurara Glenwreath Villa Costa Lotta Davaar Sandy Creek Constitution Hill Hummocky Point Turkey Lane Parkmeade Snapper Point Trig Penneshaw Caravan Park Bulolo Vale Penneshaw Area School Black Point Morrison Point Deep Creek Penneshaw Post Office Glencraig Kangaroo Gully Pioneer Bend Telephone Office Riverleas Western River West Branch Snug Cove Creek Karralinga Karawatha Pemabran Viresco The Kohinoor Mine Warwick Farm Carramar Smith Reserve Woodlana Parndana Trig Cassini Trig Daws Diggings Indiwarra Kent Park Long Hill Joylen Park Keringle Branch Creek Presqu I la Gallissonieve Hog Bay River Willson River Telephone Office Pork Creek Dudley District Hall Christmas Cove Richmond Park Norma Cove Bowers Trig Myambla Glenowie Cargie Cable Bridge Wisanger Birchmore Hut Bay View Farm Point Morrison Mopehawk Gully Mouth Flat West End Highway Curlew Valley Freemans Kingscote Post Office Graydon Holiday Lodge Bellevista American River Acquatic Reserve Hundred of Cassini Stoneyridge Brownlow Salt Creek Cap du Geographe Hamilton Kingscote Telephone Exchange White Horse Hill Playford Highway Rolls Point Bear Point Kurralinga Waterloo Marapana Canberra Vernon Wiljean Cape Torrens Marsden Trig Gum Creek Loaf Corner Moreview Wirrilda Trig New Years Day Cave Holiday Island Chalets Woolnit Cygnet River Telephone Exchange Kingscote Aerodrome Kingscote Community Recreation Centre Yarrabee Cap Rouge Dova Farm Red Cliffs KI Children s Services Centre Valhalla Shoal Point Ti Tree MacGillivray Stranraer Karingle Emu Ridge Point Reynolds Redbanks Mount Thisby K I Dairies Worrimba Well Iron Whyalla Shoal Althorpe Island Lighthouse Fort George Hut Cap Berthier Ethel Chinamans Grave Warrenben Well Honiton Post Office Dart Point Gilbert Windsor Castle Well Charles Carter Hungry Point Deep Well Yorke Point Desert Well Bob Hut Warrenben Royston Head Trig The Hump Jolly Beach Warrenben Waterhole Pondalowie Bay Tidal Creek Hundred of Seddon Packman Shoal Cable Hut Jim Brown Waterhole The Bluff Sharples Beach Cap Eliza Goldsmith Beach Shell Beach Stone Hut Station Stenhouse Bay Coolalie Gilbert Point Minchin Hut Phillips Hill Coonarie Trig Hillsview Sandy Point Meehan Hill Mimosa Goulburn Middle River Primary School New Lake Tree Hole Lagoon Dead Horse Lagoon Penneshaw Special Rural School Southern Spencer Gulf Marine Park HMAS Hobart Warrenben National Park Teazer Baie Malesherbes Ance des Savoyards Baie Hortense Yankalilla Post Office Honiton Primary School Yankalilla Soldiers Memorial Community Centre Ten-Tree Lagoon White Lagoon Spider Lake Gobell Lake Lathami Sanctuary McLeod Harbor Ballast Head Harbor Nepean Bay Conservation Park Troubridge Island Conservation Park Kelly Sanctuary Middle River Sanctuary Parndana National Park Hic-Up Cave Attunga Sanctuary William Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park Yankalilla Golf Course The Gorge Gosse Pools Flat Guldax Carrickalinga Cave Cap Delambre Sultana Bay North West Bay Cuttle Fish Bay Cuttlefish Bay Boxing Bay Flour Cask Bay Pennington Bay Baie Bougainville Constance Bay Middle Island Honiton Chinamans Hat Island Karta Point Davenport Conservation Park Carrickalinga Creek Yankallilla River Baie Dacier Dutton Park Sanctuary Salt Lagoon Vauban Point Presqu La Galissonniere Wangara Seddon Conservation Park Grainger Old Mine Teetero Mintaro Pebbly Beach Willoughby Telephone Exchange Hog Bay Post Office Coonato Station Ups-n-Downs Pelican Lagoon Brown Beach Flinders Obelisk Page View North Cape Bluegum Hog Point Brackenmore Halfway Cap Cassini Stokes Creek Riccorang Pointe Mornay Inneston Post Office Balcarres Helyar Hillview Hundred of Coonarie Parndana Conservation Park Kingscote Area School Cygnet River Post Office Hawson and Kinches Snakey Creek Parndana Landing Ground Hereweare Nepean Bay Caravan Park Rocky Point Arltunga Binnowie Woodleigh Maryvale Pioneer Bend Enoomah Birchmore Community Hall Sultana Maylands Trig Trowbridge Homestead West Cape Hundred of Borda Beach Hut Birchmore Lake Knolls Strepara Waterfall New Years Eve Cave Stokes Bay Little Gorge Brownlow KI Royston Island Ile de la Favorite Dodd Bay Horse Station Scotch Thistle Flat Buck Hill Discovery Flat Kilmarnoch High Sandhill Dudley Aluka Shag Rock Carnacoo Spring Hills Gum Tree Flat Pointe Mole Dakota Fleetwood Konumait Park Burgess Lagoon Birchmore Lagoon Tea Tree Lagoon Waltham Sandy Point Well Cootes Hill Dagwood Bay Edward Lagoon Cap Vendome Marion Archway Lagoon Rush Lagoon Browns Beach Harbor of Penneshaw Port Kingscote Emmes Reef Butlers Beach Carrickalinga Point Roomahkita Young St George Lockwood Queenscliffe Primary School Dewrang Roo Lagoon Parkmeada Midway H and N Aspro Hill Moreton Buick Point Hart Creek Alex Lookout High Gums Tara Kohinoor Hill Kanagara Smith Landing Lagoon Flat Grassy Creek Hundred of Menzies Kangaroo Head Angasvale Karinga Menzies Burajige Treville Woodlands Calana Camel Back Queenscliffe Post Office Seddon Willson River Homestead The Deep Creek Strawbridge Point Port of Pelicans Dehra-Dun Parndana Agricultural Research Centre Naroonda Bullock Creek Pleasant Park Neets Haystack Island Seal Island Ile Borda Golden Hope Althorpe Islands Conservation Park Fairfield Yankalyailla River Sea Cave Cape Spencer Reef Head Jones Well Harbor of Kingscote Norman Bay Sturt Bay Swallowtail Bay Simpson Conservation Reserve Fort George Well Pondalowie Well Worrimba Hut Salmon Inlet Trowbridge Point Sheoak Beach Happy Valley Well Covenys Gully Western River Cove Porky Flat Bald Hill Congony Head Freestone Creek Buenfield Carraman Bomb Alley Bowers Gremlin Lodge Snaky Creek Little Timber Creek Brownlow Units Wedgewood Maylands Goat Hill Creek Alandale Stokes Bay Landing Woodstock Little Wedgewood Greenfields Kingscote Sand Reserve Kohinoor White House Hill Beare Point Hog-Bay-River Station Snelling Beach Springy Water Creek Setons Cave Reeves Point Kingscote Racing Club North Cape Lighthouse Deepdene High Barbaree Angas Sunnyside Pine-Grove Bald Rock Flagstaff Lookout Billygoat Gully Sandhurst Charing Cross Big Conguinar Beach Buick Station Kanguroo Head Wisanger Hills Gumbahrie Harriet Telephone Exchange Corowood Point Marsden Lighthouse Hundred of Haines Ferret Parndana Iron King Harbor of American River Mooring Bay Shoals Bay Busby Islet Anse des Sources Archipelago de L Est Flat Topped Hill Experiment Diamond Lake Duck Lagoon Blue Gum Gully Sanctuary Cape Torrens Conservation Park Port Yankalilla Foul Hill Yandara Chimney Lever Well Crack Well Thisby Trig Pandell The Shackle Telephone Exchange The Wootons Goat Gully Frenchman Head Bay View Cape Cassini Station King George Beach Glenavon Churinga Kohinoor Mine Titree Well Troubridge Shoals Sheoak Creek Hillsea Howagie Well Dareton Hundred of MacGillivray Larluna Strathma Downs Benwerrin Morgan River Cygnet River Grid Iron Corner Marion Lake Kangaroo Island Yacht Club Ozone Hotel and Motel The Red Banks Castle Gully Hog Bay River Station Ironstone Hill Picnic Point Reeves Point Historical Site Torbrech Karmar Poverty Park Evallyn Dudley East Yakilo The New Country San Antone Cap Forbin Willson River Landsdown Tin Hut Grassy Flat Little Conguinar Beach Lincoln Green Anulka Brigalow Ellson Seaview Motel Newland Baudin Beach Carricalinga Creek Rose Lathami Conservation Park Caerdroia Sanctuary Meadow Lea Sanctuary Agincourt American River Post Office Penneshaw Water Supply Cap D Estaing Caledonia Curley Creek Western River Wilderness Protection Area Baudin Conservation Park West Cape Pile Trig South West Rock Ten Tree Lagoon Yankalilla Bay Marion Bay Althorpe Island Kanguroo Island Sultana Point Windsor Castle Hut Iles Vauban Tammar Sanctuary Beyeria Conservation Park Koldana Westmoore Park Kiowie The Spit Parn Lee Glenroe Cassini Park Vinkepas Cassini Station Kingscote Golf Club Hope Cottage Cape Rouge Western Trig Tandara Triple Valley Brookland Park Castle Hill Sorrento Resort Cooinda Holiday Village Pott Park Matthew Flinders Motel Hungry Creek Dog Point Waterhole Willandra Kingscote Primary School Kyala Hundred of Warrenben Walter Shoal Marion Basin Emu Waterhole Suicide Point Rhino Head Dudley West Gym Beach Coonarie Telephone Exchange Happy Valley Hut Table Rock Parachilna Deep-Dene East Stranaer The Tangle MacGillivray Substation Salt Lake Telephone Office Hope Cottage Plantation High Grove Western River Bay Enterprise Mope-Hawk Gully Hardstaff Shoals Yarloop Stebonheath Tin Pot Hut Ballast Head Kingscote Hospital Derwent Vale County of Carnarvon Kangaroo Beach Emu Bay Grainger Lagoon Kurrara Sanctuary Western River Conservation Park Yankalilla Area School Boobook Hill Sanctuary Cygnet River Estuary Conservation Park Port Dache Anxious Bay Beatrice Islet Conservation Park Nugent Bareena Emu Bay Creek Blue Hills Heather Brae Burridge Well Pondalowie Waterhole Cape Spencer Post Office Hummocks Range Point Davenport Shoal Pointe D Aguesseau Penzance Mount Tisby Karoona New Country Fides Bluff Willson River Post Office American Beach Cap des Kanguroos Hesso Hut Pigs Head Flat Kingham Minarapa Tooramingah Gumridge The Big Gully Creek Nepean Bay Lodges Marsden Point Hope Museum Company Point Snug Cove Pigs Head Corner Shalom Buick Hill The Hog Bay River White Gum Gully Penneshaw Campus McDonnell Hill Springfield Rowland Hill Highway Waiginna Arranmorn King George Hut Windemere Park The Boulders Ellarock Middle Hut Trowbridge Hill Model Hut Seaweed Seaview Capsize Creek Sall Creek McPherson Creek American River Substation Bourkel Blue Gum Hill Melaleuca Larrikin Lagoon Chain of Lakes Sapphiretown Maxwell Burando Nakkondi Yankalya-Illa River Chain Islet Beatrice Islets Buckland Downs The High Sandhill Hungry Beach Cook Community Health Centre Wreck Gully Buick Landing Discovery Lagoon Three Hole Lagoon YMCA Corner St Austell Parndana Area School Aroona Kangaroo Lagoon Minarka Brown Creek Smiths Bay Corr Amar Tinpot Hut King George Creek Yankalilla Hill Normanville Post Office Hill Well Edithburgh Caravan Park Pointe des Malfaisants Wattle Point Swivel Hut Scott Creek Taranna Busby Islet Conservation Park Jim Brown Well Welling Hillock Point Giants Castle Hut Bushy Island North Bay Sheep Creek Christmas Creek Bull Creek Beatrice Point Waterfall Creek Western River East Branch Daring The Cave Sandhills Frank Potts Gully South of Mount McDonnell Trig Kanbara Longwater Hole Carinya Kinchs Station Smith Creek Karangra Tin Hut Creek Hundred of Gosse Yadnarie Downs Clifton Downs Andambie Wirrilda Bronleen Knob Point Kooran Park Blue Gums Teatree Well Cap de L Entree du Golfe de La Melomanie Titree Swamp Ella Rock Brownlow Beach Wanders Rest Valley Creek Jacob Gully Snapper Point Old Golf Course Corner Wisanger Telephone Exchange Wyndemar Cygnet Park Amberley Graydon Snow Lake Wisanger Primary School Port Moorowie Meteor Bay Tucock Cowie Warrenben Conservation Park Treasure Trove Simpson Conservation Park Lower Yorke Peninsula Marine Park Sunny-Brae Waterfall Gully Kanannah Haussen and Kinches Gap Hills Detroite De Lacepede Cygnet River Primary School Middle River Dam Double Five Squashy Creek Minchin Well Black Hill Providence Green Brenton Park Borda Park Kingscote Point Kingscote Campus Morella KI Children s Services Island Court Holiday Flats Tinsmith Corner Double Fork Gully Brigadoon Bainbridge Landing Chinamans Hut Yerda Station Troubridge Point Yerda Stokes Bay Station Valley View Hougomont Hilsea Marron Reef Hillocks Drive Dutton Park Tanah Merah Royston Park Cowry Althorpe Islands Anchorage Island Anse des Hauts-Fonts Cable Hut Bay Ile Laubadere Lincoln Dale Dodd Beach Howagie Waterholes Royston Head Troubridge Lighthouse Waterloo Bay Troubridge Hill The Paling Nut Happy Valley Fanny Wright Pointe aux Islots Kukakunga Bulong Starr-Haven Stantons Brownlow Post Office Cap Prony Sheoak Gully Hog Bay Ryberg House Braeview Grainger Retreat Salt Lake Kohinoor Heights Island Resort Nardie Williyama Port Hog Port of American River and Pelican Lagoon Stenhouse Bay Harbor Ile Decres Fannie M Inneston Lake Cap Laetitia Bob Well Roma Mitchell Bay St Ives Stokes Bay Creek Two Story Creek White Point Soldiers Memorial Park Wisteria Lodge Motel Nepean Bay Western River South Branch Bates Hill Antechamber Bay Telephone Office Felt Hat Corner American River Primary School Dolphins Point Anse des Phoques Troubridge Landing Jetty Whale Gully Snug Cove Station The Sir Cecil Hicks Reserve Burnfield Birchmore Well Wisanger Park Warrawee Ups and Downs Bark Hut Parndana East Telephone Exchange Martin Quarry Middle River Station Muston Point Yorke Yandara Hut Young Hebe Broadway Calnan Well Willoughby Hart House Horse Gully Mouth Flat Beach Fas Kelly Congony Beach Goanna Corner Wisanger Post Office Long Waterhole Erskine The Ledge Rettie Bluff Deep Hole Hundred of Dudley Bent Valley White Tree Creek Starvation Creek The Monuments Parsee Pioneer Sharple Beach Hut Gorge Farm Formby Bay Deep Lake Innes National Park Emu Bay Primary School Edwards Lagoon Hundred of Duncan Ironstone Stenhouse Bay Primary School Ellaowie Well Point Davenport De Mole River Borda Vale Arundel Kingscote Preschool Centre Library Water Gully Haines Telephone Exchange York Farm Arranmore Leopard Hill Frog Farm Red Hill Coranda Porky Flat Cave Rockfield Morlands Mariners Cairn Windermere Ismyr Yacca Gully Cape Torrens Wilderness Protection Area The Big Gully Linnetts Island Resort McKinlay House Hazel Hill Wilderness Creek Cuttlefish Bay School Pigshead Flat Parndana Campus Smith Beach Lloyds House Parndana East Post Office Hawks Nest Brook Shoal The Gap South Belt Well Model Well Cap La Rochefaucault Green Hill Tea Tree Swamp Little Scrub Hut Netherby Park Glencorrie Ravine Des Casoars Wilderness Protection Area Kangaroo Island General Hospital Big Gully Creek Mount Cootes Dewars Homestead Birchmore Bowling Club Parade Units Foul Bay Pointe aux Aigles Yooungalilla River Solitude Bay Troubridge Island Dziatari Investigator Strait Kangaroo Island Manor Farm American River Garnett Kelly Park Cape Dutton Seal Beach Fork Tree Greenacres Duncan River Yankalilla River Western Cove Point Marsden The Hilltop Ildoura Carrickalinga Head Haycock Point Mount McDonnell Fork Tree Cabin Rose Cottage Cape Cassini Anse des Fumees Eastern Cove Krickle Wood Cape Forbin Kingscote Harbour Bungala River Cape D Estaing Ravine Brookside The Morrows Dashwood Bay Prospect Hill Flinders Isthmus Currolga Gwyn-Fa Farm Freestone Hill Smith Bay The Olives Newland Bay Baie Latenche-Treville MacDonnell Peninsula Three Well River Dudley Conservation Park MacDonnell Sound Point Margaret Coonarie Hill Carribie Well Carribie Marion Reef McIntosh Bank Waller Shoal Gulf Saint Vincent Gulf of Saint Vincent Saint Vincent Gulf Saint Vincents Gulf Pondolowie Bay Pandalowie Bay Lawrey Shoal Penguin Point Seal Islands Archipelago de LEst Orcades Bank Investigators Strait Carrickalinga Hill River Yankalilla Mount Marsden Cape DEstaing Mount MacDonnell Busby Island Bushy Islet Landing Shoal KI Childrens Services Centre KI Childrens Services Beatrice Island Beatrice Islet Western River Station Dudley Peninsula Willsons River Reynolds Point Flinders Chase Timber Creek False Cape Cape Hart
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