AUS 778 – Point Riley To Port Augusta Fashion
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Bute Iron Knob Port Augusta Port Broughton Port Germein Port Pirie Whyalla Iron Baron Fisherman Bay Bellemy Dam Dromedary Dam Granite Hill Far Away Dam Five Mile Well Bald Hill Elbow Bluff Bottom Dam Iron Knob Mine Roopena Post Office Hills Bore Moores Dam Nob Dam Lincoln Highway Kennedy Dam Old Station Well Mallee Rise Spencer Special Education Unit St Johns College St Teresa School Weemilah Two Trees Hill Dakalanta Park Whyalla Norrie East Post Office SE Mount Whyalla Wire Dam Reardon Dam Scotty Tank Seven Mile Dam Eyre Technical High School Roberts Dam Cap Moliere Gundy Dam Whyalla Go-Kart Club The Hill Wizzo Telephone Office Koloroo Dam Broadview Hill Dam Whyalla Yatch Club Moonabie Moonlight Hill Trevor Dam Red Dam Centenary Dam Heanes Dam Two Wells Waterfall Gully Iron Knight Mine Iron Duchess North Lincoln Gap Whyalla Airport Cultana Goat Hill Allen Dam Flinders Lookout Reserve Tennat Dam Downs Homestead House Dam Upper Nine Mile Dam Dingo Hill Lower Nine Mile Dam Round Hill Dam Old Point Lowly East Dam Cap Rollin Roopena Bird Dam Tassie Well Moonabie Dam Iron Queen Mine Central Dam Travor Dam Whyalla Security Range Middleback Station Cartwright Yards Cultana Centre Well Whyalla High School Puddle Holes Dam Barber Dam The Bluff Memorial Oval Iron Knight South New Mine Bradford Street Reserve Mount Laura Homestead Ash Hall Lincoln Gap Railway Station Murninnie Trig Poldon Dam Kimba Gap Salt Creek Mitchellville Trig Plank Shoal Whyalla Bevan Crescent Primary School Horse Dam Bevan Crescent Primary School Cooey Dam Monument Dam North Dam Bruce Well Iron Monarch Mine Lincoln Park Camp Haematite Dairy Whyalla West Post Office Whitehole Well Whyalla-Cowleds Landing Aquatic Reserve Midgee Rocks Railway Dam Aqua Dam Adder Hill Cultana Hut Mount Laura Whip Well Mount Middleback North Trig Anderson Raceway Cabinets Well Baxter Range Katunga Trig Bevan Crescent Special Education Unit Whim Well Tank Myall Creek Todd Dam Corunna South Trig Myall Creek Reservoir Old Man Hill Whyalla Golf Course Speck Dam Iron Dutchess Junction Hill Katunga Perkins Dam Iron Baron South Mine Cocky Dam Cocoa Dam Port Road Tank Edward John Eyre High School Iron Duchess Gunyah Junior Lenkunya Lazy B Ranch The Oaks Nectarnea Araluen Woolundunga Reservoir Glendella Mount Gullet Hut Sunnyside Homestead Thomas Playford Power Station Northern Power Station Commissariat Point Bungama Horseshoe Dam Hillseaview Winninowie Farm Mambray Creek Railway Station The Whim Koria Creek Seaview Nectar Brook Railway Station Cudnia Homestead Clements Gap Mount Remarkable Blowhole The Battery No 2 Port Pirie Lighthouse North Stirling Railway Station Hidden Camp Flying Doctor Base Saltia Creek Lowly Point Shoal Cap Racine Mambray Creek Primary School The Willows Culdaburra Sarah Risdon Park Post Office Lincoln Gap Crossing Hundred of Cultana Hundred of Ash Moonabie Gap Whyalla Scott Street Primary School Hundred of Pirie Hundred of McGregor Hundred of Charleston Hundred of Handyside Tamarik Park Hecters Gardens Rosedale Sea-View Kura-Yerlo Lia Way Ellematta Illeroo Well Honeymoon Ranch Jacobs Butter Factory Broughton Lee Hymore Whitmore Midlands Mervena Temrax Park Brucefield Bute Railway Station Robert Darling House Commons Benedict Campus Prince s Park Cream Puff Corner Bronalie Kia-Ora Oaklands Annie Watt Risdon Park High School Senate Road Sports Ground Cronton Farm Fisherman Creek Bews Cunningham Pier Broken Hill Smelters Flinders View Oorlano Fairview Wyra Warra Salesian College Kadina Plain Alford Downs Wyndaways Alford Telephone Exchange Glenrae Port Pirie Technical College Port Pirie Motorcycle Club Port Pirie Campus Port Davis Creek Woods Point Prospect Wandearah Head Station Solomontown Jetty Port Germein Railway Station Nelshaby Creek Port Pirie Railway Station Bayview The Black Oaks Plain Brucefield Corner Green Acres Kyffields Selonds Elle Matta Hitchcock Plain Yurrah Ti-Tree Farm Sandy Bay Weeroona Bay Cultana Dam New Dam Telowie Creek Post Office Memorial Park Coonamia Railway Station Mount Ferguson Kanangra Cockle Spit Phoenix Park Racecourse Nurragi Port Broughton District Hospital Brucefield Post Office Fishbrook Clementsville Blanche Harbor Point Lowly Lighthouse Hamilton Lagoons Mundoora Conservation Park Iron Baron Rural School Woolundunga Creek Harbor of Port Pirie Mount Whyalla Wells Central Oval Douglas Point Emu Dam Two Hummock Point Point Lowly Homestead Pickle Well Horrocks Creek Nectar Brook Creek Harbor of Whyalla Harbor of Stony Point Point Lowly Stirling North Baie Voltaire Port Pirie South Nutt Knob Kocks Dam Port Augusta Post Office Nectar Brook Telephone Office Douglas Hills Mambray Creek Post Office Pirie College of TAFE Catninga Dudlers Point Blanche Harbor-Douglas Bank Aquatic Reserve Point Lowly Shoal Iron Knob Post Office Whyalla Norrie School of the Air Campus Fitzgerald Bay Port Weeroona Miranda Wokurna Station Hill Mount Whyte Baie Turenne Lake Dam Mahomet Tank Middle Mount Jenkins Park Four Mile Old Wells Moonlight Hut McGee Street Reserve Cornwall Mine Wertigo Rockholes Stoney Rise Our Lady Help of Christians School Murninnie Hut Trevor Bore Eaglehawk Spur Cattle Hole Catchment Weeroona Island White Dam Glen Well Hut Four Mile Dam Civic Park Tregolana K M Bennett Oval Shag Island Cultana North Well East Paddock Dam Stud Dam Scotty Dam Whyalla Dam Port Augusta Technical College Whyalla Conservation Park Curlew Point Power Station Douglas Bank Macsfield Corner Magazine Creek Port Broughton Golf Course Deep Creek Kunari Airdale Primary School Bells Grave Port Pirie Special School Telowie Post Office Midgee Chinamans Hut Luringa Clearview Pirie East Riley Shoal Lincolnfields Cap Flechier Kingfisher Dam Wandearah North School Telowie Beach Goyder College of TAFE Eastern Shoal Solomontown Railway Station Wards Hill Primary School Port Broughton Area School Point Paterson Blackfellows Creek Spear Creek Akeringa Lincolndowns Moneta Vale Brucefield North Douglas Point South Winninowie Creek Chinaman Creek False Creek Port Davis Horse Paddock Dam Nicolson Avenue Primary School Murninnie Beach Pine Creek Mount Middleback Reservoir Fisherman Dam Broadview Station Whyalla Hospital Nilginee Dam Cooyerdoo Dam Munyaroo Conservation Reserve Black Point Western Shoal Whyalla Shed Old Mount Brown Gunyah South Point Kookies Dam Port Augusta Aerodrome Gorge Well South Nilginee Dam Hannan Dam Port Flinders Ada Ryan Gardens Snapper Reach Schulz Reserve Cap Lefebvre Six Mile Dam Home Dam South Monument Hill Whyalla Tanks Whyalla Jenkins Port John Bonython Parkinson Dam Mount Gullett Creek El Alamein Military Post Office Paddy Dam Gladstone Square Mindrow Dam Iron Warrior Salt Well El Alamein Landing Ground Simmons Hill Barnda Hut Whyalla Stuart Whyalla Playford Avenue Post Office Whyalla Norrie North Post Office Trevan Street Reserve Lenartowicz Dam Batchelor Dam Boundary Dam Tea Tree Dam Glen Well Blue Plains West Dam Honeymoon Dam Grotesque Hill Middleback Little Pine Hill Karthina Port Broughton Caravan Park Spencer Institute of TAFE Emohruo Port Pirie High School Pirie West Primary School Oakdale Woodner Banshee Wiltunga Port Whyalla Backy Bay Tea Tree Bay Peter Good Gully Webb Beach Catninga Creek Lowly Point McRitchie Crescent Junior Primary School Giles Tank Port Augusta High School Athol Park Woolaway Butler Bridge Hall Risdon Park North Post Office First Creek Budina Kambula Peela Weela Bore Wyverstone Nectar Brook Stratneat Cudnia Creek Moonabie Range Baroota Homestead Clear View Mambray Creek Augusta Park High School Sentry Dam Cudmore Hill Fairy Farm Karawantinga Port Pirie West Primary School Stirling Hotel The Pines Old Woolundunga Homestead Corner Dam Tregalana Airstrip Ryan Reserve St John Centre Telegraph Dam Salt Bush Dam Harold Dam Whyalla Aero Club Corrie Dam Cartledge Avenue Reserve Blue Dam Cap Condillac Whyalla Williams Street Post Office Tregalana Park Glen Dam Tregalana Dam Trig Highlands Homestead Port Augusta Well Hill Tank Tregalana Adams Reservoir Cook Dam Angle Dam Ebronah Dam Great Eastern Shoal Glen Well Tank Whyalla Playford North Post Office Hincks Avenue Primary School Venara White Dam Mitchellville Kite Dam Iron Baron South Carrolby Rockhole Mount Middleback North Trig Dam Sixth Creek Wokurna Post Office Port Pirie Creek Mount Brown Conservation Park George Corner Cowandurham Soak Fishermans Jetty Clover Fields El Paso Panch Wandearah Institute Emu Hill Flinders High School Cultana Tank Davenport North Post Office Pirie East Tennis Courts Harbor of Wallaroo Port Hummock Hill Pirie West School Stenness Post Office False Bay Risdon Park Primary School Alligator Gorge National Park Port Augusta Lighthouse Delken Hills Glensea Mary Ann Pine Row Surrey-Brae Tickera School Point Jarrold Old Wandearah Head Station Butler Bridge School Pointe Bossuet Nelshiby Creek Kingfisher Flat Woolundunga Homestead Willow Bank Broughton River Overflow Alford Post Office Dinebrae Woodlands Seventh Creek John Pirie Bridge Pointe Bayard Tickera Post Office Nectar Park Stirling North Railway Station Crag Point Glen Innes Greys Hut Cave Winninowie Tanks Stirling North Post Office Simmens Hill Hummock Mount Question Mark Broombrush Dam Rainbow Tanks Comet Bore Myola Whyalla Stuart Schools Illeroo Pine Creek Well Tassie Creek Reservoir Ash Range Mitchellville Post Office McMahon Dam Gap Dam Uplands Cultana Centre Hut Gum Well Shoalwater Point Whyalla Playford Inshore Hummock County of Daly Turner Well Murninnie Mine Wenberley The Mound Trig Government Dam Risdon Park South Goolkapreedna Kersleys Hut Two Hummock Hill Baxter Hills Eyre Highway Kincora Baie Crebillon Fresh Well Holdsworth Triangle Port Augusta Primary School Dam No 2 Whyalla Playford Post Office Whyalla Swimming Centre Fricks Dam Rabbit Hill Parara Tickera Salt Wells Whyalla Sewerage Treatment Works Bay Hill Mandoolhoo Hill Third Creek Port Bonython Loading Terminal Hewfields Pinara Lavender Grove Strathneat Hill Fairfield Hundred of Randell Hundred of Batchelor Pirie East Cricket Oval Billibong Yatala Harbor Wandearah West Methodist Church Island Hill Trig Lauriston Wheatlands Rutherglen Dwela St Marks Infant School Korea Reserve Horner House Oaklands North School Oakland Webling Point Torwood Solomontown Browns Point Peela Wetla Bore Ashhurst Whaler Tank McRritchie Crescent Reserve Mount Young Teal Dam Wild Dog Hill Rocky Point Wizzo Dam Wallaroo Plain Mount Karia Point Lowly Well The Battery No 1 Cultana Airstrip Mount Brown East Roopena Railway Station Mulga Dam Illeroo Dam Cook Gap Bungama Railway Station Murninnie Tanks Bare Hill Knob Dam Pandurra Tank Parkinson White Dam Port Pirie Infant School Avis Park Post Office Seaview Downs Snapper Ponds Brymar Barracanna North Beach Tickera Trig Stirling North Primary School Averlyn Selands Jon-Lyn Gulf Vue Kia Ora Glen-Ellis Hundred of Warren Winninowie Post Office Franklin Harbor Marine Park Point Jarrold Sanctuary Wandearah South Methodist Church Wandearah Cemetery Butler Bridge Goodes Websters Cricket Oval Lower Broughton Church The Bank Rebecca Landing Ground Caralby Dam Horse Well Mount Whyalla Bunyarra Community Centre Tregolana Hill Iron Queen South Magill Park Monument Hill White Cliffs Dams Memorial Oval Primary School Whim Well Gaynor Farm Isintu Long Dam Weronga Telowie Creek Alandale Rosehaven Hundred of Tickera-Cairn Hill School Solomons Section Hillview Moneta Villa Hundred of Wiltunga Harbor of Port Broughton El Rancho Whyalla Stuart Campus R-7 Lower Broughton Hundred of Baroota Mugga Dam Cooyerdoo Tip Top Dam Fishermans Dam Port Augusta Gaol Winninowie Rise Trig East Sands Woodbine Park Nectar Brook Reservoir Mount Gullet Mount Gullett Minchin Wells Telowie Port Pirie Fire Station Esmond Road Post Office McRitchie Crescent Primary School Mundoora Dam Fourth Creek Hundred of Gillen Baroota Spring Beyers Corner Oaks Trough Adams Dam BHP Radio Towers Pankalla Dam Fisk Street Primary School Moola Broadbent Hill Trig Warwick Dam Red Rock Hill Sandalwood Spur Two Mile Dam Corroberra Hill Le Hunte Dam Trevor Well Roopena Crossing Campbell Dam Iron Monarch Quarry Iron Chieftain Cleary Bank Long Black Dam Lincoln Park Swamp Dam Woolly Paddock Dam Moonabie Tanks Telephone Office Black Oak Hill Daisy Flat Dam Hurrells Gap Whylies Dam Finnegans Corner Pine Lodge Yatala Harbor-Upper Spencer Gulf Aquatic Reserve Strathneath Hill Point Lowly North Leavre Old Wartaka Alford Primary School Ward Spit Monash Dam Carlton Primary School Receiving Tank Wedge Corner Dam Whyalla Infant School Whyalla College of TAFE Whyalla Fauna and Reptile Park Middleback Range Alford County of Manchester Port Augusta North Post Office Moonabie Tanks Harbor of Port Augusta North Hummock Winninowie Willsden Primary School Iron Prince Mine Back Creek Needarosa Glory Corner Hundred of Wokurna Hundred of Tickera Lower Broughton Post Office Jarrold Point Hundred of Davenport Angle Farm Port Pirie Primary School Red Creek Telowie Creek Primary School Port Broughton Area School Old Site Wiltunga Church Netherleigh Park Braddock Park Rockley Vale Cap St Vincent De Paule Sunday Plain Sandy Nob Baroota Railway Station Mount Mambray Whyalla Stuart Primary School Ward Hill Riverside Tennis and Cricket Field Emref Park Pirie East Uniting Church Port Pirie Aerodrome The Mid North Education Centre Woodward Park Malvina Maud Whyalla McRitchie Crescent Post Office Weeroona Holiday Camp Mount Gullett Hut Ram Paddock Dam Hummock Hill Red Rock Stuart Park Broadbent Hill Whyalla Special School Hinch Dam Ten Mile Dam Point Lowly Mine George Avenue Post Office Randell Tank Middle Dam Cap Bernadotte Wandearah West Observation Point Tassie Creek Horrocks Memorial Mount Grainger Woolundunga Middle Bank Norton Park Gilmore Well Reardon Tank West Gap Mullaquana West End Tank Nilginee South Dam Continuation Dam Dam No 1 Mona Whyalla Town Primary School Gluepot Dam White Well Boulder Dam Cooyerdoo Hill Iron Count Scott Street Primary School Middleback Post Office Port Pirie West Shoalwater Point Light Mastins Dam White Cliffs Hut Port Pirie Hospital Solomontown Post Office Nurnoo Anzac Reserve Nyalinga Port Pirie Post Office Talinga Hill View Munderoo Channel Moonta Shoal Sandy Knob Cap Dubelloy South Hummock Mambray Creek National Park Hundred of Poynton Port Paterson Wandearah West School Tickera Hut Kanyaka Plain Hincks Dam Myall Creek Trig Mangrove Point Pirie East School Cockeys Crossing Institute Butler Bridge Rural Telephone Exchange Wandearah South School Broadmeadows Stringer Munyaroo Conservation Park Wards Hill Church Riley Beach Myponie Point Lorance Hill Risdon Park Woodleigh Farm Mount Patterson Gulf-Vue Ward Point Augusta Park Primary School Clements Gap Conservation Park Backy Point Carribie Dam Hundred of Winninowie Travlers Rest Hundred of Wandearah Hundred of Woolundunga Pekita The Battery Red Cliff Point The Olives Karawintanga Mount Brown Forest Reserve Wandearah East Notting Dam Pine Flat Yingani Dam Moonlight Well Whyalla Abattoirs Gardiner Dam Todds Dam Whyalla Technical High School Lincoln Gap Tanks Telephone Office Anunaka Plank Point Trig Cooke Dam Red Rock Dam Wyelba Dam Fairway Bank Tank Hill Iron Knight North Darling Dam Bews Post Office Solomontown Primary School Globe Oval Hummocks Hill Wortham Dam Little Government Dam Bildibie Dam Cockatoo Creek Port Augusta Racecourse Port Augusta Railway Station White Well Hut White Cliff Dam Warwick Well St Josephs High School Cook North Fresh Water Well Five Mile Dam Eight Mile Creek Beach Prominent Hill Glen Gorge Nonowie Corraberra Hill Long Sleep Plain Plank Point Block Dam Wilton Rural School Riverold Wizzo Well Bog Bay Pointe Fenelon Port Pirie Sewerage Works Munderoo Bay Port Broughton Railway Station Shag Creek Pastoralists Point Hector Plain Chummy Dam Blue Well Dam Peela Weela Curlew Point Moonaby Springs Baroota Post Office Brown Point Willsden Port Augusta College of TAFE Hummock Hill Primary School Faraway Dam The Wash Smith Dam Apex Park Browns Corner Pandurra Moonabie Springs Camel Hill Garfield School The Terraces Waterfall Creek Saturn Tattiwa Spring West Sands Germein Bay Lea Memorial Oval Flinders Channel Endleu Ely Farm Sixteen Mile Siding Black Oak Plain Piggery Corner Port Pirie Golf Course Lincolnfield Post Office Mona Railway Station Cosy Dell Bannockburn Kellys Corner Gracon Hill Kerlson Pines 5AU Radio Station John Pirie Secondary School Peela Weela Dam North White Gate Dam The Blackoaks Plain Dine Brae Nangari Bluff Reach Redcliff Tittawa Creek Baroota Solution Hill McLellan Lookout Whyalla Stuart Junior Primary School. River Broughton Ymatta Inglis Farm Whaler Yards Yapoona Spring Hidden Gorge Tassie Hill Moonlight Dam Port Road Dam O Reily Dam Whaler Hut The Glen Whyalla Well Keane Dam Racecourse Dam Orchard Point The Sisters Snapper Point View Point Port Augusta Rifle Club Uko Dam St Francis Xavier School Middleback Trig Winninowie Railway Station Iron Knob Primary School Iron Baron Mine Davey Gully Creek Davis Mail Station Jubilee Park Haynes Park Copynga Homestead Appleyard Reserve Cavalier Mine Iron Prince Jubilee Park Showgrounds Port Augusta School of the Air Shanty Dam Whyalla George Avenue Post Office Richardson Dam Whyalla Yard Nor West Dam Wartaka Musgrave Shoal Whyalla Stuart Post Office Baie Corneille Myall Tree Iron Queen Ash Dam Shoal Point Whyalla Technical College Port Germain Spinifex Bluff Corunna Harbor of Port Bonython Sinclair Gap Long Street Primary School Cultana South Well Broughton View Wandearah East School Walroo Hut Willow Swamp Rodanjoy Airdale Primary and Infants School Mundoora School Whyalla National Park County of York St Marks College Upper Spencer Gulf Marine Park Colbara Port Broughton Tank Barunga West Bute Primary School Macsfield School Port Augusta South Post Office Hundred of Jenkins Mambury Creek Tattiwa Creek Port Bonython Cultana Hill Port of Whyalla Emref St Marys Infant School Second Creek Gowan Brae Port Broughton Post Office Belvidere Rosonda Moonabie Hill Lochmore Lavinia Downs Tamerick Dallington Mundoora Arm Willsden Post Office Baldy Farm Barunga School Hundred of Mundoora Round Hill Bore Baroota Tank Nectarville Illawong Sandalwood Stony Point Pudden Rocks Wandearah Post Office Gordon Hill Bute Post Office Plenty Park Port Pirie River Port Germein Post Office Scott Street Junior Primary School Gum Creek Hundred of Wilton Old Dam Stony Dam Caribie Dam Eyre High School Extension Tank Dienoff Dam Whyalla Railway Station South Hill Gibson Dam Murrippi Beach Port Augusta Hut El Alamein Camp Spearfelt Dam Corunna North Trig Saltbush Hill Tassie Hut Koolee Dam Mount Middleback Simmonds Hill Piton du Casuarina Tansell Dam No 1 Murninnie Scrubby Dam Roopena Stratigraphic Bore Mitchellville Telephone Exchange Old Lincoln Gap Fool Dam Iron Duke Stuart High School Yanaby Dam Singlepine Riverside Tickera Bay Stratneath Port Augusta Extension Post Office Gandy Dam Barunga Downs Lazy Acres Port Pirie West Post Office Garfield House Pine Forest Whyalla West Primary School Rebecca Trig Sunset Hill Tansell Dam No 2 Whites Well Disraeli Square Winninowie Conservation Park Whyalla Motorcross Track Port Augusta East Post Office Cultana Wells St Josephs Primary School Mount Brown Station Cockeys Crossing Davenport Reservoir Lower Broughton School Lower Broughton Oval Whyalla Stuart High School Bungama Substation Port Pirie Community College Vietnam Reserve Golden Sand Seaveiw Saltire Creek Middle Bank Lighthouse Bussenschut Port Oval Bussenschutt Lincolnfields Hill Leonard Oval Black Rock Port Germein Primary School Eaglehawk Dam Kanaka Ooralaw Coo-Alee Park Heywood Stanley Park Cricket Pitch Fifth Creek Risdon Park South Post Office Axford Wallaroo Kentall Park Yarilla Bute Trig Bosco Campus Port Pirie South Post Office Wards Hill Tickera Point Whyalla Tank Port Augusta Hospital Scrubby Glen Knobbies Park Rainbow Dam Curlew Island The Settlers Wharf Mopeeta Blue Gum Flat Broughton River Mount Gullet Creek Stony Creek Baroota Reservoir Gunyah Homestead Horrocks Vale Mount Remarkable National Park Coonamia Sugargum Lookout Horrocks Pass Hancocks Lookout Beautiful Valley Mount Brown Chimney Creek Alligator Gorge Mopeeta Creek Cap Condorcet Bells Farm Aboriginal Land Alligator Creek Cap Lafontaine Redgum Creek Separation Creek Havre Caffarely Baroota Substation Red Cliffs Kurdnatta Baroota Creek Black Range Lookout Baroota Aboriginal Land Mount Eagle Kiora Creek Mount Jay Point Riley Stirling North Rail Stirling Station Cudmores Hill Tansell Dam Number One Tansell Dam Number Two El Alamcin Burrows Hill Downs Dam Number Two Dam Number One Sandys Knob OReily Dam Corunna North Corunna South Corunna Station Simmen Hill Paps Paps Hill Gordons Hill Backys Point Wards Point Whyalla Reservoir Ash Reservoir Cowleds Landing Princes Park Highlands Moonabbie Moonabie Reservoir Wood Point Murderoo Bay Murderro Bay Single Pine Dillon Shoals Myponia Point Bute Reservoir Clan Macdougall Shoal
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