AUS 777 – Winceby Island To Point Riley Cheap
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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.
Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.
For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.
Cowell Moonta Port Neill Port Victoria Tumby Bay Wallaroo Arno Bay Lipson Balgowan Cowell Post Office Fairview Butler Tanks Callena Cleve Police Station East Winds Eastview Hills View Midnintie Mallee-Hill Mattum Flat Homestead Poonana The Knob Robreen Warratta Slater Creek Teatree Gully Wharama Wharminda Wells Cape Hardy Curnoom Gully Twelve Mile Dam Verran Hill Kuladi Garthowen Doctor Thompson Reef Tarlina Yarendale Station Triple Hill Fair View Shorey Well Tumby Werrina Burrawing Mine Elson Mine Port Neill Jetty Ringwood Avalong Widnaleengee Hill Sunnyside Lions Park Salt Creek Hawker Tank Bold Silver Poonana Spring Cleve Post Office Elbow Hill The Mod-Ell Stud Koonidnee Hut Germein Point Cape Driver Oakview Blue Range Reservoir Turnbulls Beach Jempe Bolingbroke Trig Railway Reservoir Karinya Wangaraleednie Nanda Butler Railway Station Jindalee Iragie Cap Mably Cooinda Gaywendrea Sherwood Douglas Channel Sandy Dale Braeside Bay-View Lipson Cove Wangarleigh Windittie Mine View Dale Carrow Station Bratten Cairn Verran Siding Primary School Point Gibbon Bluff Range Cap L Hopital Wharminda Hundred of Yadnarie Butler Cross Roads Point Pearce Weetulta Chinaman Wells Kooroona Hundred of Playford Hundred of Wallaroo Hundred of Boothby Hundred of Rudall Rossiters Point Pumping Station Tiparra Springs Point Pearce Mission Warburto Railway Station Moonta Railway Station Kalkoanna Hut Woodburlie Cosford Farm Wallaroo Police Station Clem McCauley Park Lucky Acres Montera Reserve Rockvilla Lynwood Kunari Cape Elizabeth Conservation Reserve Oorlano Ben Morowie Wetulta Hut North Kilkerran Tank Rothmore Teatree Glen Corner Rossiters Point Wirrawilla Copper Coast Marina Hillview Warawurlie Tank Port Victoria Hotel Motel Boat Rock Warmingtons Shaft North Yelta Mine South Bower Richmans Plant Southern Kilkerran Tank Treedale Strathcona Six-Eight Office Beach Tiparra Spring Jones Park Yelta Mines Moonta Mines State Heritage Area Tiparra Reef Lighthouse Warrenne Point Wallaroo Golf Course Wallaroo Spring Kurmoonah Penryn Rocky Bend Island Point Kilkerran School Tiparra Lighthouse Bald Hill Warburtie Springs Nalyappa Point Kilkerran Wild Dog Mine Nalyappa Springs Bald Hill Reservoir Warawurlie Hut Port Victoria Police Station Warburto Taylors Shaft Seal Rocks Paramatta Mine Tootooratta Hut Tootaralta Hut Hancocks Shaft Simms Cove Linevale Wallaroo Sporting Club Wardang Island Lighthouse Geographe Reif Yeldulknie Weir Warratta Primary School Young Lion Mundoothoo Hill Greens Shaft Franklin Harbor Harbor of Cowell Franklin Harbor Pungja Baie Fontanes Baie Pascal Dutton Bay Massena Bay Elanda Burrawing Creek Sheep Hill Taragoro Telephone Exchange Mount Hill Illoura Rudall Railway Station Wharminda Railway Station Gibbon Point Maroonda Cowieninta Water Carrow Well Port Gibbon Koondappa Cowell Area School Wilbertam Tanks Winceby Island Valleys Warracudinna Hut Green Island Ile Dalberg Rocky Island Verran Cap Mechain Rostrevor Wardang Island Elders Shaft Carpa Waterhole Goose Island Conservation Park Back Beach Jubilee Park Three Sisters Bird Island Conservation Park Balgowan Point Euko Bird Point Hill-View Riley Shoal Hundred of Mann Wyatt Flat Alderside Warawurlie Dam Moonta Lake Pine Corner Point Price Windittie Hillside Sunnybrae Bal-Annie Bermondsey Park Mattum Homestead Jolly Cleve Area School Franklin Harbour Pioneers Memorial Oval Brayfield Warracudina Waterhole Wevenor Rocks Cock Hill Little Goose Island Taragoro Railway Station Remarkable Cone Goose Island Ile Dugommier Carrow Primary School Byron Villa Cap Dolomieu Winceby Light Schunke Trig Oakfield Malabur Sims Cove Treuers Shaft Warburto Spring Moonta Dump Trig Queen Square Orravilla Kia-Ora Clearview Banshee Yorke Peninsula College of TAFE Wallaroo Branch Tumby Island Conservation Park Wharminda Primary School Spencer Gulf Paramatta Railway Station Tadja Wadlu Nindjana Port Wallaroo Parrara Kuranya Eclipse Rock Pigeon Rock Ingo s Place Wallaroo Primary School Pointe la Caille Two Wells Nalyappa West Rockeby Red Cliff Churinga Greeba Priscilla Downs Orana Pigeon Island Warracudina Port Hughes Cap Legendre Verran Railway Station Yabmana Creek Boothby Cap Condillac Blue Range Trig False Entrance Blue Range Ranch Arunga Arila Lady Kinnaird Tanks Midnintie Hut Muntoburrowie Well Cleve Aerodrome Sunny-Brae Lockfyne Yangalo Poonana Mine Cap Portalis Kiandra Broadview Poonana Hill Warratta Vale The High Chaparral Brightlands Huntworth Copper Triangle Aerodrome Seafarers Recreation Centre Kinkara Kinnaird Primary School Harbor of Wallaroo Rukerville Apex Jubilee Park Glenroco Stud Moonta Area School Bundaleer Wallaroo and District Hospital Wauraltee Island Hamley Lucky Bay Warratucka Hut Parkview Aged Hostel Bingo Hundred of Kilkerran North Moonta Poornamookinnie Creek Butter Tanks Mount Priscilla Kalawar Goonacenya Howard Spit Loudown Muldoona Widnales Sheaoak Hill Tank Entrance Creek Kinross Cowleys Beach West Bluff Yaranyacka Pudloo Station Cleve Creek Wadlaminga Windittie Creek Centenary Park Coolera Hamley Mine Site Beatrice Rock Wheal Hughes Barilla Hut Island of Wardang Hundred of Roberts Primary School Warratta Vale Post Office Carrowa Spring Tiparra Reef Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse Coralyn Point Warrenne Black Diamond Pinegrove Leighton Corner The Pines Wauraltee Post Office Hundred of Roberts Kangaroo Hundred of Yaranyacka Baie Laplace Hundred of Hawker Shangri La Harry Point Zacheri Glenanaar Rakia Wheal Munta Rocky Bend Native Flora Reserve San Miguel Weetulta Reservoir Scotchmans Hut Pirie College of TAFE Poona Corner Kilkerran Post Office Carrow Wells Yandilton Creek Wilna Dam Uroona Spring Cleveville Benbuy Hill Moonta Mines Turnbull Park Yalpoudnie Creek Mount Priscilla Reservoir Pine Grove Moonta Bay Hill View Pooreemuchina Creek Cleve Pistol Range Lipson Island White Rock Island Joyfield Hughes Pump House Wharminda Conservation Park Franklin Harbor Conservation Park Richmans Engine House North Beach Challa Wheal James Wetulta Harbor of Arno Bay Mattum Creek Circle View Rockeby Farm Penlaby Larapinta Cowell Cottages Ponto Creek Bligh Carrow Wendale Arno Bay Primary School Bikini Islets Wauraltee Akara Taragoro Ryans Pumping Station Anna Villa Bareki Wallaroo Memorial Gardens Ryans Shaft Warburto Point Warawurlie South Kilkerran Post Office Eothen Tiparra West School North Yelta Star Smithfield Hilltop Yelta Point Pearce Post Office East Moonta Moonta Post Office Old Maratta Mattumvale Arno Bay Mine Verran Reservoir Poonana Creek The Driver Wayside Mottled Cove Wildman Bay View Rockleigh Jarinda Eagle Creek Avon-Dale Wainmast Cape Euler Ponto Hut Kiaora Elders Lode Boothby Post Office Pirie College of TAFE Point Pearce Campus Yorke Peninsula College of TAFE Moonta Branch Second Creek Narridy Creek Tumby Bay Harbor Tullaringa Young Edith Driver River Boothby Well Cap Sanssure Yalpoudnie Overland Camp Kalkoanna Dam Gowrie Wegenton Hut Cap Sully Cap de L Abandon Hundred of Butler The Gables Urania Tank Blanche Mount Cone Limnath Caroline Shaft Alice Shaft Taylors Lode Wahroonga Cooleroo Twelve Mile Plain Tanks Avenue Farm Utunyah Gregurke Clove-Lea Budlu Windaree Creek Rosedale Cowell District Hospital Benbrook Kerisdale Midway Glen Pooneroo Cap Marceau Yadnarie Creek Crossville Corner Camborne Golden Grove Glen-Avon Ramsted Trinity Haven Youth Camp Calena Ponto Springs Corelee Twelve Mile Plain Korti Purre Malwa Shoalwater Point Light Ben Boy Hill Searle Hill Aldersyde Poona Gortmore Obsx Point Moonta Shoal Bews Square Weetulta School Eastern Spencer Gulf Marine Park Verran Tanks Conservation Park Flinders Lake Golfe Bonaparte County of Jervois Bird Reef Wallaroo Bay Yelta Railway Station Mangrove Point Tiparra Bay Port Victoria Post Office Ile Caffareli Weetulta Trig Riley Beach Myponie Point Naparuma Smiths Shaft Port Victoria Primary School Cape Elizabeth Snapper Point Woodleigh Farm Wallaroo Sailing Club Lady Kinnaird Kyeema Carranga Victoria Point Port Victoria Lighthouse Prairie Cleveley Driver Tanks Carrawatha Baroona Millar Point Carpa Post Office Bluff Mount Verran Tank Glen Park Iragie Creek Cowieninta Red Banks Moolanda Mattum Hut Seaview Carrawa Budla Moonta Mines Primary School Yeldulknie Tank Wheares Ridge Trig Lagoona Altamont Evendale Golfe de la Melomanie Entrance Island Kaimura Point Hughes Dutton River O Brien Tank Muntoburrowie Hallsdale Point Pearce Aboriginal School Mokami Windmill Beach Wallaroo Fauna Park Cleve Ile D Alembert White Rock Carpa Colwyn Morley Sandy Vale Blue Range Anona The Gap Camping Ground Alexander Lighthouse Holsworthy Bell Glenrocko Stirling Engine House Urania Schnapper Point Peaky Point Port Victoria Rural School Weetulta Water Hundred of Dixson Balgowan Telephone Exchange Cross Roads Railway Station Tiparra West Songvaar Old Cleve Silver Mine Anse Descartes Cap Lalande Cone Hill Lipson Cove Mines Yendor Ranch Wahroondra Carrow Country Pats Park Motorcycle Track Mount Hill Railway Station Salt Creek Cove Cowell Police Station Mindrow Creek Tumby Island Wangaraleednie Creek Secret Rocks Mount Watt Zephyr Farm Sheoak Hill Port Neill Primary School Mattum Camp Boothby Pumping Station Crossville Glenhaze Merrigal Mills Beach Poldar Plains Sandonya Crossville Primary School Little England Kanjorlura Mid Moonta Mine Weetulta Tank Moonta Jubilee Hospital Juno Warburta Springs Matta Flat Reichenau Wallaroo Silo Trig Waller Mines Yeldulknie Rudall Baie Duguesclin Redwing Moonta Lighthouse Moonta Golf Course Marion Square Walrus Rock Weetulta Post Office Point Pearce Kindergaten Presqu lle Cambaceres Lipson Primary School Ile Volney Ile Roveredo Hidden Vale Wangaraladnie Creek Paramatta Oakburn Pudden Rocks Mankivell Park Rudall Primary School Ben Boy Terra Leen Boothby Primary School Observation Point Callena Station Tarroll Schunke Rodda Vale Old Mindrow School Gunnawarra Yaran-Yacka Blue Range Stud Blue Valley Glenowen Cleve District Hospital Wain Mast Anunaka High Stud Yeldulknie Creek View-Dale Thuruna Youth Camp Kentucky Bird Island Victoria Park Point Pierce Akeringa Milne Shaft Wetulta Reservoir Desert Sands Cap Mondovi Zacher Tregare Port Moonta Valley View Salt Creek Beach Harvey Bay Sea-Acres Waterhouse Shaft Cormorant Island Mangalo Creek Butler Primary School Cove-Lea Cowell CFS Jelpina Well Kimara Oswald Trig Yeldulknie Reservoir Hundred of Verran Poona Mine Wallaroo Railway Station Long Point Davies Square Recreation Reserve Black Rock Nalyappa School North Yelta Post Office Yorke Peninsula Wallaroo Post Office Devon Lodge St Josephs Convent School Ooralaw Port Warrenne Yeldulknie Cottage Wardang Island Primary School Reef Point Hancocks North Shaft Ebelt Red Cliffs Yaringa Lipson Island Conservation Park Halls Shaft Bagnall Hill The Gap Rudall Centre Primary School Maitland Trig Tickera Point Malbrom Panorama The Bluff Cape Burr Poverty Bay Swan Bay Iles Sterile South Kilkerran Cap Condorcet Point Riley Tuckey Franklin Harbour Tarragoro Dillon Shoals Price Point Myponia Point Clan Macdougall Shoal River Driver Tipara Reef River Dutton Tipara Bay Sharp Hill Bagnalls Hill Harveys Bay Chinaman Well Ile DAlembert South Kilykerran Cormorant Islet Goose Islet Judith Shoal Pearce Point Spencers Gulf
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