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This official Nautical Chart is produced by the Australian Hydrographic Office, and corrected fortnightly to Notice to Marines by Cairns Charts & Maps. This ensures it remains compliance with Safety of Navigation requirements. This marine chart, or sea map , is primarily produced to support the safe navigation of commercial shipping through Australian, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island waters.

Nautical charts depict the seabed, or bathymetry, using a variety of colours to shade the depth regions. Darker blues indicate shallower water, while light blues and white indicate deeper water. A chart will also show continuous contour lines (at varying intervals depending on the scale of the chart), spot depths across the whole area, as well as different symbols indicating wrecks, shallow rocks and dangers, as well as details on lights, light houses, tides and currents.

For extensive detail on the symbology of nautical charts, the Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts is the definitive reference.

Locations within this Map

Belyuen Darwin Palmerston Abbott Patches Allamurr Park Anne Park Archer Ariat Park Ascension Park Australian Pearling Exhibition Bakewell Bakewell Pre School Bakewell Primary School Beaumont Park Bellamack Bellatrix Park Bellbird Belyuen Health Centre Belyuen School Bennett Park Bennett Shoal Bennetts Creek Berrimah Farm Bicentennial Park Bill Lewis Park Bill Sullivan Park Billy Shepherd Park Birch Carroll and Coyle Darwin City Cinemas Blackmore Hill Blackmore Point Blackmore River Blaydin Point Bleesers Creek Bowman Park British Motorist Brooking Creek Burnett House Carpentaria Park Catalina Island Channel Island Channel Island Boat Ramp Channel Island Power Station Charles Darwin Charles Darwin University Palmerston Civic Square Clive Graham Park Cmax Cinemas Colvin Point Confalonieri Park Corneys Creek Cornwallis Park Cossack Creek Cox Peninsula Cullen Bay Cullen Bay Boat Ramp Cullen Beach Cunningham Park Da Costa Park Damoe-Ra Park Darwin Botanic Gardens Darwin City Darwin Gaol Darwin Hospital Darwin Naval Base Darwin Police Station Darwin Post Office Darwin Public Library Darwin Railway Station Dead Horse Point Deckchair Cinema Dillon Park Dinah Beach Dinah Beach Boat Ramp Dinah Oval Doctors Gully Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre Driver Driver Pre School Driver Primary School Duke Street Rainforest Dunbar Park Durack Durack Pre School Durack Primary School East Arm East Arm Boat Ramp East Arm Wharf Elizabeth River Elizabeth River Boat Ramp Elliott Point Elrundie Elrundie Peninsula Emery Point Eric Asche Park Essington Park Fairway Waters Farrar Fishermans Wharf Flinders Park Flora McLaren Park Fort Hill Fort Hill Wharf Fort Point Frances Bay Frances Bay Mooring Basin Frenela Park Frog Hollow Gager Park Gardens Cemetery Gardens Oval Gardens Oval 2 Gardens Park Gardens Park Golf Links Geoid Park George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens Gilruth Neck Golden Grove Park Good Shepherd Lutheran School Gordon Stott Park Gray Gray Pre School Gray Primary School Greenwood Island Gunn Gwyn Park Halleys Park Ham Luong Reef Harriet Park Haycock Hill Haycock Reach Hayes Park Hayward Park Hidden Valley Hidden Valley Motor Sports Complex Hingston Beach Holtze Hudson Creek Hundred of Ayers Hundred of Bagot Ida Scott Park Ilwaddy Creek Iron Ore Wharf Joan Fejo Park Johnston Jones Creek Kahlin Kahlin Beach Kahlin Oval Kings Table Kintore Park Knuckey Siding Kormilda College Kurumba Beach Kurumba Shoal Lameroo Beach Larrakeyah Larrakeyah Barracks Larrakeyah Pre School Larrakeyah Primary School Laurie Cubillo Park Leprosarium Lightning Creek Lindsay Park Lindy Danks Park Livistona Park Lockwood Park Lyons Cottage Maddalozza Slipway Mandorah Mandorah Boat Ramp Mandorah Queen Marlow Lagoon Marlows Lagoon McArthur Park Mcinnis Park Mica Beach Middle Arm Middle Arm Boat Ramp Milners Creek Mindil Beach Mindil Swamp Minnie Lily Park Mitchell Mitchells Creek Moerk Creek Moulden Moulden Pre School Moulden Primary School Myilly Point Myrmidon Creek Nebraska Beach North Shell Island Northern Territory Library Northern Territory University Darwin Oak Point O Ferrals Rock Old Man Rock Ormiston Park Oyster Rocks Packards Knob Palmerston Christian School Palmerston City Palmerston City Library Palmerston Fire Station Palmerston Golf & Country Club Palmerston High School Palmerston Indigenous Village Palmerston Police Station Palmerston Post Office Parliament House Pastry Wilson Park Paterson Park Peak Hill Peels Well Phoenix Park Phyllis Uren Park Picnic Cove Picnic Point Pinelands Pioneer Creek Plater Beach Plater Rock Poinciana Park Port Darwin President Park Preston Point Pretty Park Pritchardia Park Que Noy Park Railway Dam Raintree Park Reedbeds Park Reg Hillier Park Reggie Park Reichardt Creek Robbie Robbins Reserve Roberts Park Robertson Barracks Rosebery Royal Park Sacred Heart Primary School Sadgroves Creek Saint Johns Catholic College Saint Mary s Catholic School Salonika Crossing Sand Island Shadforth Park Shorelands Landing Sibbald Park Silversands Sirius Park Sitebark Wharf South Shell Island Stanford Park Stevens Creek Stevens Rock Stokes Hill Stokes Hill Power Station Stokes Hill Wharf Stokes Point Stone Park Storm Point Strawbridge Park Stuart Park Stuart Park Pre School Stuart Park Primary School Supreme Court Swires Bluff Talc Head Tamarind Park Temira The Gardens Tipperary Waters Tivendale Tiverton Park Tiwi Barge Landing Town of Palmerston Tracy Park Trade Development Zone Triangle Park USS Peary Vernier Park Virginia Waler Lines Walker Shoal Walter Park Weddell Weed Reef Wells Creek West Arm West Arm Landing Wickham Wickham Point Widdup Park Wishart Woodroffe Woodroffe Park Woodroffe Pre School Woodroffe Primary School Woods Inlet Yarrawonga Yirra Bandoo Zuccoli OFerrals Rock Gardens Oval Two Knuckeys Lagoon Saint Marys Catholic School Packard Knob Packard Nob Kitchener Bay Mitchell Creek Middle Point Delissaville Delissaville Aboriginal Station The Palms Middle Ground Haycock Point


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