GA 2556 – Yule Fashion
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
3 Mile Well 4 Mile Well 6 Mile Well Ah Fat Well Ah Tie Well Babbacooringanna Badgencundy Well Bendy Well Bill Well Boonoolandi Well Bubba Willy Well Cadgewarrina Well Carloboorina Pool Christmas Well Coondimidinar Coopalle Well Coorungcoorana Hill Currybubba Well Deep Well Elector Well Erkkabanna Well Fonyanna Outcamp Gingini Bore Goobancarlera Pool Goonarcumbindinyar Goorearrina Pool Granite Well Herbert Parker Rest Area Homer Well Honeymoon Well House Bore Illincotherra Hill Indee Jalliabidina Well Jalyipirtinha Jam Well Jayinjinha Creek Jayinyinha Springs Jelliabidina Pool Jelliabidina Well Jimbawonga Well Jimpapiri Langenbeck Well Lee Linn Well Lukis Well Maclaughlan Well Mallina Mallina Well Manadina Well Manturarra Hill Mardagubiddina Pool Marogarladinar Pool Meedanar Pool Midway Bore Millindinna Well Moolkamudda Pool Moolkamudda Well Moorambine Pool Moorambine Well Mount Berghaus Mount Dove Mount Spinifex Well Mundabullangana Mundubullanganna Pool Munerina Well Munjong Bore Munthra Well New Merriwarri Well No. 1 Bore No. 11 Well No. 12 Well No. 17 Well No. 18 Well No. 2 Well No. 20 Well No. 3 Well No. 4 Well No. 5 Well Old Merriwarri Well Palyarra Rock Paruwarranha Hill Paterson Well Peawah Peawah Camp Well Peawah Creek Peawah Well Pirrakapu Portree Well Progress Bore Quarry Well Queen Well Red Hill Bore Roberts Hill Romquarry Well Thapiri Karlara Clayhole Tracy Well Turimbinya Pool Turner Bridge Twin Bore Walter Well Webbs Bore White Quartz Hill Mine Wifellacoothra Well Wockinginna Well Wodgina Well Wonberinganna Well Yerrabuckanna Yillinnienar Pool Yule Bridge Yule River Pumping Station Two Mile Well Goobancartera Pool Pillbunderrina Queens Well Ah Fats Well Illingotherra Four Mile Hill Illincotherra Illongatherra Cadjewarrina Well Gingini Well Bendys Well Coondimidinir Pool Bookan Pool Coonagoorina Pool Malaughans Well Walters Well Old Merriwarra Well Kannanar Pool Tracys Well McDonalds Well Peeawah Creek Mount Spinifex Portree Peeawah Well Coorungcoorana
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