GA 2133 – Jarrahdale Online
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Byford Jarrahdale 39 Mile Brook Abyssinia Rock Alan Anderson Park Alice Reserve All Saints Church Araluen Araluen Country Club Armadale Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital Armadale Adventist Primary School Armadale Aquatic Centre Armadale Christian College Armadale Education Support Centre Armadale John Calvin Primary School Armadale Primary School Armadale Senior High School Armadale Settlers Common Armadale Kelmscott Baptist Church Ashendon Balmoral Well Banksia Gully Banyowla Regional Park Bartons Mill Bedfordale Beraking Beraking Brook Beraking Pool Bibbulmun Track Bickley Bickley Brook Reservoir Big Brook Bill Shaw Reserve Blue Rock Bob Blackburn Reserve Borrello Park Breakaway Trail Brian O Neill Memorial Reserve Brickwood Reserve Briggs Park Brookdale Bryan Gell Reserve Buckingham Bridge Bull Brook Bungendore Park Byford Baptist Church Byford Pre-School Byford Primary School Callow Park Canning Dam Canning Mills Canning Reservoir Canning River East Canningdale Cargeeg Bridge Carinya Alternative School Carinyah Carmel Carmel Adventist College Carmel Adventist College Primary School Carralong Carralong Brook Centennial Pioneer Park Chalis Early Childhood Ed Centre Challis Challis Primary School Chandlers Farm Charcoal Trail Churchman Brook Churchman Brook Dam Clifton Hills Primary School Clinton Cockatoo Trail Coogly Spring Coolbardie Trail Cooliabberra Spring Corner Brook Cowerin Cross Park Crystal Brook Dale Conservation Park Darkin Darkin River Darkin Swamp Death Adder Creek Deepdale Dirk Brook Dam Eagle Hill East Maddington Primary School Ellis Brook Errol Green Park Explorers Trail Fancote Park Fletcher Park Flint Flynn Foster Reserve Frye Park George Foster Reserve George Spriggs Reserve Gingagup Brook Gleneagle Gnangangarra Trail Gold Mine Gully Gonsells Baptist Church Good Shepherd Primary School Gooralong Gooralong Brook Gosnells Gosnells Family Church Gosnells Primary School Granite Path Grasstree Trail Gravel Trail Gwynne Park Hardinge Park Harmomy Fields Harry Hunter Golf Course Heather Locke Reserve Heidelberg Park Honor Brook Illawarra Jack Rocks Jarrahdale Cemetery Jarrahdale Primary School John Calvin Senior High School John Wollaston Anglican Comm School Kalamunda Christian School Kangaroo Gully Karnet Prison Farm Karragullen Karragullen North Karragullen Primary School Karrakup Kelmscott Kelmscott Aquatic Park Kelmscott Primary School Kelmscott Secondary College Kelverton Farm Kingsley Primary School Kondil Trail Koomal Trail Korrbinjal Korribinjal Brook Korribinjal Brook Reserve Korung National Park Lang Brook Langford Park Leithgow Lesley Lesmurdie Lesmurdie Primary School Lesmurdie Senior High School Lighthouse Christian Outreach Church Lightning Trail Lina Hart Memorial Park Little Darkin River Lloyd Hughes Park Lucy Brook Lumen Christi College Manjedal Brook Reserve Marko Travicich Reserve Marri Grove Primary School Martin Mary Carroll Park Mazenod College Mazzega Park Mazzucchelli Park Mick Conti Park Midgegooroo National Park Migrant Park Misery Farm Monadnocks Conservation Park Montrose Mount Cooke Mount Curtis Mount Cuthbert Mount Dale Mount Dale Firetower Mount Nasura Mount Randall Mount Richon Mount Solus Mount Solus Firetower Mount Vincent Munday Brook Mundlimun Swamp Murdos Myara Myarra Hill Neavedale New Victoria Dam Nockine Rock Orange Grove Orange Grove Park Orange Grove Primary School Orange Grove Recreation Ground Oscar Bruns Reserve Paradise Trail Parallel Trail Peace Park Peter Thiel Park Pickering Brook Pickering Brook Golf Club Pickering Brook Primary School Pioneer Village School Poison Gully Quinine Gully Quorram Corner Redbeak Trail Ridge Trail Roleystone Roleystone District High School Roleystone Primary School Seaforth Serpentine Dam Serpentine Falls Serpentine National Park Serpentine Pipehead Dam Settlers Trail Seventh Day Adventist School Sheridan Trail Sherwood Slab Gully Smailes Mill Snake Brook Southside Christian Centre Springdale Springdale Park St Aiden Church St Christopher Church St Francis Xavier School St Luke Church St Mary In the Valley Church St Matthew Church St Paul Church State Forest No. 13 State Forest No. 22 State Forest No. 67 State Forest No. 7 Stinton Cascades Stinton Cascades Nature Reserve Stinton Creek Stony Brook Sunrays Park The Corner The Holy Spirit Church Timber Cutters Trail Tollington Park Tredale Tredale Field Trundle Trail Turner Park Turtle Brook Turtle Pool Valley of Harris Victoria Dam Victoria Reservoir Wallis Park Westfield Heron Reserve Westfield Park Primary School Westfield Park Reserve Whitby Whitby Falls William Turner Reserve Wright Brook Wright Lake Wungong Wungong Dam Wungong Regional Park Wungong Reservoir Yaganing Well Yongah View Yongal Path Yule Brook College Walliston Carilla Berakin Brian ONeill Memorial Reserve Wongong Cardup Glen Eagle Serpentine Reservoir Karnet ONeill Brook
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