GA 3565 – Sunday Island Cheap
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Bardi One Arm Point Admiral Island Alert Rock Allora Island Amur Reef Anchor Shoal Apex Island Ardyaloon Community Asshlyn Islands Barnicoat Island Barrett Rock Barringbarr Community Bayliss Islands Bedford Islands Bennet Reef Bird Rocks Bowles Rock Breeding Patch Brown Reef Bruen Island Buccaneer Archipelago Byron Island Caffarelli Island Channel Rock Clarke Islands Cleft Island Cone Rock Crawford Bay Curlew Bay Cussen Island Cygnet Hill Dampiers Monument Daniels Rocks Dean Island Dickenson Ridge Dickie Rock Dingo Rock Direction Island Doris Island Dorney Island Dove Island East Roe Island East Sunday Island Easton Point Escape Passage Evans Rocks Fairthlough Ridge Fantome Passage Farr Islands Ferrett Reef Finch Islands Fitzgerald Patch Fleetwood Rock Foal Rock Folly Island Fraser Island Fraser Rock Gagg Islands Gammon Bank Gibson Island Gilbert Rock Goat Island Godsmark Island Greenhalgh Island Gregory Island Gumbarnun Community Hadley Passage Hadley Rock Hancock Island Hancock Reef Heney Island Herald Rock Herbert Islands Hidden Island High Island Holtham Island Home Patch Howard Island Hunt Island Imp Island Jackson Island Jayedi Community Karrakatta Bay Karrakatta Rock Kessel Island King Hall Island Kolganu Island Lalowan Island Leering Bay Leonie Island Livingstone Island Lone Rock Longitude Island Lord Island Lugger Cove Macmahon Island Malumbo Anchorage Margaret Island Mary Islands Meda Passage Menmuir Rock Mermaid Island Mermaid Passage Mid Rock Middle Island Mission Bay Muddle Islands Nellie Point Newman Ledge Nilargoon Community Norris Reefs North West Twin Island One Arm Point One Arm Point Rem Com School Otway Shoal Packer Islands Pancake Passage Pearl Passage Pelican Rock Pillar Rock Pincombe Reef Poolngin Island Pope Island Powerful Island Ram Point Rat Island Reddell Point Rees Island Rip Rock Salier Islands Salural Island Scott Island Shell Bank Shenton Bluff Shirley Island Sir Frederick Island Sir Richard Island South East Twin Island Split Rock Storry Hill Sunday Island Sunday Island Mission Abd Sunday Strait Survey Island Swan Island Swan Island Nature Reserve Swan Point Talboys Island Talboys Point Tallon Island The Pool Thornbury Reef Tide Rip Islands Tiffy Reef Tree Island Tucker Reef Tyra Island Tyrer Islands Verco Island Vickery Island Wall Island Waterfly Creek Waterlow Islands Way Rock West Roe Island Whimbrel Point Whipp Island Whirl Island Whirlpool Pass Witcomb Reefs Wood Islands Wybron Islands Cleft Islet Caffarell Island Frazer Island Barret Rock Breading Patch Asshlyn Island Asshlyn Islets Finch Island Norris Reef Gagg Island Bennett Reef Bayliss Island Ferret Rock North-west Twin Islet Witcomb Reef Tyrer Island Packer Islets South-east Twin Islet Tide Rip Islets Salier Islets Ferret Reef Pincombe Shoal Vickery Reef Karrakatta Reef Mary Island Story Hill Meda Pass Muddle Island Wood Islets Toolngin Island Clarke Island Sunday Islands Karrakalta Bay Escape Pass Excape Pass Waterlow Island Pearl Pass Whirl Point Channel Rocks Bardi Farr Island Herbert Island Barnicoat Islet Wybron Island Riddell Point Henry Island Faint Point
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