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GA 2329 – Frankland Hot on Sale


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

10 Mile Gully 8 Mile Gully Andersons Spring Arronvale Arundel Atunga Aurora Balbalingup Balbalingup Pool Balgowan Balgownie Balijup Ballingup Pool Beech Banks Benalla Big Poorrarecup Lagoon Billabong Binniup Pool Boggy Lake Boikalperup Pool Bonshaw Borachie Borderdale Boyacup Bridge Boyacup Pool Bungoona Campup Pool Canberra Carrabunjup Carramar Park Carrington Chillakerup Chumtunup Swamp Cliftondale Colonial Cooladerra Coolangatta Corradelup Pool Cowenup Brook Cowenup Pool Cranbrook Cullamallup Lagoon Cundiup Pool Cybelup Swamp Doris Haynes Memorial Park Dujemerrup Pool Eastlynnel Echo Downs Emu Plains Fairfield Frankland Golf Club Frankland River Frankland River Primary School Franklands Fransell Park Garinga Geekabee Downs Geekabee Hill Glen Oaklands Glenburn Glendale Glenrowan Gnowangerup Golf Club Gold Hole Creek Gordon River Gracefield Graydon Greenvale Gunwarrie Hallyard Hartville Homebush Homevale West Illtamurra Kareela Karendale Kendenup West Killarney Killoggy Knowle Hill Koonje Koonje North Kualadale Kybelup Lake Carabundup Lake Crawford Lake Katherine Lake View Little Poorrarecup Lagoon Long Gully Lower Frankland Luscombe Lyndon Lynlea Mangelup Mason Downs Milang Minyara Mongelup Nature Reserve Mongelup Pool Monte Verde Moorillup Murdellup Lagoon Murraningup Pool Mystic Park Nonalup Pool Noonijup Norla Nukennullup Lake Nunijup Lake Nymbur Oakleigh Olinda Ornabullup Creek Orongerup Swamp Over Ridge Paul Valley Peach Hill Pinjalup Creek Poolyup Pool Poorarecup Purpareena Quenby Holme Raesbrook River Hill Robindale Rockhole Dam Rockhole Dam Nature Reserve Rocklen Round Pool Ruthven Ryan Brook Ryansbrook Sandstone San-Mateo Shalimar Sholom Slab Hut Bridge Slab Hut Gully Southern Glen Sundowner Ranch Tambellup West Te-Anaa Teeteenyup Swamp Tenterden Tepinga West The Homestead The Ranch Toni Willows Toolyup Spring Tootanellup Lagoon Towerlup Brook Trollup Hill Tunney Tunney Creek Twongkup Nature Reserve Uannup Brook Uannup Pool Wagelup Hill Waichalup Wancoona Wanwindup Wanwindup Gully Warongerup Warrenup Warrenup Nature Reserve Warrenup Swamp Warungup Brook Waudelillup Waudelillup Swamp Weinteriga Westcup Wingewelup Pool Winton Park Wonnenup Wonnenup Brook Wonnenup Pool Worrongerup Swamp Wyndermere Yantecup Spring Yarrabee Yarrabin Downs Yarralena Yarranbah Yarranup Pool Yarrawina Yeriminup Hill Yongarup Cold Hole Creek Haynesdale Walbelup Swamp Warriup Warrinup Swamp Teetenup Swamp Frankland Ooranggatup Swamp Worrangerup Swamp Nuniup Lake Lake Nuniup Poorrarecup Lagoon Tootanallup Lagoon Mollyallup Lake Mollyalup Lake


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