GA 2328 – Denmark on Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Denmark Amarillup Swamp Amerillup Amerilup Amuri Creek Angus Downs Annie Harrison Park Araluen Arinuna Avonleigh Barlina Bennett Range Bird Rocks Blairnairn Blue Lake Boronia Lake Boyitup Bream Rocks Brenton Brookbank Brookdale Farm Brooklyn Park Bryn Avon Camballup Camballup Pool Camlup Swamp Chatswood Cherryup Cheyenne Chuturullup Cleerillup Creek Coonawarra Coranup Park Crusoe Beach Crusoe Island Cudduarup Cuppup Creek Cuppup Island Denbarker Denmark Aerodrome Denmark Baptist Church Denmark Country Club Denmark Dam Denmark Estate Denmark High School Denmark Primary School Denmark River Drake Creek Effiedale Fairview Falls of Forth Fern Lake Forest Hill Four Winds Girrawheen Glen Beigh Glenellerup Glenmere Golden Hill Golden Hill Stenier School Hallowell Hampton Park Happy Valley Harewood Hay Hay River Hay River Beach Highbury Fields Hillview Honeymoon Island Hopson Reserve Horkinup Creek Illalangi Irwin Park Jacks Island Jeddiup Jindabine Jumbo Rocks Kalyan Kamondee Farm Karkawarri Karri Point Karriup Kellara Kenkarri Kent River Kentdale Kimberley Kockellup Spring Kompup Creek Kookaburra Farm Kordabup Kwoorabup Community Park Kwornicup Kwornicup Lake Kwornicup Lake Nature Reserve Lake Molyelup Lake View Dairy Park Lindimar Little Rabbit Island Little River Little River Rocks Lynwood Makoyup Creek Mandalay Marydale Mehniup Hill Mehniup Nature Reserve Melingup Swamp Merdeperup Creek Mereworth Millars Creek Millers Basin Mineral Point Mitchell River Moorilla Morley Beach Morley Hill Motel Point Mount Hallowell Reserve Mount Leay Mount Lindesay Mount Mcleod Mount Romance Mount Shadforth Mount Shadforth Nature Reserve Munro Marsh Park Murray Valley Narracoopa Farms Ngogunillup Swamp Ngoongarup Swamp Nile Creek Norup Nukenulup Oakwood Owingup Pardelup Pardelup Hill Pardelup Lagoon Pardelup Nature Reserve Pardelup Prison Farm Parryville Paul Creek Paynes Bay Pelican Island Pelican Point Pelican Spit Penelup Farms Penmore Perillup Perillup Estate Perillup Well Petersfield Pine Lodge Poisson Point Porpoise Rocks Quickip Dam Quickip River Quindabellup Well Quindinillup Rabbit Island Raintree Rockdale Rockvale Rocky Glen Rocky Gully Rudgyard Rudgyard Beach Sargent Creek Scotsdale Scotsdale Brook Shadforth Sidcup Sleeman River Snowdrift Somerby Somerset Hill Springdale Springdale Beach Springvale Star Rock Strawberry Farm Styx River Swan Rock Table Hill Tealedale Teddington The Clear Hills The Dene The Glen The Ranch The Reef The Springs Tidy Town Park Tootanellup Nature Reserve Tudor Tundra Twitcham Uralla Bouverie Vulcan Downs WA College of Agriculture Denmark Wabdallah Wamballup Wamballup Nature Reserve Wamballup Swamp Weraroa Westfield White Rock William Bay Wilpuna Park Wilson Inlet Woodbridge Woonanup Swamp Yallambee Youngs Spit Mollyallup Lake Mollyalup Lake Lake Kwornicup Pay Creek Mokoyup Creek Millars Basin Quickup River Mehniup Owingup Swamp McLeod Poison Point Porpoise Rock Kordabup River
Title | Paper, Laminated |