GA 2428 – Mount Barker Supply
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
Mount Barker 19 Mile Swamp Aberfeldy Akora Albany Aerodrome Albany Secondary Ed Support Centre Angwin Park Angwin Peak Arbroath Arcadia Arizona Athelston Avalon Avonlea Ayhill Farm Bakers Junction Bakers Junction Nature Reserve Bannister Hill Baringup Barrett Meadows Bates Peak Bayonet Head Becker Park Bella Vista Belleair Ben Haven Bendy Creek Blue Gum Creek Blue Gum Creek Nature Reserve Bolganup Bolganup Creek Bolganup Dam Bon-Accord Boonawarrup Creek Boronia Creek Bovell Square Brackleigh Bramfield Breaksea Park Brianti Brigadoon Brockdale Brown Water Well Bryzel Estate Buffalo Burnside Candyup Carbarup Carbarup Hill Caronia Castle Rock Chateau Barker Chergugup Creek Chorkerup Chorkerup Farm Cli-An Ville Clover Downs Cockatoo Creek Collier Park Collier Peak Collingwood Heights Collingwood Park Connemara Downs Cooinda Aboriginal Pre-School Corangamite Craddock Downs Crystal Brook Daniels Reserve Deadman Gully Denmore Stud Devils Slide Dockers Hill Donkey Pool Dookie Downs Drome Dymesbury Park Eatondale Egypt Estate Elbow Island Eldorado Emu Beach Emu Point Eulup Fern Ridge Flinders Park Primary School Floradale Gaalgegup Gaalgegup Creek Gamerigg Gibraltar Rock Glen Candy Glen Echo Glen Onie Glencoe Glentor Gnoongak Swamp Gomm Recreation Park Great Southern Region Green Acres Green Island Green Valley Greenvale Greycotes Farm Greystones Hale Halls Rock Happy Days Harton South Hawksbury Hay River Estate Hayward Park Hayward Peak Hilldale Hillview Hull Park Jacaranda Park Jarrahdale Jeda Mia Jeeleunup Gully Jellicoe Johnson Cove Johnston Creek Kaimerndyip Lake Kalgan Downs Kalgan River Kalgan River Golf Course Kalwinyarna Kamballup Kangarabbi Karatangi Karribank Karrivale Keaysdale Keiarra Kendenup Kiah Killarney King River Kiriwina Koetong Koiamip Kokokup Lake Koolbardi Koonalda Kurrabi Kywonga Lake Barnes Lake Don Lake Erie Lake Eyrie Lake Mowilyilip Lake Nyandyeetup Lake Yellanup Lakeview Lange Lange Park Langton Little Chorkerup Little Napier Creek Lower Kalgan Bridge Lower King Lower King Bridge Luke Pen Walk Lynella Manilldra Manilya Manurup Valley Manyat Peak Marbelup Marbelup Nature Reserve Mardale Marmabup Rock Mcgonnell Park Mckail Mckail Lake Mckail Well Meadowvale Meeregip Spring Meergarnup Spring Meriwarbelup Pool Merriup Creek Merryup Midway Mill Brook Mill Brook Nature Reserve Millbrook Millbrook Downs Millbrook Farm Millinup Millinup Pass Milpara Mindyegillup Creek Mira Flores Mitchell Spring Moolabar Moolagup Waterhole Moonaralla Moorilup Moorilurrup Lake Morande Lake Morgans View Mostyn Mount Barker Baptist Church Mount Barker Community College Mount Barker Estate Mount Barker Golf Club Mount Barrow Mount Boyle Mulikup Munaleeun Mungalip Mungrup Murern Farm Murray Field Nancy Peak Napier Napier Creek Napier Downs Napier Hall Napundyip Narpanup Golf Club Narpunup Creek Narpyn Narrikup Narrikup Brook Native Dog Well Neejoo Newlands Nindiup Norn Creek Norna Creek North Albany Senior High School Northwood Nunarrup Lagoon Nyapeelyup Hill Oaklands Ocnay Old Barrack Spring Ongerup Lagoon Ooranggatup Creek Orup Creek Orup Downs Oyster Harbour Oyster Harbour Baptist Church Parker Bay Parker Brook Paulyunerup Brook Peeralup Gully Peerambup Creek Pendeen Pennedale Phillips Brook Phillips Brook Nature Reserve Pleasant View Point Henty Point Woore Ponderosa Poplars Porongurup Porongurup Estate Porongurup National Park Porongurup Range Quandenup Lagoon Quangellup Quangelup Creek Quaradup Gully Quechinup Swamp Red Hill Redmond Redmond West Revett Brook Ringbolt Rock Riverdale Riverview Country Club Rocky Crossing Santa Maria Seventh Day Adventist School Shackerston Shalimar Sheepwash Creek Sheepwash Creek Nature Reserve Shell Bay Sherwood Silverdale Sleeman Sleeman Creek Sleeman Creek Nature Reserve Sounness Park South Kokokup Spearwood Gardens Spencer Park Spencer Vale Springfield St Werburghs State Forest No. 64 Stirling View Summerly Suncal Park Sunnyside Sunnyvale Sussex Barn Swan Point Takenup Taurus Tera-Mar The Chaparral The Pass The Pines The Wesley Maley Reserve Tingelup Gully Townsend Tumbalea Turramurra Twin Peaks Twow Swamp Twow View Ungerup Upper Kalgan Bridge Upper King Bridge Vale of Kalgan Voyagers Park Walls Summit Walmsley Wandarri Wansbrough Walk Warraga Warrenup Warrenup Swamp Wattle Hill Wattlelands Werillup West Texas Westbourne White Gums White Island Whyalla Wicklow William and Anne Gibb Park Willinga Willyung Willyung Creek Willyung Hill Windside Wolaroi Woodburn Woodlands Woodlands Farm Woogenellup Woogenilup Woogenilup Pool Wyecombe Wyncrest Farms Wyndi Wyndi Wyoming Yakamia Bridge Yakamia Creek Yallingup Brook Yamballup Creek Yannerlip Swamp Yaralinga Yaralla Yarrenyungrip Yellanup Yirri West Young River Yungup Mollyallup Lake Mollyalup Lake Carburup Hill Kaitmerndyip Lake Katmerndyip Lake Katmerndyip Salt Lake Gaalgugup Creek Plantagenet Shire Lake Ongerup Porongorup Porongorups Porongurups Porongorups National Park Porongurup Ranges National Park Pwakkenbak Mowilyilip Lake Marmabup Peak Twin Peak Porongurups Range Porongorup Range Yellanup Lake Mount Mitchell Dry Brook Twelve Mile Brook Gidley Brook Marbellup Ringbolt
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