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GA 3236 – Kanowna Online


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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.

At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.

Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.

Locations within this Map

10 Mile Dam 2 Mile Dam 22 Mile Dam 33 Mile Tank 4 Corners Bore 4 Mile Hill 6 Mile Dams 6 Mile Mine 6 Mile Waterhole Associated G. M. Mine Balagundi Balagundi Dam Balagundi Well Bennet Dam Billabong Dam Black Hill Dam Blue Gap Mine Blues Dam Bodgie Dam Boner Dams Boorara Boorara Hill Boulder Perseverance Mine Boundary Dam Brown Hill Brown Knob Bullock Holes Bullock Holes Timber Reserve Bulong Bulong Dam Canyon Dam Centre Loftys Dam Chaffers Mine Clinker Hill Cohen Swamp Cohen Swamp Dam Common Dam Cone Dam Corner Dam Corsair Mine Digger Dam Dingo Dam Dog Dam Duplex Hill East Rock Dam Edwards Mine Eldonna Dam Emu Dam Emu Plains Falkiner Dam Feysville Feysville Tank Fimiston Forestry Dam Foxs Find Mine Garibaldi Garibaldi Mine Gnamma Hole Dam Goddarbie Hill Goddard Dams Golden Horseshoe Mine Golden Ridge Golden Valley Mine Government Dam Grave Dam Great Boulder Mine Green Harp Mine Grunts Dam Gum Tree Dam Gumbulgera Hill Half Way Dam Half Way Dams Hamilton Mine Hampton Hampton Hill Hannan Lake Hannans Star Mine Harper Lagoon Harry Dam Headley Dam Headquarters Tank Hill End Hit Or Miss Mine Home Rule Dam Home Rule Swamp Homestead Dams Iron Duke Mine Ironstone Dam Ivanhoe Mine Juglah Juglah Rock Kalgurlie Mine Kanowna Kanowna Consol Mine Kanowna Dam Kanowna Red Hill Mine Kenty Dam Lake Gwynne Lake Penny Lake Perkolilli Lake View Mine Lakeside Timber Reserve Lakewood Lakewood Lagoon Dam Leaky Dam Leo Dam Lily Australis Mine Lonely Dam Louis Dam Majestic Majestic Dam Majestic Mine Majestic Swamp Majestic Timber Reserve Menzies Tank Middle Mine Dam Morelands Find Mine Mount Bellew Mine Mount Gwynne Mount Hunt Mount Magnetic Mount Monger Dam Mount Shea Mount Yindarlgooda Mount Youle Mybitt Dam New North Boulder Mine Noonan Dams North Dam North Lead Mine North White Feather Mine Olly Dam Olly Swamp Oroya South Mine Our Swamp Our Swamp Dam Parkeston Patch Dam Penglaze Dam Penny Dam Pennys Find Mine Peppertree Dams Perkolilli Perkolilli Dam Plains Dam Presleys Tank Queen Lapage Mine Queen Margaret Mine Quondong Dam Red Bluff Gully Red Lake Reef Four Tank Reidy Swamp Reidys Bankup Dam Rest Dam Robinson Mine Rocky Dam Round Dam Sampson Dam Scotch Star Mine Separation Tank Shallow Dam Sheep Dam Simplex Hill Slate Dam South Boulder South Kalgurlie Mine Stoneville Stumpy Dam Sudden Jerk Sudden Jerk Mine Tank Dam Taurus Taurus Dam Taurus Gnamma Hole Telephone Dam Three Gates Yard Top Swamp Trafalgar Trans Dam Twin Tanks Useless Dam Victory Dam Virgin Dam Wattle Dam White Feather Main Reefs Mine White Feather Reward Mine White Gate Dam Willow Dam Wombola Wombola Dam Wombola Mine Woods Dam Yallurnie Lake Yindarlgooda Carr Boyd Rocks Mount McLeay Arrow Lake Twenty-two Mile Dam Six Mile Waterhole Penny Lake Four Mile Hill Six Mile Mine Jubilee Lake Parkeston Station Cumbulgera Gumbulgera Ten Mile Dam Mount Gledden Lake Yindarlgooda Two Mile Dam Kamballie Yallurnie Waterhole Golden Ridge Station Six Mile Dams Juglan Rockhole Goddarbie Mount Monger Mount Munger


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