GA 2529 – Borden Online Sale
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This Topographic Map is produced by Geoscience Australia; Australia s national geospatial organisation.
GA topographic maps (many of which are produced in partnership with the Army) are generally older than those maps produced by the State Governments over the same area. This makes GA maps particularly useful for identifying historic features, such as old mines and diggings.
Geoscience Australia maps generally considered to be more pleasing in design and compilation then the more modern State Government productions.
At this scale, 1cm on this map represents 1km on the ground. A standard map (which is square) covers an area of approximately 54km by 54km, with a contour interval of 20m. This map contains natural and constructed features including road and rail infrastructure, vegetation, hydrography, contours, localities and some administrative boundaries.
Please note the date of the map, as this will impact the currency of information, particularly regarding infrastructure, roads, etc.
2 Mile Lake 6 Mile Creek Allen Creek Allen Dale Amelup Amelup Spring Arrino Arthurs Knob Baker Spring Bakers Knob Barunga Beaumont West Beetle Rock Blue Hills Bluff Knoll Borden Borden Golf Club Borden Primary School Byangerup Creek Callinup Spring Cambawarra Camel Lake Nature Reserve Carinya Cheridup Chester Pass Coogarnup Well Coomaldannerup Coromup Creek Coyanarup Peak Daniel Well Dedatup Brook Devils Gully Devils Soak Draper Hill Ellen Downs Ellen Peak Eurabin Gidgelbetarbup Creek Gidgie Gidjeebadarlabup Creek Glainorie Glen Allen Glen Ellen Glen Turret Glenelg Glenisla Gnowellen Gold Holes Greaves Hill Gull Creek Halls Grave Inglebourne Isongerup Peak Jackitup Creek Jawaro Kaipanwymburup Kareelan Kebaringup Kebaringup Creek Kebaringup Well Kechup Soak Kijitarrabing Well Killesby Klazina Kojaneerup Kojaneerup Spring Kojaneerup Swamp Kokarinup Kooyong Kyanorup Eminence Kyarup Creek Kybelup Pool Kylabumerup Creek Laurier Long Creek Mabinup Creek Magitup Mailalup Maileeup Creek Maileeup Pool Martacup Creek Martacup Soak Martaquin Creek Mianelup Pool Moingungup Swamp Moingup Spring Moir Hill Mongup Moolyerrup Pool Moongoongoonderup Hill Mount Hassell Mount Success Mount Trio Mungerup Nalyerlup Nalyerlup Creek Nalyerlup Spring Narrindup Creek Night Rock Well Niliamongup Niliamongup Creek Niliamongup Soak Ninterup Creek North Stirlings Oakdale Ongarup Creek Owen Dale Paper Collar Clays Paper Collar Creek Peak View Peedillup Creek Peedillup Spring Peenebup Peenebup Creek Peenebup Spring Pendalup Pendalup Spring Petersham Pillenorup Swamp Pulingup Spring Pyungoorup Peak Quarderwardup Lake Quarderwardup Spring Quorbandanoongarup Pool Rhonda Vale Rout Rumbalara Salisbury Salt Creek Sandalwood Seymour Slab Well Stirling Range Stirling Range National Park Tank S The Arrows Toll Peak Toolbrunup Peak Toompup Warperup Creek Warperup Spring Warrungup Wedge Hill West Myrup White Water Soak Wirra Woolaganup Woolaganup Creek Wymburup Yardup Yardup Creek Yarra Downs Yarrabee Yarrawee Yolmumup Yungermere Peak Gnowangerup Creek Gidgelberarbup Creek Kent Shire Mailecup Creek Nardup Creek Six Mile Creek Narpunup Creek Martaquinup Creek Ninrerup Creek Dedarup Brook Graves Hill Papa Colla Creek Warrungup Hill Pyungoorup Coyanarup Isongerup Andrew Hill Castle Peak Toolbrunup Yungermere Two Mile Lake
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